Uni-app is a framework for developing all front-end applications using vue.js. Developers write a set of code that can be published to iOS, Android, H5, and various small programs (wechat/Alipay/Baidu/Toutiao /QQ/ Dingding) and other platforms.

This article summarizes the advantages of developing applets using UNI-App:

  1. Uni-app has the HbuilderX development tool, which is much more comfortable to write code than the small program manufacturer’s own development tools.
  2. The development tool integrates the SASS/LESS professional CSS extension language.
  3. Uni-app adds a number of useful interfaces, such as the “page communication” API, which is a great way to handle cross-window call parameter passing.
  4. Using vue. js syntax, coding is much more comfortable than applet native syntax. 1. More convenient to update views; 2. You can use the calculated properties of Vue; 3. Use Vuex.

The above four advantages are the most obvious.

It is recommended that you read the official documentation of the applet before developing with UNI-App. Understanding the applets themselves is also necessary.

By the way, I only recommend ColorUI, such as iView and Vant, which is completely not recommended. Try to use the components of small programs to write applications. The two frameworks are customized components, each component has an independent life cycle, which will greatly affect performance and experience. Moreover, the components of the applets themselves have special events and properties.

Author: Huanghe Ailang QQ: 1846492969, email: [email protected]

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