Time flies, in the middle of June, it is time to sum up the precipitation.

Stop today to rest, tomorrow to faster on the road.

Step by step forward, steadfast, like the dragon ball warriors, constantly practice, constantly become stronger!

Be your own dragon

Memorabilia of the first half year

  • Beijing house decoration
  • PHP turn to Go
  • Change your job


  • Thoughts on how to make more money
  • And have to
  • Year-end target

PHP turn to Go

I also can be called full-stack development, 15 years into the industry, when entering the industry to do Android development for 2 years, and then under the leadership of the boss to do PHP development, 3 years +, until today.

I was not very busy with work before the Chinese New Year this year. I found that Go is a very good language. Learning Go with the little genius of our company was also a very interesting learning experience.

I wrote an article specially to thank the little genius for my study of Go, which will not be repeated here. Interested students can have a look at this article review my Go learning | Go on topic

During the Spring Festival, we used Go to write a special activity. Go naturally supports high concurrency, which makes it easier for us to resist concurrency pressure.

Because of the good effect of the Spring Festival activities, the boss of the Lantern Festival arranged us to do a wave of activities. We took this opportunity to take the Go language a step further.

Later, a project opportunity based on the idea of RPC was used to realize the mutual call between GO and PHP.

New requirements were implemented, scenarios with concurrent requirements were implemented using Go, and existing projects continued to use PHP.

My active study of Go also helped me get the offer of a new job.

Change your job

I have been working in the new company for 1 month and 20 days.

Of course, a friend recently asked me how my new job is going.

See, here’s the answer:

In addition to tired, the harvest is pretty big.

The progress of technology is mainly reflected in the progress of programming ideas and the change of programming habits.

Before, I was a solo player, influenced by my previous leadership. His philosophy was agile development. In his words, “Requirements will change, so just do it, take small steps along the way, iterate the code.”

However, my current leader’s influence on me is: “Of course, simple needs can be directly used. But complex requirements must be understood, and constantly abstract, to understand what is high cohesion, or it may be difficult to maintain later.”

(Before floating on the surface, hands more than brain; At present, I am forcing myself to think more and think more. I am still in the adaptation stage.

By the way, my new boss is tough.

Those of you who are interested in me changing jobs can read this article and I won’t repeat it. Analyse the back-end engineer how tencent T4 bosses in a night ~ | learn this weekend

More about their own progress summary we can see in this article a month both tencent T4 bosses and I learned what | learn this weekend

Write something different for each article.

Here’s what’s new:

To buy a house decorate

I bought the house in Beijing, isn’t it very powerful, ha ha.

Decoration is really a bother laborious thing, bingzhe “high return” guiding ideology. In addition to the decoration itself, I also improved my aesthetic appreciation and exercised my ability to deal with all kinds of people, including reasonable and unreasonable people.

With this experience I found, or do our Internet this line of good people ah, I did not choose the wrong industry!

I am going to put together an article about buying a house and decorating a pit.

Must dry goods output!

Thoughts on how to make more money

This part is the dry goods, I am a real person, don’t just talk about ideals with me, let’s start talking about money.

I repeated why can buy a house in Beijing, the core reason lies in the following:

  • Job security (5 years without interruption of social security and found a new job quickly even if you quit naked)
  • Earn a lot of
  • Spend a few

[Job stability] is the economic foundation, which determines the superstructure, and determines whether you can have confidence to buy a house in The Capital and pay down payment, and then you have to pay a decent mortgage every month.

No discussion, my principle is to save a little and spend a lot. Spend what’s right and do what’s right.

How did you make a lot of money

First of all, the base salary is not low, and there is performance review and year-end bonus.

Secondly, I am not lazy. In my spare time, I will study some dark arts (new technology), make some new friends and take some private jobs.

Let’s focus on the experience and some thoughts of taking a side income from private work

A change in thinking

In the last two years, I earned about 200,000 + by private work, which did not affect my normal work at all.

My colleagues did not feel that I was taking personal work, because my personal work did not affect the progress and quality of my own work.

Being driven by the desire to buy a house changed my thinking and attitude.

Motivation and efficiency increase dramatically when there is ambition and desire.

Private projects are basically introduced by friends, and only think good projects are done after screening.

The way to promote projects is basically teamwork. I will find reliable friends to work on projects together, and I will even drive different teams to promote different projects at the same time.

To do this, finding the right people is crucial.

I am responsible for server-side development and project management, which I am good at. Product, design, client, test will find reliable friends to do together.

I have a big change on the issue of taking private work. I was disgusted with taking private work two years ago:

One reason was that I was too busy at work. Second, because of laziness, I think private work can not earn much money, waste energy.

What made me turn to private work?

During that period, I realized that our projects had reached the ceiling and there was no greater challenge.

To learn new and better technologies, it was a good idea to practice through commercial projects, so I decided to take a private job.

New personal projects, using new technologies that I’m interested in.

After the concept change, I will pay more attention to the technology group, operation group, product group and so on, of course, there are pigbajie such platforms, will also seek friends to actively ask, to find some better projects.

(Definitely not to reject all, to have the ability to screen projects. Otherwise, you’re likely to waste your energy and not get the balance.)

One of the more enjoyable projects I worked on was a little program I did at home with friends last year during the pandemic. It will take about 2 months and cost about 80,000 yuan. Not only did they make fast money, but they also took advantage of the opportunity to systematically use the new features in the new version of Laravel.

When a friend of mine heard about my experience, he said, “Why don’t you quit and take a job? I can make so much money! It’s more than I make working for the company.”

I think it’s not safe to do this:

First of all: It’s not always possible to get the right job

Second: this kind of private work to earn fast money after all is small money, because can find a person to do private work of the project is certainly not a big project, are from 0 to 1 small projects.

Finally: This type of small project doesn’t have the opportunity to do complex scenarios like high concurrency, technology improvement is limited, and CRUD can only be repeated.

Worryingly, although the private sector can apply and become familiar with new technologies to a certain extent, technological progress is still limited.

So what’s the next step?

Willing to give up, give up to have.

After this experience, I think I have to practice my internal skills hard, go to big factories or relatively large companies to practice, improve my programming ability, and transform from the short and fast working mode to solve the sophisticated technical difficulties.

For example, solving complex business scenarios such as high concurrency is the easiest and most effective way to make more money.

It’s not a long – term solution.

So how to learn, apply, precipitate new technology?

I think community sharing is a good idea.

Thoughts on the technology community

Can speak out to let others understand and recognize the technical points, they must have mastered.

When it comes to sharing with the tech community like gold mining, my view is:

When I make my own summary, I share it with the community, and the community gives me timely feedback. I can be more motivated to continue to output, continue to precipitate summary, continue to cycle forward.

In addition to colleagues and classmates, most of the information in the Internet circle comes from the community.

One of the major changes this year was to shift from being a consumer of community knowledge to a producer of community information.

Change from passive input to active output. It’s a nice change.

Creation is not difficult, but continuous high-quality creation is difficult.

Set a flag for the end of the year

  • Hard work: master high concurrency solutions, master the use of K8S, proficient in Go language, use reasonable solutions to refactor existing projects, such as RPC + PHP + Go

In the second half of 2021, just plough, don’t ask for harvest. Focus on making money and focus on internal work.

Nuggets brothers, make it work, make progress together, ollie!

The nuggets years | 2021 theme activities I grow half of the campaign is under way on the road…