If you’re going to switch macs, reboot macs, or upgrade old Mac hard drives in the New Year, this might be a good Checklist.

I wrote this guide when MY Mac just switched to SSD and needed to be reinstalled… I reinstalled it the last time I changed jobs, and each time the configuration of the Mac toolchain was more cumbersome than before. So here’s a minimal collection of general-purpose tools that can configure it to be handy for front-end developers, just for your reference.

Click the subtitle below to directly navigate to the official website of the corresponding tool.

Command line tool

The following command line tools are essential and can even be recommended for teams to enforce uniformity.


Worry free terminal, command line installation can:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
Copy the code

XCode developer tools

When installing Oh My Zsh, it will automatically prompt you to install it, otherwise you cannot use git/GCC. Manual installation:

xcode-select -p
Copy the code

Git config –global –edit: Git config –global –edit: Git config –global –edit


Mac popular package manager, also terminal installation. After installation, the terminal can check the BREW command to confirm the status.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Copy the code


It is highly recommended that you use NVM to manage node versions instead of installing the PKG installation package on node.js. Installation method:

The curl - o - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.8/install.sh | bashCopy the code


After installing NVM, NVM ls-remote can check the version and NVM install XXX can install the version you want.


NPM install -g CNPM

GUI plug-in

The common feature of this type of plug-in is that it greatly affects GUI behavior and usually doesn’t need to be opened at all. There are plenty of them, but using them too much can make even your co-workers’ Macs very uncomfortable. Therefore, only two of the highest personal ratings are listed:


Support to open terminals from Finder with one click, which complements the open. Command very conveniently.

This software is easy to install, so try right-clicking on the Finder toolbar to select ICONS and text and toggle back and forth to increase installation success…

Better Touch Tool

It comes with a window similar to Win7 split screen function, can also configure when pressing CTRL to move the mouse directly zoom in the current window, very very suitable for front-end students debug responsive layout…… Configuration mode:

-> Advanced -> Advanced Settings -> Window Moving & Resizing -> Select a shortcut key, such as CTRL -> turn off other useless Settings, such as automatic updates, Menubar icon, etcCopy the code

GUI developer application

There are only two minimum dependencies for the front end to work:

  • Chrome and other browsers and related plug-ins (this part can be a separate article combing).
  • VSCode and other editors and related plug-ins (also enough for a separate article combing).

GUI Daily application

There are a lot of these apps, so I’m just going to list some of the ones I use most, so I don’t feel like I’m missing something…

  • The input method
  • QQ / Wechat
  • Thunder/cloud disk
  • IINA player
  • PhotoShop
  • Office
  • Markdown editor (such as MacDown or Typora)
  • SS the client

System Configuration Customization

This part is very different from person to person, the author’s personal preferences include the following:

  • Enable Finder dark theme
  • Enable three-finger drag and tap on the touchpad
  • Clear the Dock of useless ICONS and categorize Launchpad into one page
  • Clearance notification Center
  • The function keys from F1 to F12 are replaced with Fn keys
  • Configure the shortcuts on the left side of Finder and change the default directory todownload
  • Configuring a Terminal Theme

Wrap up

Not enough? It takes a lot of time and effort to fiddle with a newly installed desktop system, and there are no efficient tools like Docker. Therefore, I only list as little and direct content as possible, hoping to help you. If there is any omission or supplement, please point out 😀