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On Android, use compile-time annotations to generate Java files, avoiding low performance. A new version of SQLite database ORM ship. Add, delete, change, check and build tables, sort positive order reverse order uniqueness, table index, multithreading concurrent reading and writing are not a problem. Are you sure?

To obtain

allprojects {
	repositories{... maven { url''}}}Copy the code
dependencies {
    annotationProcessor 'com.github.xiaolei123:compiler:+'
    implementation 'com.github.xiaolei123:runtime:+'

dependencies {
    kapt 'com.github.xiaolei123:compiler:+'
    implementation 'com.github.xiaolei123:runtime:+'

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Directions for use

1. Create a database
public static class DataBase extends RoomLiteDatabase
    public DataBase(a)
        // Database name
    // All table entities
    publicClass<? >[] getEntities() {return new Class[]{User.class};
    // Whether execution is allowed in the main thread
    public boolean allowRunOnUIThread(a)
        return true;
    // Database upgrade
    public void onUpgrade(@Nullable SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)
    {}// Database version
    public int version(a)
        return 1; }}Copy the code
2. Create tables in the database
@Entity(name = "User")
public class User
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    public int id;

    public String name = "Current time :" + System.currentTimeMillis();

    public Bitmap bitmap;
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2.1 Declare the primary key of a field (and increment). Increment takes effect only when the type is numeric
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
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2.2 Field NOT NULL
@Column(notNull = true)
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2.3 Field UNIQUE
@Column(unique = true)
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@Column( defaultValue = "0")
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2.5 Ignoring a field
public Bitmap bitmap;
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2.6 User-defined fields are supported

Step 1: Declare the custom type in the table class

@Entity(name = "User")
public class User
    public Date date;
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Step 2: Inherit the corresponding converter

public class DateConvert extends ToLongConvert<Date>
    public DateConvert(a)
    public Long convertToLong(Date javaObj)
        Date date = (Date) javaObj;
        if (javaObj == null) 
            return null;
        return date.getTime();
    /** * retrieves data from a database Cursor and converts it to the corresponding javaType type **@param value
    public Date cursorToJavaObject(long value)
        return newDate(value); }}Copy the code

Step 3: Register the converter with RoomLite

RoomLite.addConvert(new DateConvert());
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3. Create indexes in method 1
@Entity(name = "User", indices = { @Index(columnNames = {"id", "name"}), @Index(name = "index2", columnNames = {"id", "name"}), @Index(name = "index3", columnNames = {"id", "name"}, unique = true), })
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4. Create indexes in method 2
@Column(index = true)
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5. Create a Dao
public interface UserDao
    public int addUser(User user);

    public int deleteUser(User user);

    public void update(User user);

    @query (entity = user. class, limit = "0,1")
    public User query(a);
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6. Obtain the DataBase instance and obtain the Dao
DataBase dataBase =;
UserDao dao = dataBase.getDao(UserDao.class);
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7. Add, delete, revise, check and use
7.1 to add
public int addUser(User user);
public void addUser(User[] users);
public void addUserList(List<User> users);
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7.2 delete
public int deleteUser(User user);
public void deleteUser(User[] users);
public void deleteUserList(List<User> users);
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7.3 change
public int updateUser(User user);
public void updateUser(User[] users);
public void updateUserList(List<User> users);
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7.4 check
// Query all
@Query(entity = User.class)
public List<User> queryAll(a);

// query the first one
@query (entity = user. class, limit = "0,1")
public User query(a);

// Query the total number
@Query(what = "count(id)", entity = User.class)
public int queryCount(a);

// Query all names
@Query(what = "name", entity = User.class)
public String[] queryNames();

// fuzzy query
@Query(entity = User.class, whereClause = "name like ?" )
public User[] querySearch(String name);
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7.5 Querying Paging
@Query(entity = User.class, whereClause = "name like ?" ,limit=@Limit(index = "0", maxLength = "30"))
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7.6 Querying placeholders
@Query(entity = User.class, whereClause = "name like ?" ,limit=@Limit(index = "0", maxLength = "?" ))
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7.7 Query Sort in Positive Order
@Query(entity = User.class, orderBy = @OrderBy(columnNames = {"id"}, type = OrderBy.Type.ASC))
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7.8 Query Sort in reverse order
@Query(entity = User.class, orderBy = @OrderBy(columnNames = {"id"}, type = OrderBy.Type.DESC))
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