Hello everyone, my name is Jun Ning, also my name, not my narcissism, my friends and colleagues call me so (lazy name 🐶), the author of WX-Promise-Pro, wechat is yang_jun_ning.

The present situation of the I

  1. Focus on: React, React Native, Node
  2. Goal: To become a full stack engineer (not a full stack engineer)

Summary of the first half year

The first half of 2020 is bound to be an extraordinary year. No matter what conversation we have, we can start with the epidemic:

  • Friend A: Has your company returned to work? Still working from home?
  • Friend B: Did you get paid on time? The company won’t go under, will it?
  • Relative: This year, due to the epidemic, no one went to a wedding, many of them were postponed.
  • Interviewer: Why did you leave your last company?
    • Me: In the education industry, I am two months overdue because of the epidemic

Overall, the immediate impact of the epidemic on me is quite large. In terms of work, if it is not unpaid wages, the probability will not leave so soon; In life, the engagement was postponed from February to the end of April…


I worked in my last company from March 2018 to May 2020. For two years, I wrote small programs, was responsible for the public account, participated in the development of background programs based on Element and VUE, developed businesses based on React Native, and worked on the architecture of React Native project. When I left, I stayed in charge of mobile terminal development and achieved the small goal of a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan.

On the one hand, he left because he was in arrears with his salary, and on the other hand, he touched the ceiling in the company. The second thing that bothers me the most is that the ceiling is so far away from my expectations. The reason why I put off job-hopping before is that I believed that the leader’s core staff would not treat me badly in the future. The long-term situation is not in line with the psychological expectation, which is irresponsible for both the company and myself. In addition, the epidemic caused the arrears of wages, which directly caused the repayment difficulties of the mortgage (I just assumed all the loans by myself before years ago). Finally, I made up my mind to leave the company where I worked for two years.

Let’s talk about my new job. I’m looking for a job in Zhengzhou, a third-tier Internet city. At the beginning, there were a lot of active greetings and responses. 9 chengdu was developed by Vue and even needed to maintain jquery project. I thought I should take the initiative to invest in React Native position, but reality hit me in the face again. The RN position in Zhengzhou was counted by two hands, and the range was 8-10K or even 4-8K. With the mentality of about to give up, I again narrowed down the scope and delivered to several companies of React technology stack, and finally achieved the goal that the salary in probation period was higher than that of the previous company.


At the beginning of April, he was engaged to his little girlfriend, and the boiling point at that time was also blessed by his friends, proving that the Nuggets are a loving and warm technical community.

Multi-picture warning !!!!!!


  1. I watched a video tutorial on Linux and wrote a hands-on Linux tutorial for front end engineers [constantly updated].

  2. Read “Docker from introduction to practice”, and write down a front-end engineer Docker learning notes [continuous update], thanks to the recommendation of the compilation of Nuggets, won a lot of traffic support.

  3. I summarized React Native development experience and output React Native project architecture view [continuously updated], React-Navigation 5.x best practices and other related blog posts, which also became the most read and liked articles among dozens of articles. Sure enough, I’m still a blue kid who can only rely on strength. There is more stock of this series yet to be released. I will continue to export when I get a new job.

  4. I have been working in the new company for two months. I have been in charge of two small mid-platform projects independently. The technology stack is based on UMiJS, which is based on DVA, ANTD and React-Router, while DVA is based on Redux. After two projects, my level remains proficient in developing business based on UMiJS. For the follow-up research source code and performance optimization has laid a foundation. I wrote a summary of my experience in UmiJS Development Tips [Continually Updated].


I am currently working in a few communities, one is GitHub, one is gold. There are no plans to mix with other communities anytime soon.

The Denver nuggets

There have been 30 blog posts since February.

Many of my friends know me from the React Native project Architecture Aspects [Continuous Updates] and React-Navigation 5.x Best Practices. Judging from the tweets, they all follow me after liking these two articles. I will continue to output cross-platform related technology sharing later.


Over the holidays, I updated wX-Promise-Pro to support TS and optimize the internal implementation. After the update, the cumulative increase is now 100star. This is a micro channel small program enhancement plug-in, years ago has been HelloGitHub 47 included, there are 20+ Github library in use, welcome to try.

And finally, my README:

Second half Vision

  1. Read React documents, videos, blogs, and source code every day to achieve React proficiency
  2. Read the Lodash source code continuously and enter a series of source code parsing articles
  3. Train your brain with an algorithm problem every day
  4. Summarize and output my React Native development experience
  5. If you can, learn about Node back-end development

The nuggets essay | 2020 years and I summarize the campaign is under way…