I heard that Nuggets released a new browser plug-in, download the experience immediately, have some experience ideas, write out, hope to give some suggestions to the official, to bring us a better product.

Writing in the front

The following is only a personal experience, I am not a professional, just a general user experience suggestions.

First, interaction

The overall feeling

The overall sense is good, the page is simple, there is no redundant interaction, the gold digging function is fully reflected, and the skin changing function. I personally prefer the dark style, but I still think it can be optimized in the experience.

Optimization points & suggestions

  1. In the left [Technical article area], when the article type is switched, if the data return is delayed due to reasons such as poor network speed, it will be blank, affecting user experience. (As shown below)

Suggestion: Add a loading effect.

  1. In the middle [content area of third-party technology site], if you click one of the type boxes but do not select the content when switching the article search type, then click other type boxes, the selection boxes will overlap, affecting the experience effect. (As shown below)

Suggestion: When the search types appear at different times, that is, only one drop-down box is displayed, which is mutually exclusive.

  1. In the case of more pull-up loading in the right [boiling point area], if data return is delayed due to poor network speed and other reasons, the bottom will be blank, affecting user experience. (As shown below)

Suggestion: Add a loading effect.

Second, functional aspects

The overall feeling

Functions, the basic realization of the nuggets of the site functions, that is, article display, article search, article type switch, simple and clear, I feel good. But I still think we can do a little optimization.

Optimization points & suggestions

  1. In the part of [Quick Navigation], click the three points on the right to display the modify and edit buttons, but think that one line is enough to display the two buttons, there is no need to ask the user to click three points twice to display the modify and edit buttons. Added redundant user interaction actions. (See below)

Suggestion: Delete the three-point switch and display the changes and edits directly outside.

  1. The [boiling point] part on the right clearly shows the boiling point content, but there is no entry point to jump to the release boiling point. (See below)

Suggestion: Add a jump to publish boiling point page

  1. [booklet] part, I like the function of nuggets booklet, but this plug-in, the booklet seems not very friendly. There is only one entry for recommended volumes.

Suggestion: The following three functions support customization, for example, I can configure display: technical article area + third-party technical content area + booklet list, do not show the boiling point area, so as to increase the booklet a list page, give the booklet a sufficient functional area, also let the main functional area support customization display.

Write in the back

Almost, that’s all, these days I am experiencing experience, I have some ideas, and then I will add something… I hope the Nuggets get better and better and bring us a better product.