Be a positive person

Code, fix bugs, improve yourself

I have a paradise, facing programming, spring flowers

This article is to record my own weekend one day simple ordinary life!

I am a programmer working and living in a second-tier city. After a busy week, I have a short weekend to rest and adjust, do something I want to do, read a book, listen to music, or watch entertainment programs to relax.

0, in the morning

AM: 9:30 a.m.

A sleep to wake up naturally feeling is very cool, nine thirty just get up, alas, is not the starting point a little late!

AM: 9:40 ~ 10:00

I did six groups of push-ups (100). Since April, I have been doing push-ups every day. From the beginning, I could only do a dozen at a time, and then I could do 40 or 50.

[Joke: March and April when 996 is hot, thinking of exercise, is it able to prepare for 996!]

PS: I wrote in my 19-year plan that I would go to the gym, but CONSIDERING that if I sign up for a gym, I might not have time to go there. Then stick to doing push-ups first, after the good weather will go running and climbing. If you want to get fit or exercise, start with something simple, like doing 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups a day, etc. Small increments can make a big difference.

AM: 10:00~12:30

Exercise over, took a bath, the whole person in fine spirits, thinking about the weekly has not written, wrote a weekly first.

Then open netease Cloud Music and randomly play songs recommended by daily songs. A few days ago, the laptop uninstalled the cool dog that had been used for seven or eight years, and deleted all the songs downloaded to the local area before, thinking about changing it, so I suddenly didn’t know what songs to listen to. It just randomly plays. If you have a good song recommendation, welcome to leave a message to share with me, thank you!

I opened a book related to technology and read a chapter. After work, I have been using some technologies, but I don’t know their principles, so ON the basis of using them, I will continue to go deeper. This is also my plan for this year. Reading can still be a systematic understanding of some things, and when reading also to think about the practical work experience. Reading a bad thing I do is that I read too few literary books after work, so I need to spare some time.

There was an activity in the afternoon. We had brunch together. After dinner, we went out. It rained a little in Changsha today, the weather is still comfortable, the weekend appropriate outdoor activities, or good.

AM: 12:30~PM :13:50

On the way to the activities, doing the subway, the weekend subway people are also quite many, no seats, originally brought a book ready to read, feel or forget, took the book heart comfort, like reading, sometimes on the weekend will bring a lot of books back, thinking about how, however….. Everything is different from what I thought.

1, in the afternoon

PM: 14:00~17:30

Listen to the front-end performance optimization, a big name speech, share a bit of my harvest:

Some ideas of optimization are actually very similar. Why should we optimize? In what ways can you optimize?

Why optimize?

Two aspects:

  • Users: Improve user experience
  • Company: reduce network resources and bandwidth usage

What can be improved?

Big ideas: reduce the number of HTTP requests, compress static resources (CSS, JS, images, etc.), optimize the page rendering process, optimize the front-end code (for example, it is best not to write styles in HTML), use caching, visual loading, lazy loading, preloading (game industry), etc.

There are other ways, you can use CDN and so on.

Summary: According to the actual scene and specific optimization strategy, performance optimization is often carried out by reasonable arrangement of current resources to achieve the optimal system, rather than blindly pursuing performance data.

After listening to the sharing, I also communicated with some big names and consulted some experience of career development. The communication made me think and expanded my vision.

Some people may wonder why I, who do the back end, listen to the front end activity.

The first reason is that I’m interested in the front-end performance tuning in this activity, and it’s worth learning about both front-end and back-end performance tuning.

The second reason is that I think a back-end programmer, in some cases, also needs to know something about the front end, such a small accumulation may be helpful in the future work.

PM: 17:30~20:30

When I went home for dinner, there were still many people on the subway, but there was still no seat. I found a place to lean on and played with my cell phone for a while. I felt a little tired and rested for a while. Home, eat.

PM: 20:30~21:10

Start thinking about the day and then write down what’s above. Good things happen in this world, but there are a lot of things that can’t be found, so just do it! Man is doing, god is watching. This is my life this weekend, this day’s life is only between 0 and 1, a small programmer’s day in a second-tier city. Simple day, also very full!

Last but not least, watching the yearning life on Saturday, watching the stars experience life in the beautiful village, and then to reflect this kind of life is the yearning life. Yes, AFTER watching the program, I also feel that such a life is really a lot, simple every day, do some farm work, and a few friends visit every day. How nice it is to be close to nature, to enjoy nature, to enjoy life, and to chat with the neighbors who live together!

But such a life is built on a strong material foundation, that is, money. I believe a lot of people like me come from the countryside to the city struggling people, struggling programmers, our rural life is not so easy and comfortable on TV, that is why we come out.

Tomorrow Monday, the start of a new week, work hard, earn more money, wish yourself and everyone reading this article, through struggle can finally live their dream of life!

Thank you for reading, if you think this blog is helpful to you, please like or like, let more people see! I wish you happy every day!

No matter what you do, as long as you stick to it, you will see the difference! On the road, neither humble nor pushy!

I wish you and I can become the best of themselves on the way of life, to become an independent person

© Alfayun who is getting better every day