“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


This article was originally written on a personal computer, but was not immediately posted online. This time, I saw this activity and directly uploaded it to record my year. This article is not about self-study of the front end, but just recording my mental process. Have the words of the reader, also be to remind the friend of the same situation behind.

Why change careers

Introduce myself first, the author of this is to recognize education, professional is familiar tiankeng, is that this + 7 years to recognize all programming courses are not professional, graduate is into the construction site, into the property, the inside of the site, and tired, dirty and have no money, more dangerous, after all pail slogan also is not literally to run road.

Have graduated seniors, some into the xx design institute, small hand, about ten thousand per month, but all the year round in the mountain site, circle of friends with the exception of the excavator these things is not a thing, the senior in the circle of friends only once a year into the town, or want to make a new vaccine, into the edge of town hospitals and in line with a group of old; Another brother is also a similar institution, chatting time said interior design work to hand 4~ 5K, may not say year-end bonus, but also 996 overtime, also did not ask more.

I really don’t have any interest in this kind of life, I have no money to spend, and I suffer from not having much money, I follow projects all year round, I can’t settle down, I can’t find my girlfriend, maybe MY words are too negative.

Five years of unconsciousness

You ask me why don’t you like to read the graduate student, I can only say that undergraduate didn’t realize that, when the class is to play mobile phone, undergraduate practice hard, sleep is the fifties and sixties of the building, a room just like university dormitory size, plug the five, upper and lower lived ten people, five o ‘clock in the morning up and rob the toilet, because of a building, Only a few pit outside a dry, fly fly everywhere, may be a second just fly to xx, next second flew to the front of you, start at six every day, work to do in the afternoon didn’t come back, too tired to sleep at night, as soon as he comes back to eat after a while, you should sleep again or have a five o ‘clock the next day, two days directly in Africa.

Put a picture of a student doing an internship for a week.

But also did not think much, at that time thinking of young people to eat a little bitter also did not have what, although do not say like, but can not say dislike just when a book to read, mixed graduation certificate, three follow the trend of postgraduate entrance examination, the result was admitted, continue to read bai, perhaps because no one took an examination of this professional bar, pretty easy. Undergraduate course roommate, a freshman on the change of major, a public examination, two to educational institutions as a teacher, a change of profession, the rest are still doing this.

I didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem until the end of the first year of postgraduate study. At that time, my senior students graduated from the third year of postgraduate study and saw what kind of work they were looking for. Then I knew the salary and the nature of the job, so I didn’t like it very much and began to think about changing the way to quit, but I didn’t make up my mind to get out of the trap. And this half year is still the epidemic, all stay at home, more blurred to this major after how hard view.

Wake up

In September, I was asked to go on a business trip just before the National Day. After I came back, I made up my mind to change my career. In just two days, I could make a student completely change his mind and run away with a bucket.

Before the third year of graduate school, I honestly knew that the salary was not high enough, but I didn’t think it would be too low. Because of the computer equipment, I had been studying in the dormitory before. Then, because I had been in the dormitory and did not go to the studio, my tutor thought THAT I had been sleeping in the dormitory all day, playing games and doing nothing, so I felt dissatisfied and asked us to clock in the lab every day.

Work and then the treatment problems, before speaking, the office of the brothers have to build a design institute of x bureau, interview to pay is 7 k per month plus the three years preceding the accumulation fund, after three years there are 7 k, not accumulation fund salary I hear say that I am silly, what is the 7 k with accumulation fund, is personal and company of both sides together with you, may be I don’t understand, Also too lazy to think, feel even stingy words, the nature of the job is also in a year half of the business trip, another brother is also the face of the Construction of another bureau, said that the basic salary of 5K, at least eight months a year on business trip, it is ridiculous, master is worth this price? Other brother is a little bit better, into the construction site of the unit, do pay a year to more than twenty four or five years later, I feel it is very rare, but the truth in the professional, it is really very rare, I just want to laugh, what is this lousy professional xx, graduated from such a look at the article the beginning said brother work is looking for the best, A month after graduation can still make $10 million.

Run out to me, all the year round with the site, four or five years also the wages, I really can’t accept, say this passage of time, of course, is to understand the programmer salary just have this idea, in the past, I just feel too hard, and cannot be settled, to protect against the on site every day and stay up late to work overtime, for there is not much more money, can only say that no comparison, no damage, At that time, I was like a frog in a well, thinking that the salary was ok. What a wreck the construction site is. Go and see station B up: The tough guy who can’t run away. Graduation a month face to rise a generation, is the cow in the programmer’s mind elected the first wife fierce uncle.

Chat two days ago when stuff, graduated from a senior has run, graduated from July to the front of the run, took two monthly wages, 996 drawing overtime every day, the first months of three thousand four hundred, two thousand eight hundred, the second month I heard already hemp, “three thousand pieces of recruit don’t you come to a migrant workers, but can bring a college students” did not think of this sentence is true, Still a master, now spent more than ten thousand to Shanghai to find training institutions to learn programming… Work three month rent a house to have a meal, are less than the ten thousand tuition deposit, while the stuff also said, perhaps because of this industry award, split down a month is more than a few, it’s just a probation period of basic salary, I also don’t understand, also don’t want to understand, also nima didn’t earn much haidilao end plate, one by one on the tall unit name, What kind of thing this design institute, that design institute, really speechless, another supplement, B station up big strong son, has been interviewed… I saw in the group that civil construction companies also need to check employees’ “we media” accounts

Still is, do not do this to avoid open to drink, to deal with people who smoke, I neither smoke nor drink, it is can’t cope with the liquor when boiled water, I often wonder, are all carcinogens, also put this drink just don’t give me face, with your face can cure cancer bai, the stench of wine culture, is true.

Looking at the muddy waterproof shoes, I thought: If I don’t do something, I’m going to be like this every day after graduation. I have to change something

Why front-end

There’s a process involved…

Choose the Internet industry or other industries

My family had advised him, but I had a stereotyped impression on this “officialdom atmosphere”, and I felt that I had to drink too often, so I ruled him out.

Want to take an examination of teach endowment, at that time give oneself of rear way is to go to educational orgnaization be a teacher, still did not hit educational industry at that time, did not think of new Oriental now fast did not have, fortunately did not go…

Personally speaking, I don’t drink or smoke. I want to be a technical person, eat by ability, and play games with friends after work. But I want more money, so I choose to rely on the Internet.

Non-technical post and technical post selection

At the beginning of my career change, I did not think of transferring to a technical post, because I did not have relevant experience in four years of undergraduate study and one year of postgraduate study, so I chose a non-technical post at the beginning.

Because she likes to play the game, although just a silver gold players, but also want to see the game industry in the past, and hobbies are drawing, but no basis, so in practice when the outbreak drawing, thought to be the painter and illustrator, estimation is also was the advertising effect, time b stand ads are “idle, Learn xx to make money “, such as original painting, 3D modeling, editing, singing are all these advertisements, but it does open the mind, you don’t have to engage in this major.

But later found that painting this thing, hobbies and professional players really can not be compared, people have worked so hard for so many years, you are at most a little talent amateur players, people don’t have talent, looking at their own paintings, and then look at others, can only be a hobby;

Then I learned that there was technical art, and then I tried to learn unity. Then I followed the video to type C#, but I didn’t know anything. There were few teaching videos at that time, so I didn’t choose this.

Product, operations and planning this, I have to understand, but the survey found that these jobs are all professional people want to jump to the Internet’s first choice, just like me, didn’t go to turn to duty technology conditions, but also want to go to Internet companies, and then roll it up, all kinds of 985 masters, overseas, to recognize all kinds of metal internship experience, I all have no, my mentor project, I don’t have a chance without an internship.

Front end and back end selection

One day during the National Day in playing the game, the next door dormitory come to visit, he is a master of computer major, and then communication once, see I was only a second to be advised me to self-study Java directly, the back-end autumn recruit to develop the next year, said many career, his undergraduate course is chemical, no big problem, and then I went to look at the Java course of self-study, I think can’t afford to waste time, away from the autumn recruit a year, in fact, less than a year, many enterprises began to batch ahead of the second year in July, I’ll look at station b is silicon valley’s Java teach first taught himself, learned twenty days, the video look out, I found that after the knowledge system is too large, on the basis of the time node is hard to finish all my current study.

After analysis, the back end is relative to the front end

In terms of competitors, I find that most of them are students of the undergraduate program, many of them are masters of the 985 undergraduate program, and they have various gold MEDALS, patents, papers and so on.

In terms of the amount of knowledge, the back-end should master more basic computer knowledge, such as computer operating system (this is only for the interview, but does not mean that the front-end can not learn), database, redis, Spring and other things, there are too many, I do not have enough time;

In terms of interest, I can’t say I don’t like the back end, but I prefer the front end. I like drawing, so I am interested in page presentation.

In terms of salary, I have investigated various job hunting websites and found that the front end is not low and the development momentum is very good.

And I can’t go to the internship, autumn recruitment backend even more difficult;

I prefer the front end for several reasons, but the most important thing is that the competition is less and the amount of knowledge is what I can learn before autumn recruitment

So I began to learn Java in The National Day after 20 days, November began to learn the front end.


Began to learn the front-end November last year, the year in April, learned the basis of the front three months behind and continue to do a few projects, to have a friend, may be too slow, but I really have tried my best, no one take, white piao institutions video, but this professional learning, can only take time to learn, diploma, after all, is the first, I think it’s pretty good to be able to learn by yourself to this extent.

I didn’t practice, thinking of can’t do that kind of rotten street, so I combined with their own interest, after bought ali cloud server, learn how to deploy online, directly on the link in the PDF easy to resume the interviewer to see, also continued to write during the period of one hundred to blog, have a plenty of records, have a plenty of summing up experience, anyhow even if the quality is not high, I put links to my blog in my resume to show the best I could. Fortunately, all my efforts paid off. I started delivering food.

During this period, I had a one-month rest, and then it was not easy. There was no time limit for autumn admission, but there was still a big gap between me and the students of other majors. Therefore, I listened to the leader’s advice and began to learn CSAPP. Ready to see to do a data lab, found that the environment is not good, and need Linux C and a series of knowledge, so recently began to learn Linux these, nesting Eva learning began, before graduation also have to learn TS VUE RN node also have to strengthen, front-end CSS these and a little forgotten, no time to type, No need to forget, and long road resistance, but I still feel quite interesting, other than say, knock code than beat ash happy it.

Finally want to say

Before transcoding, I was thinking, is it worthwhile to give up my major after seven years of learning and go to the field that others are good at?

Then think of what is not worth, four years of undergraduate course most people are play mobile phone, can wake up, is not too late, why struggle is worth every day, it’s only dare not cross out that step, afraid to pay the didn’t get want to return, afraid of self-taught jump over it didn’t take much more in the area, fear, you will never learn can’t discipline consciously to learn, If I do not dare to take this step now, when I go to the construction site after graduation, do I have the courage to jump out when I am struggling for a living every day?

This professional employment group that I add on the net, and the friend beside all is every day complain this professional how how rotten, can persuade them to teach themselves to change a line of time, be afraid of this be afraid of that, all sorts of excuses:

  • “I am about to graduate, time is not enough, IF I had known last year, I would have gone”;
  • “I have zero basic ah, learning up no one to teach, too difficult, people don’t want it”;
  • “We don’t let internships, the Internet values internships, ah, forget it”;

Dare not step that step, finally to find work, continue to brush everyday citizens, comments area to vent, but frankly speaking, what a piece of cake, before turning only see somebody else’s well-paid, realize the transcoding process after just know is not easy, those excuses said really is true, only willing to overcome a few of them.

Therefore, I think those who can truly succeed in self-study are those who can persist and have learning methods, and those who can clearly realize the need to change the status quo and make efforts to do so.