Baidu Java programmer side:

JAVA base equals and == Multiple threads, threadLocal, various locks, Synchronized and Lock design patterns, Spring class loading methods, where instances are stored, AOP IOC, reflection mechanism class loaders, parental delegation model, hot deployed JVM memory model, memory structure, heap generation algorithm, heap partitioning, GC algorithm, GC process. TCP IP Layer 7 model REST interface specifications GET and POST differences, length, and security. TCP IP arp protocol, how two hosts on the same network obtain the MAC address of each other. Load balancing, high concurrency, high availability architecture mysql engine differentiates redis cache, Redis cluster deployment, hot backup, master-slave backup, master-slave database, hash mapping to find known nodes. You know cloud computing, you know cloud container Docker, the difference between a container and a virtual machine. Baidu Java programmer second interview:

I was responsible for database backup in the project, index principle of master-slave database and cluster database, B + tree principle, extension of TRIe tree, principle of binary search tree to find a word in massive data, distributed computing Map Reduce, Or use HSAH mapping to filter partial results of Java’s abstract class and interface distinctions, Java’s HashMap, Java’s memory model, partitioning, and generational garbage collection algorithms. Where to put instances, constants. Int 4 bytes, double 8 bytes. What is the difference between wait and sleep in multithreading? Implement two interfaces, one for the topic and one for the observer, and write corresponding methods. Write a producer consumer queue method, write two classes to represent the producer and consumer, and use the queue to simulate its production and consumption. I can do this with a while loop and wait notify, but I forgot to add the synchronize keyword to the queue, so let me write another problem. Write: enter a string, enter the first character that appears only once, and write it. TCP IP wave four function of the subnet mask, subnet mask, subnet mask, it is used to specify which bits of an IP address identify the subnet where the host resides, and which bits identify the bit mask of the host. A subnet mask cannot exist alone. It must be used together with an IP address. A subnet mask is used to divide an IP address into a network address and a host address. Do you know Linux? What about Linux kernel locks? No. Have used sed using shell script writing a character in the text, will replace the script, said about the use grep | | replacement. No longer ask Baidu Linux three aspects:

Introduce myself to responsible modules, which modules, the architecture of project one, which I’ve been talking about for so long that I forgot, talk about recent projects. What is the database connection pool, what is the configuration file, how is the database driver downloaded, persistence layer framework. Why and what are the benefits of database connection pooling? Java’s memory model, where variables and instances exist. What the Java stack does, what the Java stack does, what the method area does. Generational recycling of Java. How the project is deployed to the cloud host, what speed is improved, and why? The answer is mainly equipment performance and bandwidth. Tomcat configuration, the initial heap size is unknown. Related matters of internship in netease. Ask about any problems you have encountered. Ask about the exchange experience and learning content in Taiwan. Ask for solutions when you have a problem. Ability to work under pressure advantages and disadvantages Encountered work problems, colleagues do not cooperate. A quick way to get started. The usual method of learning, give a few points. Why change jobs? People? Girlfriends. For details. When can you come? Career Planning On the Internet, I often see some other friends put forward questions about project experience. According to my feeling in the interview, the interview mainly depends on the following points: project experience + basic skills + personal potential. Project experience mainly depends on your working years + the technology you know, so the technology is the most important anyway, if your technology is not enough then you need to decide now whether you want to continue to be a Java programmer, if the answer is YES then you need to supplement your knowledge and technology system.

Here is my collection of a systematic learning course system, source code analysis, performance optimization, microservice architecture, engineering, distribution. Of course, there is also your most needed mock interview Java learning exchange group: 180705916