I heard that wechat search “Java fish” will change strong!

This article is in Java Server, which contains my entire Series of Java articles for study or interview

In my junior year, I applied for the Java internship position in Alibaba without knowing what SpringBoot was. The telephone interview was over in 5 minutes. Although the interviewer did not say the result, the interview made me suddenly understand that although the usual exam results are ok, but this level seems to be able to cope with the exam, which will be a shock to the society. Then I seemed to have an Epiphany and began to learn things that were not in books. I began to write notes in a planned way, and these knowledge points were later translated into blog output.

1. My internship experience

It has been less than a year since I graduated, but the working time plus the internship is one year and one month. So let’s start with the internship. In 2020, due to the epidemic, the ban was slowly lifted in Zhejiang in April. With a year of self-study after the Epiphany, I was relatively smooth in finding internship jobs. Although the school is not an undergraduate, I got feedback from all three companies I met. The interviewer of one company talked with me for two hours before the end of the interview. Finally, I chose the listed company with the best treatment among the three companies.

(2) Official first job

After more than two months of internship in this company, I directly chose the original company after obtaining the graduation certificate. The team is good and the work content is relatively simple and relaxed. It was the ease of my first job that gave me more time to study and write my own projects. Although I have left the company now, I have made the fastest progress during the year in this company.

In this year, I officially began to write technical blog systematically, transforming the original knowledge input into knowledge output. For a period of time, I even wrote a knowledge point series every day. Later, I found that such writing resulted in scattered knowledge points, and the series died in early childhood.

(3) chose to resign

Stay in the comfortable environment for a long time, you will find yourself slowly reached a bottleneck, it seems that there is no way to improve. So I made a decision to quit. At that time, I told my boss that I wanted to work in an Internet company for experience. Another secret reason was that I wanted to see my current real level.

(4) Working in an Internet company

When I was looking for a job, I found that my blog experience in the past year helped me a lot. First of all, I was familiar with the knowledge points and the breadth and depth of my knowledge. Basically, I could answer 80% of the interviewer’s questions. And many companies prefer people with high self-drive. I remember an interview where the interviewer opened my blog and read it on the spot, so sticking to one thing always pays off.

Now I work in an Internet company with a high work intensity. I basically work in a 995 schedule, with good and bad. The technology used in this company is updated, and there are basically big wigs around me, making rapid progress. But I had less time, and I couldn’t get used to the 12-hour work day at first, but then I got used to it.

(5) Harvest

The biggest achievement of this year is that CSDN obtained the blog expert certification and became the potential author of the Nuggets, and the articles written by CSDN gradually began to enter the lists. Only to find that at the beginning of every step, to later will lead to the result of this matter.

I’m glad I made the list.

(vi) Follow-up plan

In the first month, I had to adapt to many things, so I had less time to learn. But now it’s slowly coming back. I currently get home at 9:30, usually coding or writing tech blogs or studying until 12 or 12:30.

At the same time, I found that with the precipitation of my work, some of my previous articles were not deep enough, and there might be some small problems. Therefore, I will revise some previous articles to make my knowledge base more and more perfect.

(7) Summary

This year’s experience is relatively satisfactory. I think if you want to do technology, it is very important to have interest, self-drive and reflection thinking. I’m fish boy. See you next time!