This app is for learning reference only, not for commercial use. The data comes from Zhihu and Douban

OneDaily(don’t have a nice name yet)

  • This app is a reading app, divided into three parts:

    1. Copy zhihu Daily
    2. Use Douban books API to display books, providing comprehensive, literature, culture, life four types of books display (later to provide the function of changing the type). In addition, you can search for books by scanning bar code and inputting the title of the book.
    3. Add View notes.
  • Use the most popular MVP+RxJvaa+Retrofit. Use ButterknIF annotations and Glide for image presentation.

  • The interface style adopts Material Design Design specification.



Open source libraries used

  • RxJava, Retrofit2, OKHTTP3, Butterknife, Glide, Gson