Who says programmers aren’t romantic, especially Python programmers who encrypt text and write love letters that only certain people can understand.

In a company, to have such a Python programmer, we call him a little, because personality is introverted, always don’t have a girlfriend, until June of this year to a female programmer, a little strange move, a whim, in text encryption way try writing a love letter to the woman programmers, so even if the love letter seen by others, also don’t understand, There’s no shame in being rejected by a female programmer.

So he still tried. Later, within half a day, Fu received a reply from the female programmer. I don’t know the content, but I can confirm that the female programmer understood the love letter encrypted with Python, and after a week of communication in this way, they began a formal relationship.

So, who said programmers are not romantic, as long as the heart of the person, not romantic will become romantic.

How do you encrypt text in Python?

Very simple, let’s look at my thinking:

First, before encryption; We need to determine business requirements first, for example: I have a string of text needs to be encrypted; First determine the overall framework.

1. It’s up to you or your users to decide what needs to be encrypted

2. Do a processing to the password after encryption; Password synchronization; Avoid the correct opening of the situation

After encryption is certainly the need to decrypt

This is based on user needs; I did a process; The user chooses whether to encrypt or decrypt.

If the user chooses encryption; Next, let’s deal with encrypted business logic;

So the encryption logic is taken care of; Corresponding through the effect of running you can clearly feel the charm of the program encryption; There’s also encryption; Naturally there is decryption; After all, offense and defense exist together.

Let’s first demonstrate what a bad password looks like;

After the password is correct

If you have doubts about the train of thought can leave a message below, try to use text encryption way to write love letters, is also a kind of romantic.

The whole process is very simple to use, which is suitable for beginners to learn Python. If so, try using Python to write the most disgusting love letter to your girlfriend.