1. Workflow

A simple understanding is the work flow. The flow here refers to a series of work steps to complete a specific business in an enterprise. All the steps together are the flow process of business from the beginning to the end. From the point of view of computer system, workflow system represents the automatic operation of part and whole of business process in computer application environment.

2. Three elements of workflow

3, workflow example: leave

4. Composition of workflow system

5. Concepts related to workflow

6. Workflow products

  • JBPM
  • OSWorkFlow
  • Activiti5
  • Shark
  • Letter giada
  • Generic workflow

Activiti5 workflow origin

Activiti grew out of JBPM, which stands for Java Business Process Management. It is an open source, flexible and extensible executable process language framework covering business process management, workflow, service collaboration and other fields.

JBPM is an open source project. JBPM was released version 2.0 on October 18, 2004, and joined JBoss as part of the JBoss enterprise middleware platform on the same day, changing its name to JBoss JBPM

After JBPM4, there was a disagreement about software planning within the company, so the project architect left the original company and changed the name Activiti5 after joining the new company.

JBPM’s persistence layer framework is Hibernate, while Activiti uses MyBatis.

8. Main components included in the Activiti5 framework

level Lower limit of excavation value
ProcessEngine At the core of Activiti5, all services need to be created through ProcessEngine, thread-safe
repositoryService A persistent service that interacts with the database
runtimeService Runtime services related to running processes
formService Form the service
identityService Identity information
taskService Task services, associated with each step in the process
historyService You can view historical process information
managementService Manage scheduled tasks and complete fixed tasks at fixed points in time

Activiti5 Frame table structure

① General introduction

The name of the table instructions
ACT_RE_* ‘RE’ stands for repository, the table that the RepositoryService interface works on. Tables with this prefix contain static information, such as process definitions, resources for the process (images, rules, etc.).
ACT_RU_* ‘RU’ stands for Runtime. RuntimeService Table operated by the interface. It stores runtime data for process variables, user tasks, variables, jobs, and so on. Activiti only stores runtime data during instance execution, and these records are deleted when the process instance finishes. This ensures that these run-time tables are small and fast.
ACT_ID_* The ‘ID’ represents identity, the table operated by the IdentityService interface. User records, users and groups used in the process. These tables contain identifying information such as users, user groups, and so on.
ACT_HI_* ‘HI’ stands for history, historical data table, HistoryService. It is these tables that contain historical data related to process execution, such as finished process instances, variables, tasks, and so on
ACT_GE_* Global universal data and Settings (General), data used in all cases

② Detailed introduction

The name of the table tag instructions
act_ge_bytearray Binary data table
act_ge_property The properties data table stores data at the entire process engine level, and three records are inserted by default when the table structure is initialized
act_hi_actinst Square root History node table
act_hi_attachment Historical attachment list
act_hi_comment Historical opinion sheet
act_hi_identitylink History process personnel list
act_hi_detail History detail table that provides queries for historical variables
act_hi_procinst Square root History process instance table
act_hi_taskinst Square root Historical task instance table
act_hi_varinst Historical scale
act_id_group User group information table
act_id_info User extended information table
act_id_membership User and user group information table
act_id_user User information table
act_re_deployment Square root Deployment information sheet
act_re_model Process design model deployment table
act_re_procdef Square root The process defines the data table
Act_ru_event_subscr, throwEvent, catchEvent Time monitoring information table
act_ru_execution Square root Run-time process execution instance table
act_ru_identitylink Square root The run-time process Staff table, which stores information about task nodes and participants
act_ru_job Run-time scheduled task data table
act_ru_task Square root Run-time task node table
act_ru_variable Square root Runtime process variable data table

Disclaimer: Please refer to the official document www.activiti.org/ for some information

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