Activiti7 Highlights Java Common Workflow Development activities

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Framework talk about the understanding of Spring MVC; Differences between Spring Boot and Spring MVC; Tell me what you know about the Dubbo framework. The differences between Rpe call and Http call are as follows: What protocol is Dubbo service called based on? Zoo Keep per hangs, d ubbo can call between eyes normally; In the process of urban development, Shixiang expanded dubbo; AOP and IOC in Spring are briefly introduced to understand the principle of distributed locking Spring Cloudzookeeper; Red ISRED is is a distributed lock, and Red isRed is a distributed lock. Red isRed is a distributed lock. Data storage structure in RED IS; Red is the underlying single thread or parameter thread, red I performance bottleneck; The principle of I/O multiplexing is briefly described. MySQLMySQL storage engine (InnoDB and MyISAM); MySQL storage engine (InnoDB and MyISAM) MySQL > select * from B+ tree; MySQL > select * from B+ tree; MySQL > select * from B+ tree