What is microservices Architecture

To put it simply, microservices are a design style of system architecture that aims to break up a previously independent system into small services that run in separate processes and communicate and collaborate with each other through RESTful apis based on HTTP. Each of these small services is built around one or more well-coupled business functions in the system, and each service maintains its own data storage, business development, automated test cases, and independent deployment mechanisms. With a lightweight communication collaboration foundation, these microservices can be written in different languages.

Spring Cloud profile

Spring Cloud is a microservices architecture development tool based on Spring Boot implementation. It provides a simple development mode for configuration management, service governance, circuit breaker, intelligent routing, micro agent, control bus, global lock, decision campaign, distributed session and cluster state management operations involved in microservice architecture.

Chapter 1 Basics and Chapter 2 Microservice Construction: Spring Boot

Chapter 3 Service Governance: Spring Cloud Eureka

Chapter 4 client Load Balancing: Spring Cloud Ribbon

Chapter 5 Service Fault Tolerance protection: Spring Cloud Hystrix

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Chapter 6 declarative Service Invocation: Spring Cloud Feign

Chapter 7 API Gateway Services: Spring Cloud Zuul

Chapter 8 Distributed Configuration Center: Spring Cloud Config

Chapter 9 message Bus: Spring Cloud Bus

Chapter 10 Message Driven microservices: Spring Cloud Stream

Chapter 11 Distributed Service Tracing: Spring Cloud Sleuth

This 400-plus page micro services SPringCloud practice, is a rare, technology is very novel a PDF, if you can understand this book, then who dare to say that you will not micro services? Need to get this PDF for free friends please help forward + attention, and then small private letter.