A tech blogger who turns logical thinking into code


It is really important to develop a learning habit and programming habit. A good habit is really of great help to the later learning. Here are some good programming habits that I think are also good.

Asking questions is an art

We can’t do without asking questions at any time, especially at the beginning of learning, but few people really know how to ask questions correctly. Don’t start a question with “Are you there?” You say “Are you there?” Should I reply or not reply?

Ways of asking questions

I have also encountered many questions that left me speechless or headache, and I have also encountered questions that I would like to patiently answer. Generally speaking, there are still too few people who can ask questions.

I also looked up some relevant information on the Internet, and I would like to share with you my opinion on how to ask questions.

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions, which I’ve divided into slightly normal and not so good questions.

A slightly more normal problem

The following table:

Slightly normal questions
1. How and what should I learn?
2. How to get started with what technology?
3. How to solve a certain code bug?
4. Can you explain to me what this is in English?
5. How to find a satisfying job?
6. How to write a brief introduction for the interview?
7. What language tools and techniques are recommended for beginners?

The above questions are normal questions, but the way to ask questions needs to be improved!

Not a good question

The following table

An annoying question
1. What software can I send out? Where can I find any programs or resources?
2. How to configure the environment variable
3. Grab a random bug graph and say, “What’s this?”

These are the questions most people ask themselves: Wouldn’t Google? Baidu???? The worst should also be baidu! In fact, I also come from this time, at least I think to use Baidu, Google, StackOverflow after the question, this time you put forward the quality of the question will improve a lot!

The obvious problem with asking questions is that they don’t describe their problem clearly! The description of the problem is extremely important! Especially technical types of issues

You may be just getting started and need help answering some questions, but be sure to do your homework before asking, and the results will pay off!

So I want people to realize that asking questions is really important!

The right way to ask questions

Here’s what I think is a good way to ask questions:

  1. The most important thing is to Google before you run into a problem! A lot of times you spend half an hour wandering around asking questions, you Google, Baidu might solve in 10 minutes.

  2. (I think I’m kind of good-natured. I run into people like this every day, and they give impatient answers every day, but wouldn’t it be better to just state your question or request?) .

  3. Do your homework before you start asking questions, and don’t make a bad impression by asking Low questions

  4. Try to add some context to your questions, such as why you are asking them and in what context.

  5. Start by explaining how you feel about the problem, how you plan to solve it, what you’ve tried, and what you expect from the other person.

  6. It’s really important to narrow down the scope of your questions. The smaller and clearer your questions are, the easier they are to answer.

Common technical community exchange site

Here are some other community sites for programmers that I think are better:

Domestic site
Stack Overflow

I think it’s great that Stack Overflow scores not only the answers but also the questions themselves. The most important thing is that Stack Overflow is primarily about programmer questions and answers

Many of the programming problems you’ve encountered have probably been encountered by others here!

If not, consider other solutions. If you can’t solve it, ask someone who can help you.

About health

I think this aspect is also the most important, and I think many people like me unconsciously ignore it, until you are really under the weather, you start to realize the importance of healthy living.

  1. Don’t stay up late unless you absolutely have to. The dangers of staying up late go beyond saying, baldness and endocrine imbalance, you know!
  2. After 45 minutes of computer time, get up and walk for 5 minutes to relax and look into the distance. Don’t think of those five minutes as a waste of time; instead, they can lead to even bigger productivity gains.
  3. Consider buying a computer shelf to protect your spine and enhance your office experience.
  4. You can download an eye protector, and it feels like the eye protector mode is great, perfect for those of us who need to stare at the computer a lot

Good at summarizing

After learning any subject, you may have watched the video and found it easy to understand. But then, a few days later, you realize that you forgot all about it. When someone asks you a similar question, you don’t have a clue. Therefore, I recommend you not only to timely review after learning a knowledge, but also to make a summary, so that knowledge form a system. Also, imagine you have to explain this to someone else. Can you explain it clearly? If not, you don’t have a thorough understanding of the subject. This is often referred to as feynman’s rule of learning!

The summary is as follows:

  1. Youdao Cloud Note, OneNote… Software designed to take notes
  2. Mind maps, Markdown documents
  3. By writing blog output, consider setting up your own blog (Hexo +GithubPages is very easy), or you can write a simple blog, dig gold… And so on.
About Blogging

What are the benefits of blogging?

  1. Have a deeper understanding of knowledge, so that their knowledge system is more complete
  2. Push yourself to study… In general, blogging is a two-way street. You may learn a lot from it, and what you write may be of great help to others. However, blogging is time consuming and you need to balance it with your job.

Improve yourself

Multi-purpose making

Go to Github if you have the ability to participate in some open source projects. Look at other people’s good open source projects, look at other people’s code and design ideas, and you will gradually improve your programming ideas. In addition to these excellent open source projects, Github also has a lot of good open source documents, open source materials, I think we usually learn quite helpful.

About practical project experience

Practice and apply what you learn to real projects. A lot of people come to me and complain that they don’t have actual projects to do, how can they have project experience?

If you really don’t have an actual project to do, I think you can do it in the following ways:

  1. Find a video or blog project online that matches your skills and job search needs. In the process of doing it, you should have your own thinking, do not dabble, for many knowledge points, others’ explanation may be enough to meet the project, if you want to learn more knowledge, for important knowledge points you should learn to in-depth study
  2. Github or code Cloud has many practical projects, you can choose one to study, in order to better understand the project, on the basis of understanding the original code, you can improve the original project or add features, commonly known as secondary development
  3. Oneself begin to do a thing that oneself want to complete, encounter not the thing to learn temporarily, learn to sell now, I was so started!
  4. Have access, have contacts of the condition below receive private sheet more!
Note the code specification

From the first day of learning programming to develop good coding habits, package, class, method/function, variable naming these are the most basic, comments are also must be written to facilitate others and convenient yourself! People who understand understand!

Ability to communicate

Programmers also need to communicate. You may need to communicate requirements with clients, project issues with colleagues, and you may need to report to your manager on a regular basis on the progress of the project.

Therefore, I think good communication ability is also the basic quality that a good programmer should have.