Color, like anything else, needs to be just right. You’ll get better results if you stick to a maximum of three primary colors in your color scheme. When applying color to a design project, the more colors you use, the harder it is to maintain color balance.

Color doesn’t add to the quality of the design – it just adds to the sense of quality

Pierre Bonnard

If you need colors other than those defined in the palette, use lightness and tone to adjust. They will provide different color tones to match it.

60-30-10 rules

Interior design rules are a timeless decorating technique that helps you easily put color schemes together. The 60% + 30% + 10% ratio is for color balance. This formula is very useful because it creates a sense of balance and allows the eye to move comfortably from one focus to another. It’s also very simple to use.

60% for primary, 30% for secondary and 10% for accent.

Meaning of color

For centuries, scientists have studied the physiological effects of certain colors. In addition to aesthetics, color is also a creator of emotional communication. The meaning of color may vary from culture to culture. That’s why you see fashion stores with black and white designs. They want to look elegant and dignified.

Red: Passion, love, danger

Blue: calm, responsible, safe

Black: mysterious, elegant, evil

White: pure, silent, clean

Green: new, fresh, natural

Consider monochrome design first

In the early stages of a project, it’s often tempting to experiment with different colors, but this can quickly get the best of you, and before you know it, you’ve spent 3 hours tweaking the base colors… It’s tempting, but you should learn to avoid it.

Instead, focus on spacing and overall layout. It will save you a lot of time. This kind of restraint is very effective. On the other hand, it doesn’t look boring. If you want to make the whole thing look better, experiment with different color options.

Avoid gray and black

One of the most important color tips I learned was to avoid using unsaturated colors like gray. In real life, pure gray hardly exists. The same is true of black.

Always remember to saturate your colors. Subconsciously it will feel more natural and familiar to the user.

Mastering color matching can be a chore, especially in the digital age. The techniques mentioned above will ease the difficulty of finding the right color scheme at work. The best way to learn to create amazing color schemes is to practice, make yourself useful, and use colors with a playful mindset.