FormSuite for Structured Forms is a Structured form processing SDK and character recognition tool package, including FormFix and SmartZone. All table processing controls are designed to communicate with each other in a memory-to-memory data transfer mode. This article has collected some frequently asked questions and answers for FormSuite for Structured Forms.

What if my form does not match correctly

There is no definitive answer to FormSuite’s various performance, as it must use exploratory matching methods that do not necessarily provide the same result for every set of forms. ScanFix and FormFix provide a variety of tools to help optimize your form set. Here are some tips for solving some common cases:

  • No match found: ScanFix provides methods for removing spots, skewing, and binarization to help match. Reducing the minimum match confidence in FormFix may also help with matching, but it may introduce other errors.
  • Form pages don’t match correctly: In this case, try to remove items that might cause two different forms to look similar, such as borders, spots, and lines.
  • Form reversed or rotated matches: If you know the form is always correct, you can disable the “Identity Rotated” attribute of the FormFix IdentificaitonProcessor to check for rotated matches.

It is recommended that you adjust your Settings in the FormAssist demo that comes with FormSuite.

Error 80040154 Class Not Registered when using the license development kit on IIS

If you receive “Unregistered class 80040154 (HRESULT exception: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)”. And an error occurred when trying to use LDK on a site created through IIS, possibly because of a platform conflict. To resolve this issue, try checking (or simply unchecking) Enable 32-bit Applications for the application pool associated with the site.

Why did my permit stop working

Permits stopped working for several reasons. The most common is when a MAC address changes (on a virtual machine, or after a major hardware change). In addition, if a license is not available at the time a computer is licensed, a temporary two-week license can be placed on the computer through the server authorization program.

Iv. After obtaining the machine license, why “Accusoft Licensing” pops up?

Possible causes include:

  1. You have licensed your computer under a “Runtime/Deployment” license, and you do not call the SetSolutionName and SetSolutionKey methods in your code. By default, Accusoft products will look for licenses in the registry in this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Licensing\Accusoft. However, for run-time licenses, they are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Accusoft\Licensing\YourSolutionName. Therefore, when you call SetSolutionName, it tells your application to look in the correct directory to find the runtime license.
  2. You did not successfully install the license on your computer, and the temporary license you installed has expired. You need to run SLU or try LDK again. If this does not work, try licensing your computer in offline mode.
  3. You are trying to use a development license and call SetSolutionName and SetSolutionKey in your code. SetSolutionName and SetSolutionKey should only be called in code when deploying the application and using the deployment license.
  4. The license information you entered may be incorrect. Check the client portal to make sure you have the correct parameter values for SetSolutionKey and SetSolutionName.

Why do I get the error “component comdlg32.ocx or one of its dependencies is not registered correctly” when I try to run SLU

This error occurs if the computer is not registered with the comdlg32.ocx file. To resolve this issue, do the following:

  1. If not on the target machine, install the COMDlg. Ocx dependency. If comDlg.ocx is not on your system, you need to get it from the system that has it.
  2. Place the files in the C: \ Windows \ System32 folder (C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 if you have a 64-bit computer).
  3. Register the DLL with the regsvr32.exe command.
  4. Proceed with license installation when you see a success message.

See the original source here.