
I would like to retrieve all items I would like to retrieve. I would like to retrieve all items I would like to retrieve.

[titleLabel mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {;
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Let’s focus only on the syntax here, which can be used without limit, and take a look at the internal implementation of the mas_makeConstraints method here:

- (NSArray *)mas_makeConstraints:(void(^)(MASConstraintMaker *))block { self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints =  NO; MASConstraintMaker *constraintMaker = [[MASConstraintMaker alloc] initWithView:self]; block(constraintMaker); return [constraintMaker install]; }Copy the code

We can think of MASConstraintMaker as a layout maker, and what [constraintMaker Install] returns is an array of type NSArray. We won’t go into further code. We’ll just look at the element MASConstraint in this array. A MASConstraint is a constraint. Multiple constraints combine to determine the size of a control’s position, so let’s look at the ones we use most often

- (MASConstraint *)left;
- (MASConstraint *)top;
- (MASConstraint *)right;
- (MASConstraint *)bottom;
- (MASConstraint *)width;
- (MASConstraint *)height;
- (MASConstraint * (^)(id attr))equalTo;
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Here we focus on equalTo, because equalTo is a call, so its return value must be a block, plus equalTo needs to be passed, so it is defined as

- (MASConstraint * (^)(id attr))equalTo;
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Because the block it returns is MASConstraint itself, it can still make point-by-point calls. That’s the idea of chained programming.

  • Note: The idea of chained programming is specific: the method return value must have a method caller;

Chain programming

For example, I’ll link you to the next page and I’ll link it to the next page. For example, I’ll post a call to mas_makeConstraints, which would be a category method. Now let’s create a class of NSObject, and we’ll call it

@interface NSObject (Calculate)
+ (NSInteger)bx_calculate:(void(^)(CalculateManager *manager))block;

@implementation NSObject (Calculate)
+ (NSInteger)bx_calculate:(void(^)(CalculateManager *manager))block{
    CalculateManager *manager = [[CalculateManager alloc] init];
    return manager.result;

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Here CalculateManager is equivalent to MASConstraintMaker is a calculation management class, so we define an addition in the CalculateManager class

// Compute Manager@interface CalculateManager: nsobject@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger result; // Calculate result // add - (CalculateManager *(^)(NSInteger value))add; The @end@implementation CalculateManager //add block method passes in parameters, The return value needs to be CalculateManager to continue using the add method - (CalculateManager *(^)(NSInteger value))add{return ^(NSInteger value){_result += value; return self; }; } @endCopy the code

This allows for infinite calls in chained programming

NSInteger result = [NSObject bx_calculate:^(CalculateManager *manager) {
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Running results:

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