This article is submitted by readers. The author is one of my senior readers and my friend of knowledge Planet. Recently, he received many offers from big factories in the spring recruitment. After reading his summary, I found that many places are very similar to when I participated in the school admissions, even better than my time. Share it with you and encourage us together.

As an interlude, this reader had asked me to help him with his resume before he was preparing for the college entrance exam. When I received an interview assignment, I looked at the resume and realized it was the same one I had read before.

Because we knew each other and had helped him with his resume, it was partly to avoid suspicion. In addition, there are a lot of interview questions in my knowledge planet. If I am asked to interview him, I may deliberately avoid those questions, which is unfair to him. So I asked my colleagues to help me with the interview. However, the final result is always good, really excellent, unfortunately missed a direct Battle opportunity.

Well, without further ado, here’s what he said:


I graduated in 211(Zhengzhou University), I am still an konjak compared to the big guys. However, with the help of the blog of H university and knowledge planet, I finally got the offers from ali (Java) and Tencent (background transfer to C++) in the internship recruitment of the 20th year. Recalling the journey of preparing for the interview and learning, I finally got my wish, although it was a little bumpy.

Graduate school or employment

I do not consider the situation of postgraduate guarantee, because I believe most people will choose postgraduate guarantee if they can.

As a matter of fact, MY GPA is not too low. I once mistakenly thought that I could qualify for postgraduate study, but I underestimated the degree of my major, so I gradually accepted the fact that I could not qualify for postgraduate study in the second semester of my sophomore year. However, because I still want to play in the university is not enough (mainly because there is no object in the university), I want to go to graduate school, so in the third year of the initiation of the idea of postgraduate entrance examination. Why didn’t I finally choose to go to graduate school? I’m sure everyone is in a different situation and for different reasons. Here are a few things you should consider:

  1. Would you rather be employed or go to graduate school
  2. Why want employment, why want to go up graduate student
  3. Are you really interested in the field of graduate study
  4. Which one is more certain
  5. Can a degree really be your Achilles heel
  6. .

Finally, life is a process of constant choice, and there is no right or wrong choice. As long as you want, you can succeed no matter in postgraduate entrance examination or employment!

The learning process

I switched to Java from CTF in April, nineteen nineteen. Luckily, I met an associate professor with strong engineering ability who taught us Java, not Java syntax, but Jvm, which allowed me to learn Java directly.

Then I learned Java with my deskmate ( and watched the dark horse tutorials that my deskmate shared with me (PS later found out that these things were all about API ha ha ha, but they did give us an understanding of the whole Java system).

If you have time, you can watch it. You study until 10:30 in the evening and go back to sleep in the dormitory. You can watch it again when you arrive in the classroom at 7:30 in the morning.

Then I put my notes on the CSDN( for each chapter I read, and the intensity of study continued until the summer vacation.

During this period, I also made a student management system based on BIO+Swing.

I only stayed at home for 7 days during the summer vacation, learned SSM in school, and then made a personal blogging system ( based on SpringBoot and Vue with separate front and back ends.

I am responsible for the requirement analysis, design, coding and operation and maintenance of the whole blog. As the saying goes, although the sparrow is small, it has all the five organs. Through this blog, I am familiar with the whole process of small and medium-sized software development, and the harvest is really not small.

Since THE plan was to prepare for a 20-year internship, I slackened off in the first semester of my junior year and participated in a competition to forecast the flow of people.

If I had realized earlier, I could have prepared for the internship and interview in the first semester of my junior year, and then I could have got the internship qualification in the winter vacation of my junior year. However, I didn’t know much about it at that time, so I put it off to prepare for the internship in the winter vacation of my junior year.

In the process of preparing for the interview, this is actually a process of grinding mentality, it is inevitable that there will be self-abasement and pride, we must adjust the state, start again, “factory thousands of millions, not we will change”.

The interview result

Personally, I think I prepared quite well. I prepared for the specific process of cattle to find interview questions, and then categorize summary, finally through Baidu Google to find out the answer to these questions, their own understanding, cyclic, ok. Here are some common Java interview questions:

Java based

Generics, the difference between object-oriented and procedural, syntactically sugar, wrapper classes and primitive types, stream, lambda, polymorphic implementations, ==/equals/hashCode(), static and final, inner classes, interfaces and Abstract classes, encoding, exceptions, IO, reflection

Java container

Collection and Map, structure of HashMap (1.7 and 1.8), several variables of HashMap, initialization values, LRU and LinkedHashMap, expansion principle of ArrayList, how to make container thread safe, queue usage scenarios


Jstat, jhat, jmap, jinfo, jSTAT, jstat, jstat, jstat, jmap, jinfo, etc

Java concurrency

JMM, Volatile, synchronized, three features of concurrent programming (how to ensure), several methods of Object, several methods of Thread, five states of Thread, JUC package (concurrent container, Lock, utility class, Thread pool, atomic class), AQS principle, ThreadLocal, Threaded, multithreaded loop prints ABC, producer consumer pattern

Design patterns

The Five Principles, Factory pattern, iterator pattern, observer pattern, adapter pattern, policy pattern, proxy pattern, facade pattern, share pattern, singleton pattern, decorator pattern, composite pattern, template method pattern, etc

408 (Basic Integration of Computer Science)

Process threads and coroutines, Memory management, Common Linux commands top, ps, CAT, etc., Network model, NIO (epoll,poll, SELECT), BIO, AIO, Virtual memory, page replacement algorithm, track scheduling Algorithm, Banker algorithm, deadlock definition, CPU scheduling algorithm, Philosopher’s Problem, Barber problem, process memory allocation, process switching process, memory management mode

7-layer model, URL execution, HTTP1, 2, and HTTPS, TCP and UDP, SYN flooding, TIME_WAIT, man-in-the-middle attack, TCP dip and unpack, XSS, CSXF, DDOS, SQL injection

Lists and arrays, flipped lists, tree mirroring, tree traversal, merging ordered arrays, topK problem, big data find median, big data sort, quickly find someone’s ranking, red black tree, AVL tree, B+ tree, all sorts of sort, this brush LeetCode is done


Isolation level, ACID, ACID how to implement, MVCC, index, prefix index, back table, leftmost principle, clustered index, non-clustered index, overwrite index, hash index, index push-down, index structure, Innodb and MyISAM, gap lock, row lock, table lock, relog, undolog, binlog


Cache consistency, persistence mode, network mode, IO mode, reasons for high performance, why single thread, cluster mode, distributed lock, Redis how to ensure single thread execution of multiple commands, Redis data structure, hop table


Load balancing, why can load balancing, why can do reverse proxy, nginx has what function, how to ensure that the cache time is inconsistent, how to set up nginx


Spring startup process, SpringBoot startup process, AOP and IOC, SpringBoot SPI, Mybatis proxy pattern, # and (why) indispensable, bean lifecycle, SSM design pattern, Spring things, bean interdependence


Project process, current restrictor, LRU algorithm, blacklist algorithm, project highlights, project difficulties, how to cooperate with the team, how to quickly find people who care about each other, Tomcat startup process, microservices, RPC process, MQ, Docker, K8S, distributed things, CASE and CAP

For interviews, practice with others, including introducing yourself (two, one technical, one HR) and then asking each other about your skills through your resume. In the real interview, be sure to relax, and then say no where you don’t know, and be sure to say that where you know a little bit. Don’t tell the interviewer that you’re trying too hard.

About your resume

Personally, I don’t think it should be flashy. WonderCV( is very good. I also want a nice resume photo with a white background.

At the top of your resume should be your personal information (GPA, school, courses) followed by your technical stack (Java, DB, frameworks, others).

The next section is to write about your own projects or internships. Then write about your awards. Finally, write your own personal statement.

It’s also a plus to have a personal blog or Github that does a good job.

The resources

Here does not stick the specific interview question, everybody has the need to be able to take to my public number: the magic lamp of wang Xingxing

The following is my interview reference materials, I hope to help you

Google( : Google and Baidu are undoubtedly the most helpful to everyone. Don’t always ask others when you encounter problems. Before asking, you should think about whether you can search through other ways.

Hollis’ personal blog/Knowledge Planet/public account ( : Brother H’s blog and face to Face with Java helped me sort out the Java system. Thank you very much!

The magic lamp of wang Xingxing ( : this is my blog, recorded my growth process inside

Tian Xiaobo’s technology blog ( : this big bull’s blog I found by accident in the process of Baidu, is also very good

IdeaBuffer (IdeaBuffer. Cn/categories /…). : same as above

JavaGuide (snailclimb. Gitee. IO/JavaGuide / #…). : Noodles are necessary

Taobao seconds kill system design (…). : You can get a good understanding of J2EE’s kill design

Wrote last

In fact, to be honest, WHEN I was preparing for the spring recruitment, I did not even think about the internship in Ali. I remember my deskmate asked me whether I would go if XX(another Internet company) wanted me to go. I told him how could HE not go, I would be grateful if XX wanted me.

I remember my teeth were trembling during the first interview, and the details were written on my official account.

In the interview process experienced many emotional fluctuations, the interview had been happy, the interview failed sad, doubt themselves.

Now that I think about it, the interview is also a process of training myself and improving my ability to control my emotions. In Ali’s dialect, it is more solid.

Interview is actually a kind of luck, some people meet a great interviewer, may ask more difficult questions, some may be more simple, so do not easily deny yourself. At the same time, after getting the offer to do planning as soon as possible, can not get carried away, the Internet is a lasting learning industry, constantly enrich themselves, in order to contribute to the healthy development of the motherland!

Finally, I would like to share some thoughts with you:

  1. Keep confident, always warn yourself not to inferiority, more can’t be proud
  2. Make a plan for yourself
  3. Early to bed and early to rise
  4. Hold on, hold on, hold on

The above is the author’s original description. After reading it, I feel very similar to the process of preparing for the school entrance exam. I only stayed at home for a few days during the holiday before I participated in the school entrance exam, and the rest of the time was spent reviewing at school.

The way of learning is to brush the questions, and then according to the knowledge points in the written test and interview questions, they go to books, find blogs and so on, one by one.

There is the author said he did not want to come over Ali internship, I was also the same, I was less than the original author, is the author of 211 colleges and universities, I was just a double non two of a student. At the beginning, I thought I would be satisfied if I could get the Offer from a slightly famous Internet company. However, in the later review process, I kept working hard and finally got the Offer beyond my expectation