1. AI must be seen in relation to security (visual relation to security)

With the increase of system autonomous decision-making, the demand of visualization is more and more. As system complexity, interconnectedness and autonomy increase, new forms of visualization are essential for safe and efficient operation and control automation systems. An argument raises a question.

  • What is an autonomous decision system? From the single flow control to the development of AI to decompose the output of the autonomous decision system.
  • How to control the autonomous decision system? Control autonomous decision making system through visual form. From single interactive display to multi-dimensional visualization interactive display.

Summarize this AI decision after being seen

  • Ability to communicate complex information quickly.
  • Existing patterns in the data or relationships between multiple pieces of data are revealed by the states that are seen and displayed. To identify potential patterns.
  • Detect errors and abnormal data in time to achieve quality control

2. Theoretical form of situation visualization

State/general state, trend/development trend. Past practice has proved that humans can no longer control the overall situation when a certain amount of data is reached. After grasping a certain amount of data, abstract data can be presented in multidimensional graphics and images to help people identify and analyze them.

Traditional visualization (low dimensional pie chart, single time section) ~ posture visualization form (multi-dimensional)

  • What is — multidimensional data visualization showing higher data dimensions and system trends

  • How — and most importantly, data structuring, converting raw data into design data

  • Case – application of security intelligent system situation visualization case

3. The role of intelligent system situation visualization

  • What happened in the past
  • What kind of impact will it have
  • Why this effect

Generally speaking, a picture is worth thousands of words, visualization of auxiliary data, to let people see efficiently, get the output results. After combining the concept of AI big data, the situation visualization can not only be applied to the security intelligent system, to more intuitive prediction trend to give decisions, can have more accurate prediction and judgment of the future development trend.