
Recently, in order to go out for an interview, I summarized what I learned. Suddenly, I found that some of my things only stayed in the stage of knowing how to use them, and I did not know how to implement them. Therefore, I have this article.

The core concept

Vuex stores states that need to be shared in a centralized manner. It is a state management library specifically designed for VUE. State: Data source view that drives the application: State is declaratively mapped to view Actions in response to state changes caused by user input on the view

The state API is used to store data. It is used to store data. It is used to perform a simple operation on the data stored in the state API. The data is mainly processed asynchronously, but mutation is still used to avoid error modules in VueTools: multiple store classes can be generated

So let’s do a simple implementation of the Store class

To simulate the Store class

let _Vue = null

class Store{
    cinstructor (options) {
        const {
            state = {},
            getters = {}
            mutations = {}
            actions = {}
        } = optinos
        this.state = _Vue.observable(state)
        this.getters = Object.create(null)
        Object.keys(getters).forEach(key => {
            Object.defineProperty(this.getters, key, {
                get: ()=> getters[key](state)
        this._mutations = mutations
        this._actions = actions

        commit ( type,payload ) {
            this._mutations[type](this.state, payload)
        dispatch (type, payload) {
            this._actions[type]( this , payload)

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1. If we want to use it, we will inject the store object passed in when creating the Vue instance into the $store on the Vue prototype

The vuEX repository can be accessed from this.$store in all components, so that state can be shared among all components.

3. In install, we can not get the Vue instance, so we can use beforeCreate to get the Vue instance, and get the store object

The next step is to simulate the mount install method

Simulate the install method

function install (Vue) { _Vue = Vue _Vue.mixin({ beforeCreate () { if (this.$ { // Prototype.$store = this.$}})}Copy the code

And then finally we can export it

export default {

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