
Hello, everyone. I am a programmer born in the year 2000. Due to very special personal reasons, I have graduated and worked in the workplace for one year. In the society of nearly a year of continuous exploration, let me understand a lot of life philosophy, see through a lot of human reality. With the help of this sharing, I sorted out the following aspects of the theme content, hoping to help you in the road to excellence to avoid detdetments.

1, pay attention to the underlying basic ability

“No matter what career you take in the future and what ambition you have, you must pay attention to the study of basic knowledge. It goes hand in hand with the cultivation of basic skills and innovation ability,” said the Premier at a press conference on basic research this year. This is especially true in the IT industry, where every programmer, whether by training or not, should take the time to understand and learn the basics of computer science.

Have you ever felt that data structures and algorithms, like operating systems and computer networks, are irrelevant knowledge? Maybe not in this life, except for interviews? I used to think so, because my mind was closed until I really stepped out of the society. It was only after reading a lot of other people’s articles that I suddenly realized that this idea was wrong.

I’ll give you an example that most students will experience. When recruiting students on campus, they usually have no actual project experience and the company can only test whether their basic knowledge is solid. Not to mention social recruiting. The better the company, the more it looks at the basics of data structures and algorithms. They are more interested in your long-term potential than your short-term ability.

In recent years, many companies have developed very rapidly. Take Bytedance as an example, they have opened a large number of HCS from time to time. Some hot positions are short of people.

Here’s another example from The beauty of Data Structures and Algorithms. A tech Titan of Tencent T4, he worked in Tencent for more than 10 years before the block chain tide, and was responsible for the overall construction of mobile QQ background for a long time. He experienced the whole process of mobile QQ from birth to hundreds of millions of users online. Then he went to Webank, and one day his boss asked him to work on blockchain. It took him less than half a year to figure out the whole technical context of blockchain. Now, he is the head of blockchain at Webank and the boss of WeBank’s Technology Innovation Product Department. Awesome, don’t you say? Can you master a new field in six months? Why can he do that?

The most important thing is to have a solid foundation. He once told me that seemingly new technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence are not “new” at all. When he first learned programming, he learned all the basics. When faced with industry changes and new technologies, he constantly found that the core and essence of those so-called new technologies were actually the knowledge he had learned at the beginning. After mastering this “rule,” he learned everything quickly and any new technology quickly caught up. This is the secret of his quick learning and success.

Basic knowledge is like the foundation of a building, it determines the height of our technology, and to quickly do something, the prerequisite must be the basic ability is excellent, “internal strength” in place. At the end of this point, I would like to give you a poignant and realistic sentence: “The breadth of skills determines whether you can enter a company, while the depth of skills determines the level of offer.” It is not difficult to explain why our students can find jobs, but the salary is not very high. Therefore, students, please be sure to pay attention to the underlying basic ability!!

Learn to build your own body of knowledge

Up to now, big data is no longer a new word, and its application has been everywhere.

When I was studying in school, I only understood and used some common components in the “big data ecosystem”, and how “big data” plays a role in enterprises, and only stayed in some immature “enterprise projects”. Previously, I knew that Hadoop refers to an ecosystem in a broad sense and refers to open source components or products related to big data technologies, such as HBase, Hive, Spark, Zookeeper, Kafka, Flume… After I came out to work, I found that the world of big data was far more wonderful than I had imagined with a deeper understanding of it. Flink, the real-time stream processing engine that ali brought to the forefront in China, Presto, the open source distributed SQL query engine of Fackbook, “Kylin”, the first Apache top-level project led by Chinese people, Druid, high-performance real-time analysis database, and many Kudu, Iceberg, ClickHouse, Hudi, Cancal, to name a few. All in all, I get the feeling that a lot of technology is constantly iterating, and you need to keep your nose sharp and keep learning so you don’t fall too far behind.

And so much technology, for a beginner like me, certainly can’t digest in an instant. So how did I learn, using my subtitle “Learning to build my own body of knowledge”.

First, what is a “body of knowledge”?

The so-called “knowledge system” refers to the systematic, orderly and directional combination of a large number of but different knowledge points into a certain type of knowledge structure.

Through this knowledge structure, we can better understand some problems and solve some problems. And opposite, it is the knowledge point of fragmentation.

In other words, the “knowledge system” is like a spider’s web, which can connect different knowledge points in regular series, thus shaping our thinking mode of seeing and understanding problems. Even if we forget some of this knowledge, our ability to think independently helps us to continue working and living. Fragmented knowledge, on the other hand, can only be used to “cure headaches”, which is useless once divorced from the specific application context.

You may still be confused here, but that’s because I didn’t tell you how to actually do it.

Let’s say you want to learnData structures and algorithms, you can start by figuring out what you’re learning for, whether it’s for an interview, or just to improve your algorithms.Then you might look at various sources and draw the following graph.But then you realize, as a beginner or non-algorithm engineer, you don’t need to learn all the data structures and algorithms. After asking senior students how to deal with BAT algorithm pen questions, I decided to master the 10 data structures: array, linked list, stack, queue, hash table, binary tree, heap, hop table, graph, Trie tree; 10 algorithms: recursion, sorting, binary search, search, hash algorithm, greedy algorithm, divide-and-conquer algorithm, backtracking algorithm, dynamic programming, string matching algorithm. And then purposeful, targeted to learn, this is the process of building your own knowledge system.

Of course, the process of recommending “knowledge system” is not simple. Generally, it needs to go through the following six steps. Here, I will not expand it one by one.

Forget what you have learned, and the rest is the essence of education

American educationalist Skinner once said: “When we have forgotten what we have learned, the last thing left is the essence of education. The so-called “things left over”, in fact, is the ability of self-study, but also the ability to draw inferences from one another or self-taught.

In college life, the education we can receive is rarely job-oriented and employment-oriented. But really into the society, into the enterprise, you will find that a lot of times you can not use the little knowledge to solve. This requires us to continue to learn, to trial and error, to summarize.

During college, it is important to learn professional knowledge, but the most important thing is to learn the ability to think independently and cultivate the ability to “draw inferences from one example to another”. So that when you graduate, you’ll be ready for a world that’s changing fast.

Tell me something I do all the time. I particularly like to use the various cloud notes software, especially yuqi, which ali has been using internally. Every time I finish a project, I will write a project review under the knowledge base created by The Language Finch. It includes the whole process of the project, the specific things I have participated in, the problems I have encountered, how to solve them, and what needs to be improved and optimized. I have recorded all these in detail, on the one hand, because I think timely review can help me sort out what I have done in this stage, make the context more clear, and find the correct place for review when I need to interview in the future. In addition, it can also be used as a document, so that more want to learn, new partners to quickly understand a project.

So don’t just limit yourself to what the teacher teaches. If you close your eyes right now and think about what you’ve learned beyond your major, if you can’t think of it, it’s time to rethink.

Develop the habit of reading, output force their input

It’s important to get into the habit of reading. Most of us actually have very limited knowledge, and we need to read more to improve our knowledge. Now imagine if you could put everything you know into the form of articles. I’m sure it wouldn’t take dozens of articles to drain you dry. Of course, reading here is not for you to brush Douyin, Kuaishou such “fragmented reading” to kill time, but for you to calm down and find a quiet place to read by yourself.

List some books I have read. If it is a basic introduction to big data, I suggest reading “Massive Data Processing and Big Data Technology Combat” by Teacher Glacier, in order to get familiar with and study the complete data warehouse system. You can look at Silicon Valley’s “Big Data Analysis. Data Warehouse Project Combat”, want to in-depth study of user portraits; See Teacher Zhao Hongtian’s “User Portrait Methodology and Engineering Solutions”; If you want to know about the data center, you can read Big Data Platform and Prototype Realization by Mr. Geng Lichao. Learn how to think about architecture and what it takes to be an architect. Check out The book “Self-Training for Architects: Technology, Architecture and the Future.” For inspirational success books, I recommend “No Accident. The Head Effect of Moving a Planet”…..

To prove I’m not bragging, here are some of the books I read every day.The following is a self-help and success book I’ve been reading recently, which Chronicles the history of 21 of the biggest names on planet Knowledge.If you can’t stick to it, I suggest that you can and can force yourself to learn and enrich yourself through output.

In the early days, the teacher who taught us the big data course suggested that we could put the dry notes we sorted on the CSDN blog. At that time, many students, including me, who had never had the consciousness of blogging before, became extremely active and wrote blogs every day. But with this fresh energy in the past, many students feel that blogging is a waste of time, they will be their hard work of the “fertile ground” abandoned. I am one of the few people who believe that blogging can bring them valuable value in the long run. Now it has more than ten thousand fans and two million readers. It has also obtained the certification of quality author and blog expert in the field of official big data. These are things that are unlikely to be achieved in the short term without a long-term commitment to writing.

In addition, through continuous output, I have not only enhanced my writing skills and improved my cognition, but also helped a lot of readers, including many graduate students from universities of 985,211 and friends who have worked for many years and want to change careers and seek my advice. Maybe MY experience is not as good as theirs, but I will always try my best to help them.

If you can also do the output, over time, you will be surprised to find that their reading comprehension, writing skills have been significantly improved, and even start to have a little influence. At this time, you will certainly thank yourself, this is through reading and writing to bring you an invisible wealth, no one can take away!

Efforts to break the circle, there is poor information in the world

Most people would disagree with the idea that the world is inherently poor in information. Some people will think: now every family has a computer mobile phone, what happens in the world, I can not know for the first time! But is this really the case? In the trend of information explosion, people’s vision will become smaller and there will be the phenomenon of information cocoon.

Information cocoon house refers to the phenomenon that the information field that people pay attention to is habitually guided by their own interests, so that their life is shackled in a cocoon like a cocoon.

Once, Youzhihu Big V made a survey and collected a lot of cases. It was found that many people get information from the outside world through wechat groups and Douyin……

Imagine how terrible it is that all these people’s cognition is framed by the big V’s in wechat and Douyin, inciting your emotions and fueling your anger.

It is true that people’s energy is limited. There are many things that they may never know in their whole life, or they may know but have not mastered, but the opportunity is always there. This is the same reason that “you can never make money beyond your knowledge”. In the tide of big times, most people do not see big opportunities, few people think about the future, very few people can see through the future. Because the pattern is not enough, can only go with the flow.

The information gap can be cognition, information, resources, etc. You can even understand it as a mountain between supply and demand, blocking people who need each other.

The core of the current information revolution is to reduce the difference in information. For example, Douban gathers people who have the same taste for movies and books on a platform, so that fans and fans can discuss their favorite books and movies across geographical and time constraints. Douban did not create movies or books. What he did was to reduce the barriers for fans to communicate with fans.

Such as iQIYI video website, as content distribution channels, he better meet the needs of users to watch video, compared to television, he is a more free time, can let more rich, for the user to select block smaller, can be more effective to reduce the spread of information, so that the user can select video website will gradually replace the users can only passive accept the television station.

There are many similar examples. I just hope to make you understand that the existence of “information gap” is not terrible. What is terrible is that you are restricted by “information gap” in thinking and cognition.

I won’t go into the details here, but I can offer a few ideas.

  • Reach out to people in different fields

This is very easy to understand, just like you are a student, you are in most contact with students and teachers. At this stage, the expectation that you will be able to get more information from other circles is not very reliable. What you might need to do is get to know people in other circles, and how you do that is something to think about.

  • Try different roles

The different roles mentioned here refer to the “broken circle” in the title. Don’t limit yourself to just one identity, think that my role now is a student, my task is to learn. Then I would like to ask, when you change your identity to “code farmer”, the task is only work, when will you be free? I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I’m going to jump to the conclusion that when you become a slash-young person, and you have a lot of experience in different fields, you will be surprised to find that a cognitive world opens up, and there may be opportunities for you to strive for. And if you never try, when the opportunity does come, you can’t help but see it pass you by.

6, actively cultivate all aspects of interest and hobbies, play less or do not play games

In our fickle society, which is flooded with “junk information”, we need to learn to filter out useless information and focus our limited time and energy on things that will bring long-term value. Therefore, I suggest that in your spare time, you can actively cultivate all kinds of interests, such as what I have always been passionate about: reading and writing. Considering the nature of the Internet work, long-term sitting is bound to lead to weight gain, but also suggested that when you have nothing more health fitness, running, pay attention to the management of the figure. This is actually a kind of self-investment in a different direction, and the payoff is to have a healthier body and a better overall ability.

I am not against playing games, but I do not recommend or advocate playing games in order to achieve a state of relaxation. I used to play games a long time ago, but later I found that the thrill, the pleasure, was temporary and numbing. Just like scrolling through short videos, harvest your precious time when you’re not paying attention. When the time limit is over, you feel less fulfilled and even a little “guilty.” So I have never played league, eat chicken, completely give up the game.

You may be surprised at how much time you have to spend doing what you want to do, and how rewarding it is. For me, there is more time to read books, more time to spend writing output, more time to run my own community, communicate with readers and fans, more time to socialize, meet more outstanding people, learn from predecessors in all walks of life. If you keep at it, you’ll be enthusiastic about life, excited about the future, and more active than if you spent all your time “playing games” or “watching short videos”.

The harder you work, the better you are, modest and studious

Since I began to do “public account” last year, insist on reading, continue to output, my circle of contacts like opened a huge window. I was lucky enough to combine a lot of public account holders, but also through text links to a lot of “readers and fans” attracted by the fame. I found a common characteristic, that is, the harder they work, the more excellent they are, the more modest and studious they are. There are a lot of technical master, the quality of the article is really particularly high, update is also particularly diligent, often four or five in the morning to write articles.

The same is to do technology sharing, often can be different styles of the number of hosts to play out different patterns: some people aspire to create programming technology universe, through the way of telling stories, easy to understand the technical points will be introduced clearly; Some people like to introduce obscure algorithms clearly and thoroughly through animation + graphic method; Others are known to the public by illustrating computer networks….. Such a good number of friends have a lot of, sometimes a ratio will find themselves with other people do exist a small distance. In my opinion, if you want to continuously output high-quality articles, you must keep reading, consulting and trying behind, so I have been taking these excellent masters as my goal. There are many more experienced friends who still refer to me as “teacher” when they ask me questions. Although I am just a “small dish” who has just stepped into the workplace, I can feel everyone’s sincerity when asking questions and I am more willing to answer their questions.


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In less than a year, I can sum up the above experience, can not do without the usual habit of summarizing the review, I hope that after reading, through some of the content I share, can help yourself to complete some “transformation”, become a better yourself. Of course, THERE are a lot of things I haven’t covered in detail due to space issues, such as how to awaken the nature dormant in the comfort zone to do something worthwhile in the long run; How to focus on doing a good job without return and realize the realization of influence; How to face different circumstances, cultivate outliers, combinative thinking…. .

Finally, I would like to quote the president of Geekbang Technology and the founder of Geektime, Mr. Chi Jianqiang, to end this article:

Everyone will encounter many boundaries in life, some boundaries can be crossed, others can not. Those unbreakable boundaries are your limits, and the criteria for defining boundaries are “thresholds.” Every time you cross a threshold, the trajectory of your life changes dramatically, requiring a lot of thought and judgment until you finally find your limit.

Life is like making wine, you can’t always mix grape juice with water. Make your own cup of wine, live your life, and send your message to the world……