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This article is shared by product director of Activity Box in aurora Developer’s offline salon “Data-driven Product Operation”, sorted out and published by Box fungi.

In the early Internet industry, activities were operated by constantly throwing money at them. Does that mean that users participating in our activities are mercenary? In fact, each of us is a user, we think about it, we choose a product, is really covet that point of interest. Otherwise, activity operation is actually a feeling.

I. User psychology

1. User psychology from four scenarios

Before we get into that, let’s take a look at a few scenarios,

  • On average, you run three miles all day and night, you post pictures on wechat moments, but tonight you run ten miles, what do you do?
  • What do you do when you get five kills in King of Glory?
  • What do you do when you have a party with your best friends?
  • Double 11 goods 50% off, you chop hands, New Year’s day is still 50% off, will you continue to chop hands?

1) Narcissistic satisfaction

From the night run, we can get users narcissistic satisfaction of the psychological, what is narcissistic satisfaction? The word “narcissism” is not a derogatory word, from the psychological perspective it is more like a neutral word, or even a positive word. Because without narcissism, there would be no society today. Everyone is narcissistic to some extent, but if you are too narcissistic others will think you are a psychopath. There was a guy who was arrested by a traffic cop for breaking the rules. The guy said he was the rich kid of the galaxy, and if the traffic cop tried to stop his car, he would destroy the earth.

From the scene of night running, we can see that users actually have narcissistic satisfaction psychology, and the operation of activities can be carried out according to this psychology of users, so that users feel great.

2) competitive

Why do so many people like to play King of Glory? Because this game has aggression, which is the original aggression of human beings. The most primitive expression of aggression is that two people fight on the street, but this is actually illegal. In the process of our operation, we should sublimate the aggression, so that users feel cool and exciting.

Yesterday was national Memorial Day. I always think of World War II. Germany and Japan are two countries involved in World War II. Today, when we talk about electronics and cars, we have to mention these two countries because, in war, they are the most primitive expressions of aggression. So what the campaign should do is transform and promote aggression, make it legitimate.

3) Crave relationships

In the process of running an event, you need users to share your event. The user must be sharing the activity with his friends. When it comes to friends, the word “guanxi” is always involved. Relationship is an important factor in activities, and we need to strengthen it. Because your friends will help you magnify your own good and transform the bad that you can’t afford.

Let’s go back to the 10k run scenario. When you run 10k one day and you’re already narcissistic, and your friends come up to you and compliment you, do you feel better about yourself?

When you meet something unhappy, you will talk to your friends, you get the unhappiness out of your heart, you will feel that you have moved on.

That’s why I emphasize the importance of relationships.

4) Take advantage

Major industries in the Double 11 double 12 efforts, so that users feel that “buy is to earn, do not buy is to lose.”

As I did in campaign 1.0, I thought users were mercenary. In Campaign 2.0, I discovered that users aren’t mercenary. They don’t want a bargain, they want to feel like they’re getting a bargain.

Second, the routine of activities

1. Activity sharing

The reason why users will share your stuff with others, to achieve new effects, and even brand communication, you have to give users a chance to quietly pretend. Before analyzing the low profile, let’s take a look at what user psychology is used by user activity sharing.

1) Narcissistic satisfaction

“You have an active and rigorous way of thinking. You can make mature but innovative decisions at any time. Therefore, you are a rare success……” When I saw the caption, I thought it was a perfect description of me, so I immediately shared it on Wechat. In fact, in this test, there is no algorithm, it is randomly generated, just need to set several different results, and the corresponding description of the text.

Since there is no algorithm for this test, what will the user find accurate? That’s because everyone has narcissistic satisfactions, and when you see a lot of good things, you tend to converge on them, and the people who run the event are taking advantage of those narcissistic satisfactions.

2) Competition, narcissism and satisfaction

At the end of 2016, the annual statement of Alipay flooded wechat moments. When we saw this statement, we would say, “Look at the bill of labor and management, it is a middle class.” The bill of Alipay can reflect a person’s consumption level, and the consumption level is related to the ability to make money. Therefore, when the bill amount is high, users will be more willing to share the bill.

As you can see, this bill shows that I have spent more than 92% of the country in the whole year, which is the second point that stimulates users to share — competition. The basic gameplay of competition is the competition, and the results of the competition can be presented digitally, so a strong sense of competition in the user’s mind will encourage users to share the activity.

3) The Yin and Yang sides of activity

The two examples mentioned above, in fact, only take advantage of a certain user psychology, so that the campaign is spread. However, Tencent’s public welfare “children” gallery “activity is not only taking advantage of users’ psychology. In my opinion, this activity of Tencent Public Welfare has both Yin and Yang.

On the sunny side, users share because it benefits others, not the users themselves. In the activity of “‘ Children ‘Gallery”, the beneficiaries are children. In this sharing page, we can see that children’s paintings are placed in the visual hot area of users, with warm copywriting below the paintings, which magnifies the point that others benefit from the product design.

On the dark side, it is still the use of the four user psychology said before, but must weaken the four user psychology. When a user shares the activity of “Children” gallery “in Tencent, he does not feel any pressure in his heart, because this is public welfare, and others will think that you are a warm-hearted person. But when you share your annual alipay statement, your parents will think you are a loser and your friends will think you are showing off your wealth. So users think about sharing before they share.

When your activity only has the nature of the dark side, even if the user has narcissistic satisfaction, he will feel that the activity to share it is not good for him, so he will not share it, so to give the user a low-key pretend to force the opportunity.

2. Activity transformation

Product used to sell 1000, now sell 100, users buy do not pay? The user will feel that your product is too low and will not pay for it. But the double eleven double Twelve promotional activities, but was robbed by users, this is because, users do not want cheap, but to take advantage of the feeling of cheap.

Before the operation of user activities, users should be divided into groups: new users, active users, sleepy users and lost users.

1) new user

In terms of new user operations, a lot of companies will give out trial coupons to users, and a lot of people will think, well, if something is free, will users pay for it? Credit card gave me two months before the youku member trial, actually before this, I have already opened tencent video members, members have free youku, after that period of time I often watch ad-free lectures on youku, members after the trial, pop-up ads let I can not accept, so I renew the youku members.

The youku membership trial I mentioned is actually the same as the event that distributes trial coupons to users. We build a comfort zone for users, and when users leave this comfort zone, they will feel uncomfortable. At the same time, we also strengthen the feeling of losing something for users.

2) Active users

On active users, our customers did the following:

Through the way of activity operation, hit the user, and then trigger the activity for the user according to these labels, improve the conversion rate.

3) Routine of activity transformation

There are some tricks hidden in the above steps

① Price anchoring

Is it cheap or expensive to sell a projection cloth for 500 yuan? When you find a projection cloth on a treasure is only 200 yuan, do you think this 500 projection cloth is cheap? Probably not. When I tell you that the price of this projection cloth is 500 yuan, which can improve the effect of projection by 80%, and the price is 800 yuan, which is reduced to 500 yuan only after the Double Twelfth, will you still think it is cheap? If it were me, I’d buy it right away.

② Time-limited small coupon

Most events give out small coupons for a limited time, but the trick is “limited time”. The purchase decision time for users is very short, if you can’t get your user in a few seconds, that user will be lost. I have seen the most exaggerated is a elder brothers to their own Shenzhou special car account charged more than ten thousand money, afraid is a lifetime can not be used…. A “limited time” offer is an incentive to complete the purchase.

③ Buy in limited quantity and get free

Limited purchase gift is a digital game in essence. Which of the following three activities will you choose?

  • A The original price is 10 yuan per kilometer, and the current price is 8 yuan per kilometer
  • B 20% off for taxis
  • C Charge 100 to 20

These three activities, in essence, are 20% off, but Shenzhou Special car is the third way of activity, this is because the user’s perception of numbers is the most sensitive, with numbers can be very good to stimulate users.

④ Coupons within 10 seconds

Customer purchase decisions are made in the tens of seconds, so you have to get your users in the tens of seconds. At this time of need to give the user some sweetener, if it is directly to the user coupons, user’s inner struggle, because this coupon came effortlessly, and when you trigger in 10 seconds for the user to play the game, for the game’s own some of the properties, users will have stop, and then reward the user some coupons, users will find these coupons is unfavorable, To cherish, at this time to improve the purchase of transformation.

Three. Activity landing

Activity landing is actually human processing tools, in the transformation of activities, is actually a set of tools to play. In the whole process of the activity, from the very beginning to reach users, push to users, and then label users. Groups of users are completed by constantly doing activities and tagging users extensively. Only after you have groups can you apply the routines I mentioned before to the users.

One-off events, such as Tencent’s “Children’s” gallery, can continue even if users are not grouped. However, throughout the user life cycle, we will push users several times, which must be carried out by user groups, because you cannot push and pull new activities for users who have already lost, which is what we call refined operation.

Our activity box is actually a SAAS product that provides refined activity operation for wechat and APP. We help customers build user portraits of their users, improve user groups, and do fine activity operation through user labels.

That’s all for today. Thank you.

Author: Huodongheziyys (ID: HUodongheziyys), APP activity operation tool, help APP operation, improve user activity, retention and conversion;

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