1. Huawei Hongmeng builds the Internet of Things application framework based on JerryScript

On September 10, 2020, the official version of Hongmeng OS 1.0 was released. Facing the field of Internet of Things, Hongmeng launched the web development architecture ACE JS =

LiteOS + JerryScript + ACE JS = Web like development mode, while providing PC emulator real-time preview support;

The core of the overall development framework is JerryScript, an embedded JS engine developed by Samsung;

2. Xiaomi Vela builds the Internet of Things application framework based on JS Engine

On November 5, 2020, Xiaomi Vela was officially launched at the Xiaomi Developer Conference (MIDC 2020). “Xiaomi Vela is an Internet of Things software platform based on the open-source embedded operating system NuttX,” the official explanation reads. According to the technical architecture diagram of Xiaomi Vela, Xiaomi introduced JS Engine into its Application Framework, and also provided Gui Designer and Emulator for developers to develop applications quickly.

Specifically, Xiaomi Vela is divided into three parts:

  • At the bottom is the NuttX kernel. It provides basic OS functions such as task scheduling, inter-process communication and file system, as well as simple and efficient device drivers, lightweight TCP/IP protocol stack and power management components.
  • On top is the Vela application framework. Mainly divided into two layers, the lower is the service for the extended system and provides the general application framework, including bluetooth communication components, communication components, OTA service, local storage data services, as well as to the graphical user interface and scripting language support, the upper is primarily aimed at different Internet application and development, such as for multimedia applications, sensor application development component;
  • On the right are the developer tools. Mainly provides Logger, Auto test, Emulator, GUI related development tools.

It does not specify what the JS Engine is.

3. What is the next generation of iot platform

Gu Yaoyao, technical director of Xiaomi’s IoT Platform Department, said at the press conference that Xiaomi believes the operating system required for IoT devices should have the following characteristics:

Developer-friendly, with full consideration of code reusability and portability;

Simplify application development and provide a large number of basic components for different applications;

Don’t reinvent the wheel, apply open source kernels and give back to the open source community;

Modern programming model with modern programming language and development experience.

Xiaomi believes that common iot operating systems on the market are more limited to real-time operating systems, lack software frameworks to support iot, or lack support for the international community.

4. Who is using THE Internet of Things VIRTUAL machine JS Engine

5. What is the next generation of iot development language

We believe that with the active promotion of Huawei and Xiaomi, javascript is destined to become the next generation of Internet of Things development language;

6. What is the next generation OF Internet of Things JS Engine

7. Introduction to JS Engine rookie EVM

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