Step 1: Create your Repository on Github as shown in the image below:

Step 2: Click the Create Repository button

Could not read from remote repository

Fatal: Could not read from remote repository error fatal: Could not read from remote repository error fatal: Could not read from remote repository error fatal: Could not read from remote repository error fatal: Could not read from remote repository error

Step 1: Open “drive C – user – XXX (user name) -.ssh folder”, open the file and copy everything. If you do not have this file, go to Step 5.

Step 2: Open Github, go to your profile picture, and select Settings.

Step 3: Find SSH and GPG keys (line 6) in the left column and click inside.

Step 4: Click the green New SSH Key button. Enter whatever you want in the Titie box, paste in the Key box what you copied in step 1, and click the Add SSH key button.

Step 5: If there is no file, delete the existing file first.

Step 6: In git, enter ssh-keygen it rsa -c “[email protected]” with your email address in the text box

Windows ssh-keygen is not an internal or external command and opens the ID RSA pub file

Ssh-keygen is not an internal or external command, mainly because ssh-keygen.exe is not found, so we need to configure the directory of ssh-keygen.exe to the global variable. 1. Locate the ssh-keygen.exe file in Git/usr/bin. 2. Configure environment variables: Properties – > Advanced System Settings – > Environment Variables – > System Variables

And it worked

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "The email address of your Github account"Copy the code

Then how to open the file to obtain the key inside! CMD go to the SSH folder and type:

more id_rsa.pubCopy the code

After obtaining the key, open setting in your Github account and click the button in the picture below to add it.

Finally, if there is a new file to submit the code again need to command

git add .

git commit -m "second commit"

Git push -u origin master git push -u origin master


The above summaries are just a few of the pitfalls encountered in the submitted project. If this article affects your interests, please also inform us that the original intention of writing this article is to give more partners, but also for the convenience of reference in the future.………