
Hello, I am JsonChao, focusing on building the underlying ability growth system of Internet people

How to become a truly disciplined person?

1. What is self-discipline?

True self-discipline is the ability to restrain oneself from the thoughts of “not disciplining”. A strong heart, not always firm, never waver, but in the tendency to weaken the choice of confrontation, TA is in the process of growing stronger.

2. How to become a truly disciplined person? Try these 4 tips at 👇 :

1) It is better to have a long pain than a short one

When faced with the temptation of procrastination, laziness, and indulgence, the choice is not between pleasure and pain, nor between “long-term happiness” and “present happiness.” It’s a choice between long pain and short pain.

For example 🌰 : if we choose to practical learning, it means to temporarily give up entertainment, accept the short-term pain; If you choose to play a video game, after a short indulgence, you condemn yourself for not wanting to make progress and indulge in a long period of pain.

2) Reverse thinking

The daily pursuit of moderation and self-discipline, however, can not control themselves, and will make all kinds of retaliatory compensation, and then start a vicious cycle, all the previous work is wasted.

Giving up self-discipline at certain times makes you more disciplined.

For example, ON Saturday, I would force myself to go out and eat and drink too much, and never study at all. But in fact, on the way and in many spare moments, I could not help picking up my cell phone to study the course, summarize my thoughts and take notes, so that I could stay a little ahead of the plan

3) Use heteronomy to get us on track

“Other rules” are mandatory external constraints, such as signing up for marathons if you want to get into the habit of running, entering the early morning clock group if you want to get up early, and paying fines if you don’t, as well as public writing, public speaking, and exposing your plans to the public 🙂

And out of a sense of “responsibility to others,” we do our best.

4) Switch scenes to stay productive

In our brains, there are place neurons, changes in the environment, that can activate them.

Therefore, when you feel tired or your willpower is low, you can try a different location or location, such as the library, study room.

At the same time, the psychology of “performance learning” will make you seriously play the role of self-discipline.

Because we’re more productive when we’re doing things with other people or when they’re looking on.

For the sake of “impression management,” we portray ourselves as conscientious and hard-working. For “social approval,” we look to what others have done to determine our own behavior.

3, summarize

  • 1) Pain, or more pain.
  • 2) Force yourself out of self-discipline on Saturday.
  • 3) Use heteronomy to get us on track.
  • 4) Switch scenes to stay productive.

Second, how to reduce the rejection and aversion to learning, so that learning becomes relatively pleasant?

1. Use peak-end law effectively

Daniel Kahneman, a 2002 Nobel Prize-winning psychologist, came up with the Peak-End law: how people feel about everything, everything and everyone is determined by two factors: peak value and end value.

The peak is the highest point in the experience, both positive and negative, and the end is how you feel at the end of the experience.

While studying in general is boring, there is always a subject or task that you enjoy or excel at.

So instead of trying to do the hard tasks all the time, you can weave in things you like or are good at.

For example 🌰, the two main things I need to do in writing an article are input and output. I really enjoy typing, reading books, reading articles, talking to people, taking paid courses, etc. However, the output is much more difficult than the input, and if the writing is not smooth, I will feel irritable; If I write for longer, I get tired and lose my train of thought. So I made it a rule to write for 25 minutes at a time, and when the time was up, even if I hadn’t finished, I would immediately stop and do the type I liked.

The two tasks switch back and forth, the whole process is almost no negative peak, and the input and output can be completed in time and efficiently.

Therefore, the difficult and easy tasks interspersed to complete, avoid the emergence of negative peak, is to let oneself in the study and work, keep happy and efficient important method.

2. Avoid negative final value

The key is to do the right amount of planning within your means.

The human brain only likes to see the immediate benefit. Therefore, we need to record our specific time use in detail and visualize our learning results, which will help us get positive feedback and a sense of achievement.

Don’t schedule too many types of tasks

Three to five things a day is a reasonable amount to avoid the psychological stress of too many types of tasks.

Focus on the process, to better get results

Forget about standards, forget about evaluations, forget about results, focus on doing things and enjoy the process.

To some extent, learning can be made relatively pleasurable by focusing on the task itself and making the effort a habit.

The development of anything and any ability is a spiraling process. You should have enough room for error for yourself and things.

5, summary

  • 1. Take advantage of the peak-end principle by interspersed hard and easy tasks.
  • 2. Make appropriate plans to avoid negative end values.
  • Don’t schedule too many types of tasks.
  • Focus on the process, to better get results.

Three, how to bid farewell to “false diligence”?

1, what is “false diligence”?

Spend a lot of time doing the easy stuff.

If your task feels easy to you, you are not in the zone of advancement. In the process of achieving your goals, you are only willing to do their own comfortable step, this is “pseudo-diligence.”

2, how to say goodbye to “false diligence”?

1) Set goals that take a jump

It’s only when you do something that makes you feel like you need to think about it, that you need to stand on your toes to overcome it.

2) Timely detection

Reading input is actually the simplest step, practice, summary, output, is the more important link. All not to detect and output for the purpose of efforts, are playing rogue.

3) Never summarize rules

You should observe, analyze and summarize how you learn, adjust and improve your methods, and consciously guide your next efforts.

You need to be “metacognitive,” that is, not only do it, but know how you did it.

4) The moral license effect to stay put

When you put some effort into a goal, or even just envision a grand plan, you tend to feel overwhelmed and feel better, and then reward yourself in an indulgent way. This is the moral licensing effect.

To avoid falling into this pseudo-diligence, we need to keep things as simple as possible and get to the point. This is the right way to start. If you do a lot of “prep” before you start, you will find that you have no energy and motivation. These “preparatory actions” do not mean that they do not need to be done, but the timing is not right, you should wait until you have a conscious desire to improve, to look for “answers” with questions, rather than looking for “answers” and then looking for “questions” 🙂

3, summarize

  • 1. The target takes a jump
  • 2. Test the results
  • 3, regular plate
  • 4. Simplify your actions

Four, how to effectively avoid wandering?

1. What is mind-wandering?

The essence of mind-wandering, the phenomenon of inattention, is that your cognitive resources are underutilized.

2. How to effectively avoid mind-wandering?

1) When listening to lectures or reading books

Extract core key sentences/words for active thinking & processing.

2) Multi-dimensional learning

Using the four different dimensions of listening, reading, meditation and reading to stimulate our brain’s sensory cells can absorb knowledge more effectively.

3) Exploratory questions

Questions draw our attention to seeking answers.

4) Train your ability to wander and refocus.

The opposite of absentmindedness is concentration. Concentration is not only the ability to focus on one thing for a number of hours, but also the ability to refocus oneself after absentmindedness. My ability to stay focused for long periods of time has been trained through the “mind-wandering – refocusing” process.

3, summarize

  • 1, extraction of keywords, active thinking processing
  • 2, listening, watching, meditation, reading multidimensional learning.
  • 3. Use exploratory questions.
  • 4. Train your ability to wander and refocus.

How to overcome procrastination effectively?

1. Five-minute start method

According to the law of inertia, changing the state is often the hardest, but maintaining it is relatively easy.

So, before you start, give yourself 5 minutes to get started. Tell yourself, “Just get through this 5 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes!” , so that you can quickly to the state of learning.

The five-minute approach works because it’s the time we spend thinking about something that really tires us more than the time we spend actually doing it.

So, what really affects action is action itself. It’s not that I can do it when I want to; I start doing it first so I can get into the state I want to do it 🙂

Always stay one step ahead of schedule

When we have the relative right not to do things, we will be more willing to pursue active doing things.

According to the Psychology of Procrastination, when there are certain things we must do, certain rules we must follow, we develop a reverse psychology. Procrastination is our reaction to being in control.

So, you need to stay a little ahead of schedule to give yourself some slack. You can go easy on your schedule, but do it fast. For example, you plan to study 1 class a day, but actually study 2 or 3 classes.

3. Alternative procrastination

If there is a harder task to complete, we are more than willing to do the relatively easy task.

Using this psychology, we can get the easy tasks done quickly while putting off the hard ones.

4, summarize

  • 1, 5-minute starting method, fast entry.
  • Always stay one step ahead of schedule.
  • 3. Use alternative procrastination and kill relatively easy tasks first.

Six, holiday a person at home how self-discipline?

1. Do your most important things first in the morning

In the morning, when your attention and energy levels are highest, prioritize the most important and difficult tasks so that the law of inertia will make subsequent tasks easier to complete.

Leave the beginning of tomorrow difficult to enjoy tonight

The night before, do 10% of the groundwork for the most important tasks for the next day to avoid procrastination when you have to start from scratch the next day.

3. Do all the tasks consecutively in a block of time

Naps, meals, 10-minute breaks per hour are fine, but be sure to avoid switching to another state, as this will eliminate the inertia you’ve been maintaining. At this point, if you want to switch back to the original inertia state, it takes a lot of force to undo the current inertia state, and more force to restart the original state. 🙂

Cheat yourself that you only need 6 hours of study a day on vacation

These six hours of deep learning time, we’re going to use it for the most important things. After 6 hours, we can do something relaxing and interesting that contributes to our study, work and personal growth, such as watching a favorite book or movie. Of course, we can also go out and play, socialize, and in the subway and fragment time, we can easily check out some of the less difficult and fun lessons 🙂

5, summary

  • 1. Do your most important things first in the morning.
  • Leave the beginning of tomorrow difficult to enjoy tonight.
  • 3. Finish all tasks continuously in the whole block of time, resulting in loss of state switch.
  • Cheat yourself that you only need 6 hours of study a day on vacation.

Seven, how to quit playing mobile phone?

First, I’m going to tell you the hard truth. It’s our nature to keep playing with our phones, not our lack of self-control.

This is because playing with mobile phones satisfies our need for fresh information. There’s a reward system in the brain that releases dopamine when it sees an opportunity to get a reward, driving us to chase the “pleasure” that might exist.

When the fact is, when playing mobile phone, at first it is very happy, but the more play more empty, more play more pain. It’s hard to really experience happiness, but we can’t stop.

1. How to avoid this situation effectively?

1) Set the time period when you can play with your mobile phone

Set times of the day when you can use your phone and be sure to use your alarm to set an expiration date.

2) When you want to play with your phone, jot it down

When you want to play with your phone, think about what you want to do first, and write them down, “write down” will give you a sense of security, you know that after completing the task, you can do what you want to do at a fixed time.

3) Replace them with good habits you enjoy

The more urgent things are, the more we will use mobile phones to escape. It is suggested to use sports, music, reading to relieve stress instead.

Learn to forgive yourself

What if you’ve been on your phone for two hours? Learn to forgive yourself and avoid the vicious cycle of breaking the pot.

2, summarize

  • 1. Set the time period when you can play with your phone.

  • 2. When you want to play with your phone, jot it down.

  • 3. Replace them with good habits you love.

  • Learn to forgive yourself.

Reference links:

  • 1. The Jungle Book
  • 2. Geek Time – How to become a good learner
  • 3. Get – How to be a productive learner
  • 4. Get – How to become a time management expert

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