
Others have got the offer again, this time from Ant Financial. Next, I will share my experience of interviewing big factories with you. I hope it will be helpful to you and I also hope to pay attention to and support xiaobian

Delivery skills:

Push in. There’s only one technique called push in. If you do not have channels, education and general, can cool cool. It is recommended to add the blogger’s communication group, which can be pushed from time to time.

Written examination preparation:

Only brush topic, brush topic content details below.

Interview preparation:

  • Your knowledge structure
  • Your communication skills
  • What you know about the company
  • How well you handle the project
  • Your extended thinking
  • The breadth of your attention

Ant Financial’s interview process

Side :(45 min 26 SEC)

1- Introduce projects, ask a bunch of projects

2- Tomcat cache, talk about the overall understanding of the cache, know how many caches

3- SQL optimization ideas, joint index and the underlying tree structure image relationship, index structure (B+, B-), why use such a structure

4- Spring’s bean lifecycle (detail), scope

5- Optimistic pessimistic lock design, how to ensure atomicity, solve the problem

6- READ your blog, explain lucene principle, inverted index, how to Chinese word segmentation, based on what word segmentation

7- How did you design the system cache, why, what scenario

8- Java basics, you will roughly say the collection, IO, multithreading understanding of it.

9- Introduce the department

Second interview :(43 minutes, 10 seconds)

To introduce myself

1- Tell me what stood out most about the project. How did you design, what was your role and design process, what were the problems you encountered and how did you solve them?

2- What do you mean by SQL optimization and how do you do it? I asked do you need to elaborate on the execution plan? No need.

3- Have you seen the Java source code or open source framework source code? I said: Yeah. Interviewer: : What have you seen?

I said: Such as Spring, a series of collection classes in the JDK, most of the source code under the JUC package, MyBatis source code and so on

4- What is your study plan for yourself? Well, I’ve been studying distribution. Interviewer: Oh? How did you learn it? What did you learn?

That’s a bunch of distributed stuff

5- Do you have any questions for me?

Three sides :(15 mins 35 secs)

1- Project a function, what is the function point, why encapsulation, what is the performance bottleneck problem, talk about the solution

How do you upgrade your system

2- topN large data volume problem

3- Why choose Alibaba over Baidu and Tencent

It’s only been 15 minutes. I thought it was cold

Four sides :(40 mins 32 secs)

1- Introduce yourself

2- What advantages do you have compared with your peers? What is the case to prove it

3- Do you have any case to prove that you like new things?

4- What impressed you most about the project? Give you what growth? case

4- Work place requirements??

5- Internship time?

6- What do you want to ask me?


Ali pays a lot of attention to your understanding of the source code, your understanding of what you’re learning, what you’re using, and your understanding of the project. So next in order to interview for large factories, xiaobian and to share information

Collect interview materials: follow the public account below to obtain them