This is the seventh day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

Processes and Threads

  • Process: The smallest unit of resource allocation in a system. Each process has its own code and data space — the process’s context
  • Context switch: The action of a CPU to switch from one process to another
  • 1. A countervaling unit of CPU scheduling that is part of a process and can only be created by a process (divided into user threads and daemon threads).
  • Each thread shares the process’s data space, and each thread has its own stack and program counter

Concurrency and parallelism

  • parallelRunning multiple tasks simultaneously on multiple computers at the same time (similar: ten children are divided into two groups, one group is playing with a toy car, the other group is playing with a teddy bear, these two groups areparallelPlay)
  • Concurrent: Perform multiple tasks at the same time (similar: 10 children grab a stationery to play, each play for a while)
Public class MyThread extends Thread{@override public void run(){for(int I = 0; i < 1000; i++){ try{ Thread.sleep(10L); }catch(InterruptedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Thread t = new MyThread(); t.start(); }}Copy the code


  • The code in the run() method doesn’t necessarily start executing immediately after the start() method is called; the start() method simply makes the county availableThe ready stateWhen to run is determined by the operating system

The difference between wait and sleep

  • The wait() method must be used within a synchronized block or method
  • Blocks caused by wait() can be called from the synchronized scope on the same object locknotify()/notifyAll()To wake up; Sleep (), on the other hand, cannot be awakened; it can only be periodically awakened or interrupted by the interrupt() method

The difference between sleep and yield

  • callsleep()Method post-transferThe blocking stateAnd automatically wake up after a period of sleepThe ready state
  • callyield()Method, the current thread entersThe ready state
  • The sleep() method gives threads a chance to run regardless of their priority, while yield() gives only those threads of the same or higher priority a chance to run

The thread pool

Frequently asked interview questions: How do I create a thread pool

  • Thread pools are not allowed according to the Ali Development ManualExecutorsCreate, but passThreadPoolExecutorIs created by
  • Disadvantages of the thread pool object returned by Executors
1.FixedThreadPool and SingleThreadPool allow queue lengths of integer.max_value, which may result in a large number of requests. CachedThreadPool and ScheduleThreadPool allow request queues of Integer.MAX_VALUE, which may accumulate a large number of requests, resulting in OOMCopy the code

Frequently asked parameters:

Int corePoolSize Number of core threads int maximumPoolSize Maximum number of threads keepAliveTime Maximum idle time of a thread

Ways to Ensure thread synchronization (simple list)

The CAS operation

  • How it works: Before updating a variable, check that the current value of the variable matches the expected value. If it does, replace the old value with the new value. Otherwise, loop retry (spin) until success
  • Simple implementation of a counter with CAS (including thread safe/unsafe)
private AtomicInteger atomicI = new AtomicInteger(0); private int i = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { final Counter cas = new Counter(); List<Thread> ts = new ArrayList<Thread>(600); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = 0; j < 100a; j++) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { cas.count(); cas.safeCount(); }}}); ts.add(t); } for (Thread t : ts) { t.start(); } for (Thread t: ts) {try {t.jin (); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println(cas.i); System.out.println(cas.atomicI.get()); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); */ private void safeCount() {for (;;)) { int i = atomicI.get(); boolean suc = atomicI.compareAndSet(i, ++i); if (suc) { break; } /** * private void count() {i++; }}Copy the code

Three major problems of CAS

1. The problem of ABA.

  • Because CAS needs to check whether the value has changed when operating on it, and update it if it has not changed.
  • But if A value is A, then B, and then A, then the CAS check will find that its value has not changed,
  • But the reality has changed. The solution to the ABA problem is to use version numbers. Append the version number to the variable,Add the version number by 1 each time the variable is updated, so that A→B→A becomes 1A→2B→3A.
  • Starting with Java 1.5, a class is provided in the JDK’s Atomic packageAtomicStampedReferenceTo solve the ABA problem.
  • The compareAndSet method of this class first checks to see if the current reference equals the expected reference and if the current flag equals the expected flag.
  • If all are equal, the reference and the value of the flag are set atomically to the given update value.

2. Long cycle time and high overhead.

  • If spinning CAS is not successful for a long time, it will bring a very large execution overhead to the CPU. If the JVM can support what the processor providespauseInstructions,
  • There will be some improvement in efficiency. The pause directive does two things:

First, it can delay pipeline execution instructions (DE-pipeline), so that the CPU will not consume too much execution resources, the delay time depends on the specific implementation version, in some processors delay time is zero;

Second, it prevents CPU Pipeline Flush from exiting a loop due to Memory Order Violation

Improves THE CPU execution efficiency. 3. Only one atomic operation can be guaranteed for a shared variable.

  • When performing operations on a shared variable, we can use a cyclic CAS to guarantee atomic operations,
  • However, when operating on multiple shared variables, the cyclic CAS cannot guarantee the atomicity of the operation, and locks can be used. Another trick is to combine multiple shared variables into a single shared variable.
  • For example, there are two shared variablesI =2, j=a, combine ij=2aAnd then use CAS to manipulate ij. Starting with Java 1.5,
  • The JDK provides the AtomicReference class to ensure atomicity between reference objects, so that multiple variables can be placed in a single object to perform CAS operations.

Lock the spin Lock

  • java.util.concurrent.locksThe lock is provided in the packageLockInterface and its implementation classReentrantLock

  • inReentrantLockIn the calllock()Method to obtain the lock; callunlock()Method to release the lock.
  • ReentrantLockRelies on the Java synchronizer frameworkAbstractQueuedSynchronizer(AQS for this article). AQS uses an integervolatileVariable (named state) to maintain the synchronization state

The source code

CountDownLatch counter

  • Multiple threads call their shared counters (CountDownLatchObject)countDown()Method to subtract 1 from the counter
  • Can be achieved byCountDownLatchThe object’sawaitMethod to block the current thread until the counter value is 0;


  • When we call CountDownLatchcountDown()Method, N will be reduced by one, CountDownLatchawait()Method blocks the current thread,
  • Until N goes to zero. Due to thecountDownThe method can be used anywhere, so it could be N points, it could be N threads, it could be N steps in a thread.
  • When using multiple threads, you simply pass a reference to the CountDownLatch to the thread.


  • If one of the parsing sheets is slow, we can’t keep the main thread waiting, so we can use another thread with a specified timeawait()methods
  • Await (long time, TimeUnit unit)This method waits a certain amount of time before it no longer blocks the current thread.joinThere are similar methods.

CyclicBarrier fence

  • CyclicBarrier is a reusable thread blocker that is calledawait()Method forms a “fence” in the code and executes until the “await() method” blocks until the specified number of threads have reached the “fence”.