I don’t do 猹, leap soil!

I remember the moon was bright and round that night.

All over the sky, hanging across the endless melon fields.

I held the melon in my hands and savoured it carefully. The juicy flesh flowed in my taste buds.

The night breeze is gentle, and the unknown insects hum unknown tunes in the distance.

It’s such a fine night that I even want to sing.

Suddenly, a silver fork came at me, so scared that I stood on my head and almost choked on the melon flesh in my mouth.

I wanted to run, but I knew it was too late.

I faced the boy in front of me, probably a heroic gesture.

The silver fork ran through my body and I felt something flowing.

I used to think if I ate melons fast enough, the fork couldn’t catch me.

The more I promote the speed of eating melon, the more I find that 猹 is a limit, I do not do 猹, leap soil!

I lay helplessly across the melon field, gradually closed his eyes.

I remember the moon was bright and round that night.

But I refuse!

When I opened my eyes, it was already noon.

“Do you know about XXX today? My god, the world really is.”

“Who says so? Recently eating melon is really tired of eating.”

“That’s the kind of money my family couldn’t have earned since cavemen.”

Listening to the voices around me, I felt confused.

Took a nap, what happened I don’t know?

I hurriedly took out my mobile phone, opened the APP, found the hot list, and began to greedily absorb hot information, hoping to keep up with this unpredictable era.

However, the next moment I feel a little confused, why should I diligently chase the hot spots every day?

I guess I want to have something to talk about. I guess I just feel like I shouldn’t miss every big thing that’s going on.

But I don’t think it’s supposed to be like this.

“As long as I’m willing to put up with ferries, Twitter, and Other apps on my phone, and endure endless notifications, ads, and trending posts every 10 minutes, I’m not going to miss anything, am I?”

‘But I refuse!

Information is for people. Instead of people being slaves to information.

I want to design a human-centered melon eating service in this Internet era.

The lark chirped all day long

I remember that when I was a teenager, I had not contacted the Internet, and only TV and newspapers could contact the world.

Not so much information, not so much information anxiety.

I hope this melon eating service can satisfy the following conditions:

(1) Free

(2) Installation free

(3) Simplicity

(4) No advertising

Party B listened to want to beat, party A listened to apply for bankruptcy overnight.

Admittedly, it’s hard to do them all, but it’s not impossible.

So at what cost?


That’s right, there’s no such thing as a free lunch unless someone pays for it.

So, the first step, money to buy a server.

The second step is product design.

(1) Installation free

There are not many options to go installation-free.

Website based, or applets. Of course, small programs are more limited.

So, I chose email.

You only need to provide emails to receive daily hotspot information.

(2) Simplicity

How simple should it be?

Concise to Zhang Xiaolong call admiration, artists directly laid off on the line.

The email receiving interface is as follows:

(3) Customization

Each user has different concerns and can freely configure the information to be received.

We’re one programmer away from going public.

What? Have no money please. You know what? I’ll do it myself.

What’s wrong with a robot working nine to five?

So I worked overtime for a week, and finally finished writing the front and back end of the code.

This is not a piece of cake. 3 * (5/2) takes care of the basic environment installation.

Service deployment, found that the page does not display, all kinds of bugs made a day, finally is running.

Operation and maintenance is really TND’s hard work.

It seems so un-mechanistic to think that if you’re 996, the machine needs 996 too.

Therefore, I changed the task of the machine to only push the morning and evening papers every day, from 9 to 5, and I would like to call it the civil servant of the machine industry.

Is it going public next?

No, let’s talk about the positioning of melon eating service first.

English name: What’s up?

英 文名: What happened to the kidney?

Slogan: Do you have a slogan about this melon

Application wants to promote, want to have domain name above all.

I took a look at the domain name whatSup.com, which had been sold, and was a bit expensive, and was off the market.

Of course, services need to be continuously upgraded, operated, and promoted after deployment.

Fortunately, it is mainly for their own use, at least one user, which is enough.

I should have ended it here.

Let’s just say some crap.

As a coder who has always wanted to change the world, I have never written a program for myself.

I think a lot of coders are like this, we are like potters, shaping the earth into a building, but not in the building.

There is no piece of clay on the roof of the house. Don't stick your fingers in mud, live in a mansion.Copy the code