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We have been using ASIHTTPRequest as the network library, but since it stopped updating, there may be more problems on iOS7, so we decided to change the network library.

At present, the popular network libraries mainly include AFNetworking and MKNetworkKit. After some Google, the comparison between these three libraries is as follows:

  AFNetworking MKNetworkKit ASIHTTPRequest
Update the situation Relatively large number of maintenance and users Relatively few maintenance and users Stop updating
Supports iOS and OSX is is is
ARC is is no
Breakpoint continuingly No, but through AFDownloadRequestOperation is is
Synchronous asynchronous request Asynchronous only no is
The image is cached locally If no, use SDURLCache or AFCache no no
Images are cached to memory is is no
The background to download is is is
Download progress No, but through AFDownloadRequestOperation is is
Caching offline requests If no, use SDURLCache or AFCache is no
JSON, XML, is is no

According to the above comparison, although AFNetworking is weaker than MKNetworkKit, it has stronger scalability and more maintainers, and is superior to MKNetworkKit in the long run.

The above comparison is based on my test and check the data, if there are incorrect places also hope you point out, thank you!… \… \… \