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Issue in 2014


Pull request in 2019


The trial

  1. Installation:pip install -U git+https://github.com/my8100/scrapyd.git@add_basic_auth
  2. Updating the Configuration Filescrapyd.confFor details about other configuration items, seeThe official documentation
username = yourusername
password = yourpassword
Copy the code
  1. Activation:scrapyd
In [1]: import requests In [2]: requests. Get ('').status_code Out[2]: 401 In [3]: Requests. The get (' ', auth = (' admin 'and' admin ')). Status_code Out [3] : [4] In 401: Requests. Get ('', auth=('yourusername', 'yourpassword')).status_code Out[4]: 200Copy the code
  1. Thanks to Scrapyd’s latest GitHub submission has beenThe Jobs page was refactored, if you are usingScrapydWebScrapydWeb:pip install -U git+https://github.com/my8100/scrapydweb.git

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