
Why am I writing this now? Because it’s the height of job hunting, and I know many of you are looking for work. I happen to have rich interview experience. I once interviewed at BAT in Beijing. If I talk about the pits from the perspective of the interviewer, it will be helpful for everyone to find a job.

The first step in the interview is to write a resume. As the saying goes, clothes make the man. If you can’t impress the interviewer with your resume, how can you break through the first layer and prepare for the next interview? Can have a look at the following article, I think it is good. I hope it was helpful.

Whether you are interviewing for Java, C/C++, Python or other development positions, TCP knowledge can be said to be a must.

TCP abuse me a thousand times, I still love TCP like first love.

It doesn’t matter, today let us to eliminate this fear, smile bravely face it!

So I put together a list of
TCP three handshakes and four wavesTo discuss it with you.

The first thing to talk about is the interview time. Hr will always set an interview time, such as 2pm, so as a candidate, what is the best time for you to arrive? Some people say: Never be late, the earlier the better.
This is wrongThe most appropriate way is
Arrive about 10 minutes early.

It goes without saying that you can’t be late for an interview, but why arrive 10 minutes early rather than sooner?

Because the interviewer is very busy, masturbation, meeting and interview are mixed together, do you say busy? It is possible that the interviewer is still in a meeting at 1:30 PM, or taking a lunch break. You call to say you have arrived. Will he go or not? Anyway, if it were me, I would let you wait until 2 o ‘clock, I’m sorry, we are busy, have a sense of time! Why else would you set a time?

And then I’ll talk about myself before the interview

  • Most of the time interviewers will ask candidates to introduce themselves. This session serves two purposes. One is as a buffer before the interview to avoid embarrassment, because the interviewer needs to see your resume and you have to give him some time.
  • On the other hand, candidates can use those few minutes to shine. This time, do not have to read, according to resume resume writing all so clear, the interviewer will see yourself, suggested briefly said yourself before important output of the company, as well as technical pursuit, if necessary can also boast a wave of the target company, and quickly gain the interviewer, it is very important, hiring is like to fall in love, the first impression is very important.

If an interviewer asks you a question, but you can’t, what would you do?

You: I don’t know how to do that. Interviewer inner OS: You don’t know how to do that. Why should I hire you?

Dialogue 2 You: Give any answer, the interviewer questions, you evasive, anyway, just do not say that you do not know the interviewer inner OS: will you do it? Don’t waste my time

Dialog 3 You: A flash of insight, a nonanswer, a blabbering conversation that brings the topic back to familiar territory

Dialog 4 You: To be honest, I don’t know about this problem, but I can try to analyze it. If there is anything wrong, I hope you can correct me. Interviewer’s Inner OS: This person is thoughtful, analytical, modest and studious

So, which one are you?

When the interview is over, how do you know the result of your interview?

It’s as simple as looking at the interviewer’s last two sentences. If the interviewer’s words indicate a clear follow-up,

Go home first, someone will contact you later

2. Please go home and someone will contact you again in a few days

Go home and wait for us to tell you

So what if the interviewer doesn’t say the above? Here’s another tip: Ask the interviewer to evaluate your performance and give you some suggestions for improvement. This question is my own thinking, especially effective.

If the interviewer speaks positively of you, and your strengths significantly outweigh your weaknesses, that’s a positive result. Asking your interviewer for advice also has another level of meaning. People should constantly find their own shortcomings in the interview and make up for it, so as to gradually improve and pass the following interview, so after the interview to check the gaps, to thank the people who give their opinions, otherwise it is dead to face and suffer.

When looking for a job, it is also important to negotiate salary with hr.

A few things to note during an interview.

1. Are you sure you came to the interview empty-handed without a bag or your resume?

I have bad breath if I don’t brush my teeth. It’s hard for me to face you like this

3 interview outfit force, love to the interviewer build ignore, see more in gao gong body I no matter you are P several, even if be Ali P9, also give me honest point, you are to interview, not to outfit force, want to outfit force please go home outfit!

4. Too talkative to get a word in edgeways. Are you interviewing me or am I interviewing you?

This article is not easy, if you like this article, or helpful to you hope you more, like, forward, follow oh. The article will be updated continuously. Absolutely dry!!