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When I was reading the project code, I found WebAsyncTask, a new thing. Let’s introduce it to you. If you don’t like it, don’t spray!

Use of asynchronous calls in SpringBoot

Processing of asynchronous requests. In addition to asynchronous requests, we generally use asynchronous calls more often. Often during development, you will encounter a method that is irrelevant to the real business and has no tightness. For example, recording log information. In this case, it is normal to start a new thread to do some business, and let the main thread asynchronously perform other business.

  • A synchronous request

  • An asynchronous request

@async asynchronous method in SprinBoot

The advantage of asynchrony is that the program throughput can be improved. A task can be processed asynchronously, which is time-consuming, and the subsequent tasks can be processed synchronously. The asynchronous task can return the results, and the results can be combined with the variables in the process of synchronous processing

Specific use

In Spring, methods based on the @async annotation are called asynchronous methods. When these methods are executed, they are executed in a separate thread, and the caller can proceed without waiting for it to complete.

Custom thread pool calls asynchronously

Configure @enableAsync to enable @async

@SpringBootApplication @EnableAsync public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); }}Copy the code

Custom thread pools

@component @scope // singleton public class MyExecutePoll {@bean public Executor myAsyncPool() {ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor(); // Core thread pool size executor.setCorePoolSize(20); // The maximum number of threads executor.setMaxPoolSize(40); / / queue capacity executor. SetQueueCapacity (50); / / active time executor. SetKeepAliveSeconds (300); / / thread name prefix executor. SetThreadNamePrefix (" MyExecutor - "); Close it / / set the thread pool waiting for all the tasks are completed to destroy other beans, destruction of the asynchronous thread priority in Redis, and other processing error executor. SetWaitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown (true); / / set the waiting time of task in the thread pool, if more than this time haven't destroy force to destroy, to ensure that the application of the last to be closed, rather than block executor. SetAwaitTerminationSeconds (60); / / setRejectedExecutionHandler: when the pool has reached Max size, how to deal with a new task / / CallerRunsPolicy: Not in the new thread to perform a task, but by the caller's thread to perform the executor. SetRejectedExecutionHandler (new ThreadPoolExecutor. CallerRunsPolicy ()); executor.initialize(); return executor; }}Copy the code

Using the @ Async

@async ("myAsyncPool") // @async uses the default thread public Future<String> doTask() throws Exception {// Business processing Returns the asynchronous call result using the Future return New AsyncResult<>(" Task completed ");Copy the code

There are a few things to note when using Async annotations in Spring:

  • Asynctest. Java, a test class that calls asynchronous tasks while executing synchronous methods
  •, an asynchronous task class that provides asynchronous methods
  • AsyncThreadPoolConfig. Java, asynchronous task thread pool configuration, configuration asynchronous task to run the thread pool size, etc

Implement asynchronous requests based on Spring

Spring can implement asynchronous requests through Callable or WebAsyncTask. Let’s take a look at these two implementations!


Callable provides basic support for generating return values asynchronously. Simply put, a request comes in. If you use Callable, the DispatcherServlet and all filters exit the Servlet container thread until the data is returned, but the response remains open. Once the data is returned, The DispatcherServlet is then called again and processed, asynchronously generated, to return the value to the requester. The advantage of this is that requests do not tie up the service connection pool for long periods of time, increasing server throughput.

@getMapping ("/callable") public callable <String> testCallable() throws InterruptedException {" Main thread started!" ); Callable<String> result = new Callable<String>() {@override public String Call () throws Exception {" Secondary thread started!" ); Thread.sleep(1000); (" Subthread terminated!" ); return "SUCCESS"; }}; (" Main thread ends!" ); return result; }Copy the code

The output

Main thread started! End of main thread! Sub thread started! Subthread terminated!Copy the code


A request to the service is received by the thread of the Web container

We can use WebAsyncTask to distribute the request to a new thread for execution, and the container thread can receive the processing of other requests. Once the WebAsyncTask returns data, it is called and processed again, asynchronously, to return value to the requester, but I don’t think the request RT on the front end will actually get shorter.

@requestMapping (method = requestmethod.get, value = "/aysncTask/{testId}") @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) public WebAsyncTask<Response> AysncTask (@pathVariable ("testId") String testId) {system.out.println (string. format("/aysncTask/%s) Thread ID is: %s", testId,Thread.currentThread().getName())); Callable<Response> callable = () -> { Thread.sleep(1000L); Response Response = new Response(true," asynchronous execution succeeded "); System. Out. Println (the String. Format ("/aysncTask / % s is called the thread id is: % s ", testId, thread. The currentThread (). The getName ())); return response; }; return new WebAsyncTask<Response>(callable); }Copy the code

The console prints the following: The thread that precedes the execution of the business logic is not the same thread that actually processes the business logic, which serves our purpose. Async-customize-1 is our custom prefix, as we’ll see below

/aysncTask/12348567676 被调用 thread id is: http-nio-8084-exec-1
/aysncTask/12348567676 被调用 thread id is: async-customize-1
Copy the code

WebAsyncTask has several advantages over Callable

The official has such a sentence, screenshot for you:

If we need timeout handling callbacks or error handling callbacks, we can use WebAsyncTask instead of Callable

In practice, I don’t recommend using Callable directly. Instead, Spring provides WebAsyncTask, which wraps Callable and is more powerful


In fact, this article is to give you popular science, some asynchronous usage, not to say to see someone else so use very obscure B, multithreaded things or advantages of things, we learn together.

Daily for praise

Ok, everybody, that’s all for this article, you can see people here, they are real fans.

Creation is not easy, your support and recognition, is the biggest motivation for my creation, we will see in the next article

Six pulse excalibur | article “original” if there are any errors in this blog, please give criticisms, be obliged!