You must have thought it was PS/AI/ Balabala… No, no, no, today I will strongly recommend programmers use goofy PPT to draw.

Get ready for powerpoint to shoot skills at you!

PowerPoint/WPS demonstration

WPS is so lightweight that everyone updates to the latest version of the good ~

I recommend using PowerPoint after 2013 because there is a very powerful tool called “Color Picker”. What? You said color pickers are common. What’s so special.

The first step is color matching

Let’s do a little experiment and make a page with only three color blocks.

As a programmer who has never studied design/art in a serious way, I am usually afraid to match colors by myself, which is scary. Don’t try it.

So I usually search for PPT/ color matching/illustration on the Internet and find a picture that looks comfortable and harmonious. Then you can get started.

I chose a picture with a lot of colors, but the overall picture is very harmonious. So I’m going to choose some of the colors in its image.

The top left is the three colors I have been adjusting for a long time, although quite close, but it still looks very dazzling.

At this time or bring up our color picker, as long as you can set the color of the place can be found.

We have the artifact. The image below only takes 3 seconds, color, color, color. It looks a lot better. Of course, this color scheme is still dangerous. You see, the original image is only used partially, and this example is just to illustrate the convenience of picking colors.

Of course, you can use other tools to assist, even directly in the web page can be color. But! Directly in the PPT inside obviously improve efficiency ~ so THIS function I still highly recommend.

Step two lets insert a shape

As you can see below, you have a lot of options. The ones in the red circle are the ones I use more often. From left to right and top to bottom are lines, custom shapes, rectangles, rounded rectangles and circles.

In fact, when you get to the end, you’ll realize that all you need to do is customize the shape (that crooked one in the upper right corner).

And then you insert a shape, but what can you draw with this square shape? ! You must think I’m messing with you.

Step three let the vertices fly

Then you stare at the square for half an hour and say, “I know there are four vertices? Why fly?” . Don’t worry. We’re finally getting down to business.

When you click on a graphic, the menu bar will have a “drawing Tools” or “Graphics Tools” TAB.

So the vertices are hidden so deep? In fact, you can also find it by right clicking… Whatever you do, the first step is to right click and find it.

All you need to do is click on the black dots and you’ll see two white dots that can also be dragged.

If you’re curious, you should try the black dot right here.

Adding and removing vertices should be easy to understand, but I won’t go into it here.

What the hell is an open path? If I take the padding out, and I just have the outline, it’ll be pretty obvious.

Now, what’s the difference between those three different vertices?

As shown in the figure, we call the line segment between the black and white dots the control handle. The difference is the length of the handle and whether it’s on the same line. Different vertices have very different effects.

Step 4 give you some color see see

After editing the shape, fill in the color and outline.

There is a good place to use the line to fill in the endpoint type and join type. Let’s cut to the drawing.

Endpoints are defined by their names, so they are used in lines and open paths, because a closed graph has no concept of endpoints.

The join type then sets the style at the join of the closed line segment, as shown below.

So what exactly do these two things do? They are, in my opinion, an essential step in bringing your graphics to life. Take a look at the crown below and see if the crown is softened when the join type is set to circle.

Introduced here, I believe that someone has been itching to try ~ but, my hand is disabled, how to break. This is easy to do, you can first take some materials to copy, such as the following cup, only put the cup in the bottom, and then reduce the opacity of your graphics can follow the material to draw.

The fifth step must teach you to save

At the end of the story, you’re done, but you remember a very important question. How can I save it in PNG? If I take a screenshot directly, I will put on the white background of PPT.

This is so easy, you just need to select the layer you want, and then right click “Combine”, you can put together your masterpiece, then you will find it as a whole, and then right click, save as a graphic, you can go out to the right to install.

You’ll be smart enough to find that once you’ve assembled the whole thing and scaled it, you can adjust the size of your image to whatever you want.