Before you write, set a flag. This is not a very successful interview. The unsuccessful here refers to a good deck of cards just let yourself hit a capital miserably.

In terms of data, the interview lasted for 5 days and involved 14 companies, including game industry, education industry and pet finance industry. From the perspective of technology, seven of them have passed the technical standards, three are ready to offer, and four have failed due to salary problems. The techniques asked range from the shallow to the deep. Two of them ask more deeply, basically finish abuse. The rest is fine.

The story goes in chronological order. Monday was normal, but the whole army was basically wiped out due to lack of experience.

On Tuesday, the first startup, specializing in dandelion. Come up here and fill out the form in ten minutes. HR little sister chat for 15 minutes, technical director — a slightly graying grandpa level, chat for 20 minutes, from the database concurrency, project flow function block, Node features, ES6 things, etc., asked a lot of things, feel play is relatively good. After that, I asked a little bit about vueJs in the front end, and nothing more. I made me wait for about five minutes and then came in and said that I was going to let the boss talk to me today, but the boss was out today. So I’ll stop here today. But then he didn’t call me. I guess the boss didn’t give this position such a big budget, because I want 20K.

The second afternoon at 2 o ‘clock, there is a small episode, fill in the registration form — I came up directly points to their own dozen, personnel also slightly surprised once. In the first round of interview, the project leader and the technical director talked. The project leader asked more questions, which were all routine questions. The project director laughed at his aunt. But I couldn’t bear to open my mouth in the middle of the operation like a tiger, my head immediately 0-5. I fell to my knees when people started talking. All in all, it’s okay. I’d say 80. The second round is awkward. Boss plus’ 90s kid, ’90s kid or HR director or something weird I can’t guess. The output is good anyway. The boss asks for the big things, like what you think your strengths are in Node development. What are your strengths in database design? Do you think you are junior intermediate or advanced in NOD development and so on and so forth? What do you think I can say. This is the kind of question that apes dread most. Encounter absolute jump. So… The little boy was pretty normal and pretty much back and forth. Overall, the score was 70, and the final round of the little boy came to convey the message, which was acceptable to my ability, but only average. So the fixed salary is 15. By the way, all my expectations are 20K, and he may feel that I am not very willing. Therefore, it is a two-way choice. But knowing that it’s Friday, the result is predictable.

The third one was in Pudong at 5pm, so I was about ten minutes late. Just entered the building to ask security met personnel little sister. Very warm, ask me whether XX, took me in to fill in the form. Just as I finished, the project manager took me into the den to talk. The project manager is also very good, come up to say that I ran a day, it is connected to the algorithm. Algorithm is a passport Chinese pinyin identification question type. For example, a passport can be scanned to obtain Chinese names and Pinyin. You write a method to determine whether it is correct or not. The main difficulty is that there are polyphonic characters and pinyin of the name will be linked together. So… I answered 70% at that time. In fact, IT was ok to give some time, but I was interrupted. After that, we talked about the front and back end of the project, introduced various aspects of the project experience, and the overall interview was very harmonious. So he sent me a label saying that there was no problem and I had to talk to the boss about the salary, and that hr would talk to me the next day. Generally speaking, the company liked the environment, people and projects, with a comprehensive score of 90. As for the development of the back here I leave a hole.

Finally arrived Wednesday, always feel so slow ah, should have arrived Thursday!

It’s 11 o ‘clock on A Wednesday morning, and the man of this article is the object of both love and hate in the education industry. Because 9:45 in the morning
I had a phone interview, so I waited at home until I didn’t get a call. So I just went out and took the subway. At ten o ‘clock I finally asked. The tech call just came in. We talked about it for about 20 minutes. We talked in detail about node and JS. I missed my subway stop because I got so involved in the conversation. But had to explain to hang up the phone to find the way.

Finally, I was late for more than ten minutes. My hr sister helped me get a bottle of water when she saw my head. She was very considerate and then she met the technical director, who was very young. Looks a lot older than me. We chatted a lot at first. He introduced him as an MIT graduate, which blew my mind. After all, it’s amazing to see your dream character next to you. Then we talked about some basic stuff, node basic stuff, project stuff, database stuff, algorithms and programming thinking stuff, overall 80 points. I was lucky. He’s got a better impression of me, too. It was about 40 minutes, and then I talked to hr for about half an hour. The effect is still good. Text me this afternoon and give me a salary of 25K as a senior development engineer. Instantly happy. However, I was on my way to another company at the moment, so I didn’t talk too much, which I regret later.

The first one in the afternoon was a game company. We had a good technical chat. We talked about the small problems of working hours and the company’s food, but we didn’t send messages at last, probably because of the salary.

Second home in the afternoon is more special, and you don’t have to deal with a good one, this is actually in xi ‘an personnel, technology, technical director have telephone interview, but the information feedback is only to Wednesday, start the somebody else give I say they should be able to determine the morning over there, determine the message for me, but I was a brain, say want to visit the company, so… It became another round of interview with the company. The interview performed well, with a score of 90 in technical aspects. However, after talking about the expectation of the company and the situation that he had got the offer, he said that he would consider it. The result of consideration is very tragic… Then to analyze the reason, in fact, he is well enough alone, let everyone with a layer of more trouble, this is not the main reason, main is really pay issue, as well as the expectations of the project problem, suggest that see this way friends, no matter what your heart want to try to portray their expectations of you interview the company’s appearance, showing a time-division joy to them, This will help you get the offer. This is a classic example of failure. Cause everyone is not very happy…

Thursday is actually the end of the interview. Because I have already got the offer in my hand, and there are several companies with very strong intention, I am quite tough in the attitude of interview and salary. I missed out on a great game company. Also, on Wednesday night, my favorite travel company replied me that the salary offered by the company was 15K. They asked me about my demand and said that the salary could be negotiated, but I directly refused, because the salary offered was much lower. It’s better to negotiate the salary. Negotiate your salary up to give yourself a backup.

It should be a good experience to write here! But the next twist is as good as an 8 o ‘clock slapstick. When I made the final decision and sent confirmation to the TECHNICAL director around 5pm, my world went dark.

The technical director advised me not to go to this company. They say the company is in chaos, and they’re sucking up from top to bottom. In the early stage of development, I need to employ people so I will pay a high salary to hire, suggest that I consider other companies… A bolt from the blue let me from the dream back to reality, just like the rain that afternoon, walking in the rain has been unable to tell is rain or me.


But finally I choose to go to their home, not dizzy, but there is no choice, here only to wish their lucky arrival.

Summary of technical problems:

  • The Node that is commonly used in module and the common methods: my Moment, Node – shecdule, nodemailer, loadsh, HTTP, path and so on
  • ES6 things promise,async_await, these two are very important questions
  • Differences between ES6 and ES5
  • Database things, including database optimization, database table building various problems
  • Concurrency problem handling, shared data processing.
  • How does Node run on multiple cpus
  • MQ is introduced
  • MQ application scenarios, how to use
  • The use of the Websocket
  • Encryption issues and classification
  • The online project crashed and restarted
  • How is asynchrony implemented in Node
  • The type of data Redis stores,
  • How is Redis data updated
  • JS class, inheritance, object-oriented, polymorphic interface implementation
  • Talk about interface oriented programming in Node
  • JS prototype chain method and the difference between ordinary methods
  • Data sharing problem of multiple servers in Node development