A summary of several representative automated test tools i. Traditional automated test tools/commercial tools (there are only two traditional tools, and most of them are foreign)

HP QuickTest Professional 11.0QTP is an automatic test tool. It is an automatic test tool. The purpose of using QTP is to perform repeated manual testing, mainly for regression testing and testing new versions of the same software.

So you need to think about how to test your application before you test it. For example, what functions to test, what steps to take, what input data to test, what output data to expect. QuickTest is for GUI applications, both traditional Windows applications and now increasingly popular Web applications. It can cover most software development techniques, is simple and efficient, and has the characteristics of reusable test cases. These include: creating tests, inserting checkpoints, validating data, enhancing tests, running tests, analyzing results, and maintaining tests.

IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT) is an advanced, automated Functional and regression testing tool for testers and GUI developers. Using it, novice testers can simplify complex testing tasks and get started quickly. Test experts can implement a variety of advanced customization features by choosing industry-standardized scripting languages.

Through IBM’s latest patented technology, such as wizard-based intelligent data-driven software testing technology, ScriptAssurance technology to improve the reuse of test scripts and so on, greatly improve the ease of use and maintainability of scripts.

Installation package: network search, download tools can be used for installation. Advantages of traditional tools: old tools/manufacturers, after tempered, mature function, reassuring insufficient: (1) the tool purchase price is high, the need for more users is not affordable for general enterprises (use not use to pay, once abandoned waste is very big). (2) Local deployment, maintenance, high long-term cost; (3) Tools closed enterprises are difficult to expand; (4) With traditional programming languages, not everyone is skilled in writing use cases, resulting in low efficiency;

Ii. Free/open source tools (Web, APP and WIN-GUI are all foreign)

Selenium Recorder is a tool developed by Multi Test Company for Web application testing. Selenium Recorder will become the first choice for Web automation test engineers in the future. Selenium Recorder uses the keyword driven concept to simplify test case creation and maintenance, and can run directly in the browser as if it were a real user. The supported browsers include Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, and 11.

The tool supports different levels of testing skills. Non-programmers can easily start automated test projects, while programmers and advanced automated testers can save time building new libraries and maintaining scripts.

The main functions of the tool are as follows: test system functions: create regression tests to test software functions and user requirements, support automatic recording of actions and automatic generation. Object property parameterization: The properties and data of an object can be changed at will through the identification Settings and data input provided by the tool. Test report function: After the regression test is completed, the results of the comprehensive quality report test are generated. Cause diagnosis function: When errors occur, you can actively analyze and locate the errors. You can accurately find objects by adjusting search strategies (xpath, full path, attribute set). Selenium + Python Scripting: Professional testers can also write scripts based on the Selenium framework provided by the tool.

The installation package: www.aitestor.com/download/du…

Advantages: Open source/free, sme favorite. After a lot of hammering, functional maturity. The combination of traditional programming language and automatic recording function improves ease of use and flexibility

Disadvantages: Poor browser compatibility, currently only compatible with Internet Explorer (8, 9, 10, 11), not compatible with popular Google, Firefox and other browsers

Appium is an open source, cross-platform automated testing tool that supports mobile apps. It is used to test native and lightweight mobile apps, supporting iOS, Android and FirefoxOS platforms. Appium drives Apple’s UIAutomation library and Android’s UiAutomator framework, using Selenium’s WebDriver JSON protocol.

Autoit is free software that uses a scripting language similar to BASIC and is designed to automate operations in Windows GUI(graphical user interface). It uses a combination of simulated keyboard keystrokes, mouse movements, and Windows/controls to automate tasks. This is impossible or impossible to achieve in other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys).

Installation package: network search, download tools can be used for installation. Advantages: Open source/free, sme favorite. Deficiencies: (1) without a long time to temper, some bugs, modification maintenance is not timely enough; (2) although free but the cost of enterprise use may not be low, often need to do integrated development (careful calculation may be a headache), if the enterprise scene complex integrated development difficulty and workload, not all enterprises can afford to invest (once not, a huge waste); ③ With traditional programming languages, not everyone is skilled in writing use cases, resulting in low efficiency;

Iii. Emerging Automated test cloud service providers (mainly in China)

1. App-real Phone compatibility testing cloud (Baidu MTC, Testin, Tencent Youtest, Neusoft Esoft…) : Developed in the last three or four years, mainly aimed at the compatibility problems between app and real computer caused by android fragmentation. After submitting app, you can automatically traverse the interface/selected model in the background, which is generally free or charged according to the number of models used.

Address: www.testin.cn, utest.qq.com/, http://mtc…

2. Web +App Function Automation Test Cloud (MVTest Automation Test Cloud – China, Sauce Labs