Issue in 2014


Pull request in 2019


The trial

  1. Installation:pip install -U git+
  2. Updating the Configuration Filescrapyd.confFor details about other configuration items, seeThe official documentation
username = yourusername
password = yourpassword
Copy the code
  1. Activation:scrapyd
In [1]: import requests

In [2]: requests.get('').status_code
Out[2]: 401

In [3]: requests.get('', auth=('admin'.'admin')).status_code
Out[3]: 401

In [4]: requests.get('', auth=('yourusername'.'yourpassword')).status_code
Out[4]: 200
Copy the code
  1. Since the latest GitHub submission for Scrapyd has reconfigured the Jobs page, if you are using ScrapydWeb to manage Scrapyd, you need to update your ScrapydWeb synchronously:

pip install -U git+

