An RSS reader run entirely by your GitHub repo.

  • Free hosting on GitHub page. No ads. No third party tracking.
  • No backstage. Update content via GitHub Actions.
  • Customizable layout and style through templates and theme apis. Just bring your HTML and CSS.
  • Free and open source. No third party tracking.


  • The default template + Gruvbox dark | view source
  • Default template + Sunburn dark color
  • Default template + sunlit
  • Custom templates + Nord dark | | view source byonnyyonn
  • A minimalist template with no style for building from scratch.

Let’s start

Create a repository

  1. Create a new repository from the Osmososfeed-template open.
  2. Set visibility to “public”.
  3. Click the “Create repository from template” button.

The GitHub page is displayed

  1. In the repository you just created, navigate to the Settings TAB > Pages section.

  2. inThe sourceAmong the options, selectgh-pages, click the “Save” button. ifgh-pagesDoes not exist, wait a few seconds and refresh the page. It will eventually show up.

  3. Refresh the page until it displaysYour site is published at https://<github_username><repo>. This may take up to a minute.

Custom feed

  1. At the root of the repository, open the osmosfeed.yaml file and click the “Pencil (Edit this file)” button to edit it.

  2. Remove #, unrecommend the cacheUrl attribute, replace

    with your GitHub username, and replace

    with your GitHub repo name.

  3. In the source, update the project to the source you want to follow. The final content of the file should look something like this.

    Copy the code
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Submit changes” button.

  5. Once rebuilt, your feed will be available at https://

    .github. IO /


Guides and references

  • Custom guide
    • Change the topic
    • To change the template
    • Add inline HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • Adding static Files
  • Configure the reference
  • Guide to using headless programs


  • How to contribute
  • Developer guide


Can I update content more often?

Yes, you can do it as often as you want. Change the cron schedule in the. Github /workflows/update-feed.yaml file. Note, however, that the free hierarchy of GitHub Actions is limited. My back-of-the-envelope estimates show that even with hourly updates, you should have plenty of unused time. You can monitor spending on the billing and planning pages in your account Settings.

Can I make the site private so that only I can see it?

This is not possible on the GitHub page. However, if you move your site to a different hosting service, you should be able to set up authorization at the hosting level. For example, if you deploy to Netlify, there is a paid password protection plan.

I have to type it at the end of the URLindex.html?

No, GitHub has a known problem, so you’ll probably have to type it in until it starts working. See the GitHub community for discussion and some solutions to Stack Overflow

How do I trigger manual website updates?

You can make some changes to the osmosfeed.yaml file to trigger the update. For example, add an empty comment # like this to a new line.

How to build a website without caching?

You can comment out cacheUrl in osmosfeed.yaml. Note that after the site is created, the cache will still be created, but it will not contain any of the previously cached content.

The ecological system

Osmos :: Feed is part of the Osmos :: Craft ecosystem. If you like this tool, you probably will too.

  • Osmos :: Memo: an in-browser bookmark manager optimized for tagging and retrieval speed.
  • Osmos :: Note: a web-based text editor for web notes that can be self-hosted in any Git repository.