Review activities

Post editor: Zhang Handong

Editor’s note:

A summary of the month’s activities, both online and offline.

Online: Rust Chat room and RustFriday Flying Book Group Online Salon

【 近 】Rust chat room

  • Source: Rust chat room
  • Host: MikeTang
  • Post editor: Gao Xianfeng

Rust Chat Room no. 30 – Take a look at Axum

Time: 2021/08/03 20:30-21:30

Speaker: Mike Tang

Title: Take a look at Axum

What it’s about: Not long ago, the Tokio team launched axum, a Web development framework that caused a stir in the community. Let’s get a feel for this new framework tonight.


  1. Docs. Rs/stay / 0.2.3 /…



Rust FFI Practice: Distributed machine learning

Time: 2021/08/17 20:30-21:30

Speaker: Alice

Title: Rust FFI Practices: Distributed Machine Learning

Content: this topic describes how to build large-scale distributed training tools using Rust to connect deep learning existing Python, C++, and CUDA ecosystems. At the same time, enjoy the high security and development efficiency that Rust needs to bring.


  1. Source code:…



RustFriday flying Book Group online salon

[Online] RustFriday Flying Book Group online salon

Every Friday at 8pm, limited to two topics: language features and open source projects, online discussion.

Rust Chinese Community Invites you to join us:

Dialogue group: applink. Feishu. Cn/TeLAcbDR

Topic group: applink. Feishu. Cn/TeLD868w

Video source:

How to test a person’s Rust level in an interview?

  1. How to Interview/or prepare for a Rust interview.
  2. Practical Interview Experience Sharing (@huangjj)
  3. Vscode + ra uses tips to share.



Issue 17 | Axum Asynchronous Web Framework

Sharer: Zhang Handong

【 Topic 】

  1. Axum’s middleware is an abstraction that uses tower directly, and the benefits are: A. A unified Service and Layer abstraction standard is used to facilitate the prosperity of the ecosystem. Reuse tokio/Hyper/Tonic ecology

  2. Axum’s routing mechanism provides a simple DSL (chain call). Routes are matched based on iteration and regular expressions

  3. It also provides a convenient extractor, and as long as you implement FromRequest that’s an extractor, it’s very easy to implement.

【 References 】

  1. Source code:…



Issue 18 | How to Implement RPC Framework with Rust

Sharer: Zhang Handong

【 Topic 】

  1. Tutorial author FmHai shared the idea of Lust framework. Why rust? Because the performance of the GO service has reached a bottleneck of inventory optimization, rust reimplementation has to be considered to fundamentally eliminate the problems caused by the GO system.
  2. Follow along to learn how to build an RPC framework. The tutorial is short, but informative, and incorporates a lot of thinking into production practices.
    • Chapters 2 through 3 cover how to abstract messages and protocols,
    • Chapters 4 and 5 show how tokio Codec and Transport can be combined to further integrate messages and protocols, as well as using Tower to increase middleware support and reuse tools from the Tokio ecosystem.
    • Chapter 6 shows you how to use nom to parse thrift IDL and how to generate code automatically through procedure macros.
    • Chapters 7 and 8 further build on Tower to add service discovery/liability balancing/custom middleware features. Small as the sparrow is, it has all the organs and is worth learning from.

【 References 】…



Beijing – Hangzhou MeetUp-20210808

Video collection address:…

The PPT link:…

Extraction code: 2IVV

Rust+Tokio is photographing the practice of clouds

Speaker: Xia Gongxun

Tokio Internals

Speaker: Wang Xiangfu

The performance debugger for Rust Ecology, Pprof-RS

Speaker: Yang Keo



Dig deep into the move semantics

Speaker: Ding Shaoshun

Rust Web development insights

Speaker: Zhao Chunlin

The Cloud on the ARM – the Hypervisor

Speaker: Li Feng



Application and Performance analysis of CPS Variation in Tail Recursion in Rust language

Speaker: Chang Kaiyan

20210807-Hello Web3.0 Meetup The first online sharing meeting in China

Video collection address:…

A brief introduction to Web3.0

Speaker: Mike

Several views on Web3.0:

  1. Semantic Internet
  2. Click please fill in interactivity to classify
  3. Internet of values
  4. Coinbase point of view

Smart contract development for Web3.0

Speaker: Robert

This topic mainly explains the development of smart contract based on Near. Why is Near a smart contract development option? Further analysis will be made in this Topic.



Web3.0 application chain development

Speaker: Lester

Overview of Web3.0:

  1. Web3.0 a new phase of a more open, fair and secure Internet.
  2. Web3.0 applications [community-owned encryption protocols] replace [company-owned platforms].
  3. The landing of Web3.0 applications requires comparable user experience and service capabilities of Web2.0 applications.

The development of application chain by Substrate framework is emphasized.

Web3.0 privacy computing system design

Speaker: Zhou Shunfan

Phala Network is a Network that tries to provide private computing to blockchain. Through what kind of technical means and system design, contractual privacy, security and overall performance are guaranteed.

Akash open source cloud computing marketplace

Speaker: Uncle Red Army

Akash a decentralized Amazon cloud or Ali Cloud. The current situation of cloud computing is monopolized by four giants (Amazon cloud, Google cloud, Ali Cloud and Microsoft Cloud), which ultimately harms the rights and interests of users. Akash leveragesblockchain features and virtualization container technology to provide a decentralized version of cloud computing.

Web3.0 storage and trusted computing

Speaker: Xiong Wei

During the development process, I encountered many problems, including the high cost of miners and the high threshold of users. These problems have been bothering the developer. Last year, I participated in the Ethereum MeetUp organized by Spark organization and had a new idea, using a block chain to build a new application.

Programming On Solana

Speaker: Ge Xin

Francium is a leveraged income platform. Developing contracts on Solana requires an understanding of the account model, the relationship between Transaction and Instruction, and finally, an understanding of programs.

Applications of zkSNARK in Decentralized Finance

Speaker: Jamie

In Web3.0, how to use zero knowledge proof technology to achieve privacy protection in DeFi field.