Author L Huang Xiaoxi

Source L Programmer Huang Xiaoxi (ID: AntCoder)

If you want to communicate, you can add my wechat account (wechat ID: john_josh, remember the purpose of the note).

The materials I provided to you before are of various types and complex content. Fans often have different needs. Some want video materials, some want e-books, and some want to watch the book after all.

In order to reduce your search cost and save your time, I have collected all the information sorted out before here. By the end of 2019, this part of the information will be the most comprehensive and complete, and you do not need to search for other information.

These materials are mainly divided into 4 parts, including 1. 10T video materials with full technical direction compiled by me; 2. My original collection (including original learning materials, job interview guide, etc.); 3. 4, I organized the Java engineer learning guide (technology GitHub repository + Java engineer technical guide PDF version)Copy the code

In addition to the materials, there are more of my opinions, experiences and thoughts. As an experienced Internet practitioner, I hope not only to bring you some dry goods and materials, but also I hope to provide you with valuable thinking and views.

Now, step by step, get to know me better, and in the process, you will learn a lot.

The following information will be sorted into the “Programmer Huang Xiaoxi 2019 Learning Materials”, just follow the wechat public number [programmer Huang Xiaoxi] and reply [2019] to get all the information, there is no other routine, it should be more conscience.

If you want to thank me, there is nothing else, pay more attention to the content of our public number, can harvest is the best, if you feel good, also hope you recommend it to your friends, students.

That could add up to more than 10 terabytes of video learning material

Because Baidu network disk is too easy to fail, so collate into cloud notes. If some links fail, you can also contact me to update.

2. Original learning materials that I spent more than a year creating and sorting out

A job interview must see series: especially for novice programmers, the student party, these contents are recommended to have the opportunity to see

Two, Java direction must see:

1, my personal blog (all about Java back-end technology stack) :

2. My GitHub (including Java Engineer learning Guide, LeetCode brush guide, etc.)

Three, for school recruit and Java learner 1. Programmers school recruit guide (analytical school, to help you with your offer)

2. Java study guide (Java learning experience, resources sharing)

3. Java programmer interview guide (about how I get a BAT and other companies offer some of the advanced interview skills, with part of the surface by the answer)

4. GitChat: BAT + programmer school recruit guide to

I hope I can grow up with you (send you an ebook)

If you want to learn more about my story, please click this link, close this is as of last year, my life experiences to

If you are a loyal reader of our official account, you can also add john_josh on wechat, and I can pull you to join our loyal reader group.

My collection of Original Articles huang Xiaoxi’s Original Articles in 2018 and 2019

These contents were later I arrange for an ebook the novice programmers uniting the road: from Java small white to alibaba engineer in addition, you can also be found in these places I zhihu:


Today’s headline:

4 Java Technology Learning Guide (GitHub Repository +PDF ebook)

This warehouse named “Java technology river lake” and my technology public number of the same name, this warehouse covers most of the Java programmers need to master the core knowledge, and strive to create the most complete and practical Java developers study guide, if you help, give a star to tell me, thank you!

Above is the screenshot of the warehouse, and below is the specific article catalog. You are also welcome to participate in the maintenance of the warehouse

Warehouse address:

Final section: Java Engineer’s Technical Guide

This is the Java engineer technical guide I recently sorted out, the basic part, mainly includes the Java engineer must master the core technology, which includes knowledge point explanation, as well as practical guidance, but also a lot of related interview questions, interview knowledge points and other content to provide you. The purpose of this series of articles is to let you better consolidate the foundation of Java, many Java engineers ignore the foundation, always hope through the interview and some interview questions to quickly, in fact, is not reasonable, I still recommend you to lay a good foundation of Java, it will be helpful to your future career development.

The Java Engineer’s Technical Guide (Laying the Foundation) has been compiled as a PDF ebook. Below are the preview screenshots

The above information will be sorted into the “Programmer Huang Xiaoxi 2019 Learning Materials”, just follow the wechat public number [programmer Huang Xiaoxi] and reply [2019] to get all the information, there is no other routine, it should be more conscience.

If you want to thank me, there is nothing else, pay more attention to the content of our public number, can harvest is the best, if you feel good, also hope you recommend it to your friends, students.