Jerry likes to use the scaffolding application described in this article as a template to start programming when writing simple SAP UI5 applications:

A scaffolding application for SAP UI5 learning, without any background API dependencies

The SAP UI5 scaffolding application in this article uses the NodeJS Express library as a local server to preview the SAP UI5 application at runtime.

Today I found another Visual Studio Code extension: Live Server by Ritwick Dey, which is also very easy to use:

After installing Visual Studio Code Live Server, you will see the Go Live button in the status bar at the bottom right corner of Visual Studio Code. Select an HTML file and click the button:

Automatically open the browser and render the selected HTML:

Live Server provides a wealth of configuration items:…

Using the command netstat aon | findstr searches 5500, check the Live server listening on port 5500 by default:

The process ID is 21008

The command line: C: \ apps \ VSCode – 1.48.2 \ Code. Exe – inspect – port = 0 C: \ app \ VSCode – 1.48.2 \ resources \ app \ out \ the bootstrap – fork –type=extensionHost

More of Jerry’s original articles can be found in “Wang Zixi” :