It’s the golden age of job-hopping, when many companies are hiring. On the other hand, the students who are waiting for the year-end bonus to change jobs or have no salary increase or year-end bonus are ready to move at this time. This is a chance to find a better platform, realize value and double salary. If there are many disadvantages, there will be many carrots. When it comes to job-hopping, we have to say resume, resume is the stepping stone of interview, a good resume will help you stand out from numerous candidates, and get the opportunity of interview and offer. So the question is, can you really write a resume?

A few days ago, a friend of mine sent me a message asking me if I was looking for Android opportunities. Their company is looking for a middle and senior Android engineer and asked me to help them to promote it. The company and the salary and benefits are good, so after asking around in the exchange group, I received the resume of a group friend. When you open it up, the resume is a mess, to be honest, with too much redundant information and too little key information. I didn’t write what I should have written, and I wrote a lot of what I didn’t need. The project experience section even posted a lot of APP screenshots, how can there be such an operation? (Black question mark face)


With four years of experience, and no matter your skills, a resume that’s cluttered will be a negative for hr, or even a resume that won’t be selected.


How to write a great resume? Note that by “pretty,” I don’t mean you have a great resume. I mean, you have a great degree from a variety of major companies, but I mean the format, layout, and content of your resume. Here are some suggestions based on my own experience:


First of all, the context should be clear, writing a resume and we write an article is a truth, to clarify this context, resume will be divided into several parts? Which part goes in front, which part goes in back.


Don’t make your resume too long, keep it as short as possible, write the most important items, and don’t be verbose. Of course, don’t write too little, usually 2-3 A4 pages. One page is too little, four pages or more is too much.


The important parts should be placed on the first page, which is the first page the HR will read when screening resumes. Therefore, the most important things should be placed on the first page, such as: Name, contact information, blog, Github, of course, to your blog and Github really have something to put out (for example, more than hundreds of thousands or even millions of traffic, Github open source project star is more), otherwise it will backfire.


Here are some tips on how to write a resume. To use a practical example, a resume can be divided into five sections:

  • Personal information

  • Personal experience

  • Personal skills

  • Experience in project

  • Education experience

Resume Template:

1. Personal Information

Just include necessary but important information like phone number, email address, blog address, Github. You can also include a salary expectation, and other optional items like date of birth, age, and address don’t need to be included. Keep the profile so the HR can read all the important information in one glance.

2. Personal Experience:

List the companies you have worked for in your career in reverse order by date, company, position, and responsibilities. This section is placed on the first page of your resume.

3. Personal Skills:

There’s nothing more to say here, list the stack of technologies you know and some solutions. If you’ve led a team, if you’ve managed a team, you can write that down here.

4. Project Experience:

Make a list of three or four projects that represent your abilities. Don’t include small projects, demos, etc. Too many projects are boring and the HR won’t look at them. During the interview, the interviewer will also ask you to pick one or two projects that you think you have participated in the most or can best demonstrate your abilities. The experience part of the project has several points:

  • Project name – (year/month – year/month) When participation began and when participation ended

  • Project introduction

  • The module or function you are responsible for

  • What technology stacks and solutions are used in this project

5. Educational Experience:

If you have won any awards or scholarships or certificates of honor in your studies, you can write them clearly. Of course, this part may be useful for fresh graduates, but if you have worked for many years, these certificates should not be of any use.


These are some of the lessons of how to write a resume. In general, a resume should be divided into five parts, each part is clear and there is no extraneous stuff.

Nowadays, many recruitment websites have resume templates, such as Zhaopin, Pull hook and Boss Zhipin. You can fill in relevant information to generate a resume, but the templates are fixed and cannot be changed according to your preferences and aesthetics. I have used both, and the Boos direct hire and retractor templates are slightly better. However, I do recommend using MarkDown to keep your resume simple and clean. After writing it, you can export it as a PDF file. You can also export it in Word or HTML format. It is good to export and use it in different scenarios.

The above resume template is one I used myself, adapted from a resume template on Trinea’s Github. You can click on the address: github.com/Trinea/trin… To obtain the original version, if you need the template I used, you can reply to the official account ** RESUME ** to obtain it.

Hopefully this article will help you get more offers this job-hopping season!

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