This year, due to the impact of the epidemic, the overall environment is not so good, so we can’t count on gold, silver, and silver. A lot of companies have frozen HC, and layoffs, closed a lot of companies.

It is good to have a stable job at this time, at least not to compete with those 985/211 graduate students, dachang cattle people for the few pitiful positions. If the company is paying regular salaries and even getting a raise, don’t mess around. Even if there are a lot of things you don’t like about yourself, put up with it and you’ll get better later. If you do, don’t leave naked.

Of course there will be layoffs, company closures or other reasons, but there will always be a need to find a job. In this environment, it can be relatively difficult to find a satisfying job. This article focuses on the topic of job interviews and discusses what job seekers need to prepare for this winter.


First of all, let’s talk about resume, resume is the key to whether you can go to the interview, the HR first in hundreds of thousands of resumes to select a few relatively qualified resume. To stand out, you need a few bright spots.

Don’t be lazy when it comes to creating a resume. Don’t use a resume generated on a job site. It’s a taboo because you don’t have a basic attitude about your job. There are plenty of resume templates and tutorials out there, and if you look at just a few, you can create a pretty good resume. I won’t bore you any further, but I will emphasize that a resume should include four major sections: personal information, technology stack, work experience, and project experience.

Let me talk about the areas of your resume that need to be noticed and improved.

1. It is best to use a PDF file containing your name, job title, and years of employment (the same applies to emails). PDF format compatibility is better, there will be no garbled problem. Doc format may be garbled in different environments, and the experience is not very good.

2, do not appear wrong words, especially technical professional words. For example, Java, don’t write Java.

3. In your profile, display only necessary information. Don’t write your native place or current address, just your contact number, name, age, etc. Another personal advice, the best line put only one piece of information, easy to look up.

4. For data indicators, in the case of excellent data, specific data can be listed. For example, after you optimize a certain system, the QPS has been increased from 10000 to 20000, which is a large increase and can be directly quantified. But if you optimize it from 300 to 600, it would be more appropriate to say that the QPS has doubled after optimization.

5. Optimize the project appropriately, but don’t cheat. For example, if you are only responsible for a certain part of the module, but you are very familiar with the module, if you are not familiar with the module, prepare in advance, so that it can be said that the module is completed by you, it will look relatively good on the resume, but must be able to list key data. Remember out of thin air, such as did not do second kill system, thought that after reading a few seconds kill system tutorial thought really done the same. All embellishments are based on current facts.

6. Try to include all the skills you know, but pay attention to the qualifiers. This can have both pros and cons. The pros are that you’re more likely to be invited for an interview. Your resume is selected by HR, and in most cases is searched by keyword, so the more the better. The downside is that in the actual interview process, you need to test your skills. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

7, avoid too long project description, extract keywords, avoid distracting.

In the way of resume delivery, as far as possible to push the way, the probability of being invited for an interview will be greater.

Preparation for an interview

We practice a lot before we get invited for an interview. Maybe we focus more on technical points and neglect non-technical preparation, such as company background checks and open-ended questions.

This is not great interview preparation, and of course in many cases, it is entirely desirable. But if we want to stand out, we need to prepare more than others. In this section, we will talk about three areas that we should focus on.

1, the brush

It is necessary to brush the questions before the interview, and I believe that most people can do it. As the saying goes, to do a good job, we must first sharpen our tools. Our brain is our best tool. Brushing can make it sharper.

Brush the tools, methods we may know more than I do, I will not repeat. Here is a little bit different, a lot of times we are to brush the question and brush, and did not grasp the key point. When we brush the questions, I think we should grasp the following two key points:

  • 1. Learn to draw inferences. Be sure to have a thorough understanding of how to solve the problem, you can cite different scenarios, and learn to find the relevant knowledge points.
  • 2. Improve your comprehension of the topic. The questions in the question bank are dead, but the interviewer in front of you is a living person, asking questions can not be exactly the same as the question bank, there are bound to be some differences, but the Angle and content of the answer is the same. If you don’t understand it thoroughly, the result may not be satisfactory.

Grasp these two key points, can be very good to polish our weapon, in the interview will be more than skilled. In fact, brush questions also have some small tricks, now many technical platforms, such as digging gold, there will be gold, silver and four face by essay activities. There are a number of job seekers who share their experience of interviewing big companies, which is of some value.

It’s not that the story is valuable, but that the interview content is valuable. It more or less reflects the company’s interview style and system. Before the interview, you can systematically prepare according to these questions. Answer all of these questions carefully to see where your gaps lie, and if conditions permit, have a mock interview with a partner.

2. Project experience

Project experience can not avoid the past problems, involving a lot of content, naturally has become a top priority in preparation. However, this part is very difficult to prepare, more rely on the summary in daily work, temporary surprise effect will not be ideal, so we still need to develop the habit of daily summary.

A question for project experience might go something like this: “Pick a project and tell me about your background, your responsibilities, the difficulties you encountered, and how you resolved them.” .

Usually do not develop the habit of summary, how to review and prepare for this kind of topic? We can use the STAR rule here.

STAR stands for Situation- task-action -Result.

  • Situation: In what Situation do things happen
  • Task: How do you define your tasks
  • Action: What course of Action did you take in response to the situation
  • -Leonard: What are the results? What did you learn from the situation

STAR rules can help us better organize and tell the story. If you don’t know how to answer the question, use STAR rules.

Therefore, regarding the project experience, carefully review the projects that you think are the most satisfied and can reflect your value by using the STAR principle, and display them in the way of data. Practice several times to make sure the project logic and analysis logic are clearly expressed.

For project experience, the ability to express and summarize is more important than the project itself. First, the interviewer doesn’t know the details of your project or even your business scenario. At this time, your ability to summarize is more important. You need to express the project plan, the problems encountered in the project, how to solve them, why you choose this plan and other related aspects.

Does it really matter whether the project is good or not? Sometimes it is not so important, what responsibilities you undertake in the inside, how much relationship you have with the project awesome, are water things, the reference value will not be too high. But your analytical skills, problem solving, and logic are more important.

Project experience is just your past, scenario-specific usage, and you need to show some value that you can handle future challenges.

3. Reasons for leaving

Quit the reason to pay attention to, this topic is the most difficult to answer. To some extent, your answers can reflect your character and personality, and the slightest mistake can lose the game.

Under normal circumstances, the main Angle of answer is new company and old company. From the perspective of the new company, you can answer from these aspects, there is better opportunity, more development space, can learn more things, more advantages in treatment and so on. From the perspective of the old company, you can answer from these aspects: the old company’s business risks are relatively high, overtime is too much, personal health can not bear/family can not take care of.

No matter how you answer, stick to the ground rules. Don’t just blame your old employer or colleagues. Even if you had a conflict with them, present the facts and be reasonable. It takes two to tango, seriously reflect on and admit their shortcomings, young who did not make mistakes. You need to come across as a reasonable, easy-going person.

Interview Tips

Here are some questions you should pay attention to during the interview.

During the interview, it is important to be clear that you are in a passive role, and the interviewer is in charge of the interview. What the interviewer asks and answers, of course, can lead the interviewer to their familiar direction. Don’t make the interviewer a passive, which won’t do you any good. It certainly doesn’t hurt to let the interviewer speak first, at least not to lose points.

There are a lot of details to pay attention to during an interview. It’s a long process and a lot of times you have to improvise. Let me just say two things, the most important things we need to pay attention to.

1. Introduce yourself

The interview formally begins, usually there will be a self-introduction. Don’t look down upon this self-introduction. Although an interview lasts for about half an hour, it is basically decided whether to hire you or not in the first few minutes, and the rest is just to verify this conclusion.

In self-introduction, as the interviewer may be nervous or excited, mind blank, do not know what to say for a time, will talk a lot of rambling, to avoid this situation, this will not leave a good impression on the interviewer, but waste the opportunity to leave a good impression on the interviewer.

In the self-introduction process, you need to express your value and ability points, which may not be on the resume, so that the interviewer can have a clearer and multidimensional understanding of yourself. In order to avoid the incoherent situation of the interview, you can write the introduction language well in advance and recite it several times before the interview.

In addition to simply and accurately introducing yourself, here are a few mistakes to avoid.

1. Recite your resume. Mistakes you can make when introducing yourself. The interviewer can read everything on the resume for himself or herself. There’s no need to recite it again. It’s a waste of time. In fact, I made this mistake when I just graduated.

2. Bragging. Can moderate beautification, but do not brag, everyone will dislike brag, ask yourself will? Some people even go overboard and brag about it, making it look better than the interviewer. If you were the interviewer, why would you hire someone like that?

3. Speak in a way the other person doesn’t understand. The Internet is huge, with many segments and businesses. In the interview, the interviewer may not be the person in this field, so when introducing something, try to express it in popular words, rather than talking about too much detail and professional things, to show their value.

2, first understand the question, then answer

During the interview process, there will be many questions, it is important to understand the questions before answering them. Sometimes understanding is more important than the answer. What are we most afraid of in daily communication? The same rule applies in an interview.

Make sure you understand the meaning of the question and why it is being asked before you answer. Let’s start with the first one: understand the meaning of the question. This is easier. Repeat the question in your own words so that the interviewer can make sure that you understand it well. Don’t be afraid to lose points for this approach, which is often a plus. Even if you give a bad answer, it will show the interviewer that you are the same people, after all, you understand the meaning, just don’t know the answer, rather than just guessing.

Then is to think about why to ask this question, for some solving problems, open problems, there are often many pits behind this. Take this question: “What should I do to improve the responsiveness of my site as user data increases?” .

Without thinking, you might say, “Just redis and that’s it.” There is nothing wrong with increasing cache, but your answer is not good and one-sided.

Instead, some data indicators should be listed. For example, in the case of a small amount of data, JDK local cache can be used. If the amount of data is large and conditions permit, third-party cache systems such as Redis can be considered.

When answering questions, in many cases, the answers are not right or wrong, only good or bad. The same question itself exists many kinds of answers, so understand the problem thoroughly, from different angles to answer.

Today from the resume, preparation, skills three aspects of my view, I hope it will be helpful to your interview.

Finally, the objective environment, we can not change, we can change and control only ourselves. No matter what the situation is, do what you should do and try to improve yourself. Instead of complaining or worrying, they will only make you lose confidence. Being positive and optimistic will lead to good morale. I hope every job seeker can find a satisfactory job. Best wishes.

Author: Crew cut brother

Welcome to pay attention to the public number [Internet crew head brother]. There are workplace insights, Java technology, although not high – profile, but easy to understand. Today’s best is tomorrow’s minimum requirements, I wish you and I progress together.