Abstract: VS Code is getting more interesting.

  • With these VSCode plugins, it’s not a dream to go to work
  • Author: GitHubDaily

FundebugReproduced with authorization, copyright belongs to the original author.

Recently I shared several VSCode paddling plugins on weibo, which made me sigh that this class of programmers are so good at playing.

Today, I will spend some time to sort out these paddling plug-ins, so that we can share with friends, happy paddling fish.


If you like 2d and anime, this plugin is for you.

This plugin allows developers to surf VSCode and get the first updates to the show.

GitHub address: github.com/deepred5/da…


When we were in school, the teacher caught us reading novels in secret. We still remember the scene, and then we learned to put a textbook cover on the novel to cover up the behavior of paddling in class.

Read -vscode-e is a plugin that feels a bit like reading a novel in class. It allows developers to read a novel while writing code on vscode.

The next time the product manager walks by, he thinks you’ve written a lot of code, and he’s embarrassed to add requirements to you.

GitHub address: github.com/my-soul/rea…


Beautiful music coupled with VSCode even more geeky.

Once installed, you can use VSCode to listen to music happily

GitHub address: github.com/nondanee/vs…


If you are afraid that the above plug-ins will become too decadent, then you might as well install vscode-leetcode plugin.

This plugin allows you to swipe LeetCode on VSCode, reminding you not to forget your favorite LeetCode while writing code.

GitHub address: github.com/jdneo/vscod…

If you have any other fun VSCode plug-ins, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section, or share them with me in a private message on GitHubDaily. This article will be updated in the future