Centralized version management tools include CVS, RTC, and a unified central server.

First, Git is a distributed version control system, which is essentially a set of content-addressing file systems. What we contact with Git is a encapsulated interface.

Second, common branch management strategy in the enterprise

-Sheldon: To develop a specific feature, you don’t need to incorporate it into the main branch bug. -Sheldon: Branch fixbugs after the release of the release

3. Practice of git branch management steps

Git branch dev: git branch -b dev: git branch -b dev: git branch -b dev: git branch -b dev: git branch -b dev: git branch -b dev Git checkout master git branch -d dev: git checkout master git branch Git branch -a dev

4, Git file fetching

Commit: Git pull under CD file directory

cd existing_folder

Git init git remote add orgin ://… Git add. Git commit -m “” <=>git cz git pull git push git stash: git add test Git push -f test master: git push -f test master


If you submit the code with Gerrit and the error “missing change-id” occurs, you can execute the following command: git reset –soft {{commit-id}} git push origin HEAD:refs/for/{{branch}}