class Parent {
  // This in the constructor refers to itself
  constructor(name) {
    console.log(this.'This in the constructor defaults to an instance'); = name;
  Classes can call static methods, but instances of classes cannot
  static create() {
    // Note that if a static method contains the this keyword, this refers to the class, not the instance.
    console.log(; //Person
    return 'I'm a static method of my superclass'
  speak() {
// With the extends keyword, the parent class inherits from the child class
class Child extends Parent {
  constructor(name, age) {
    /* the super keyword should appear only in subclass constructor. You must call super() inside the constructor of the subclass, Super ([arguements]) is used to access the constructor of the parent class. Super.parentfunction ([arguements]) is used to access the method of the parent class. Super ([arguements]) generates an empty object. Constructor is called as context and returns this object. Context as a subclass of constructor continues to call the constructor. Constructor */
    / * is equivalent to the Parent in the prototype. The constructor. Call. (this name), or the Parent call (enclosing name) * /
    this.age = age;
  static create(name, age) {
    return new Child(name, age)
  showAge() {
    return this.age;
  showName() {
  showParentFn() {
    return super.speak()
    / / equivalent to
    //return}}let parent = new Parent("wgh");
let child = new Child("cym".24)
Parent.create(); // I am a static method of the parent class
parent.speak(); //wgh
child.showAge(); / / 24
child.showName(); //cym
child.showParentFn(); //cym
// Subclasses can call methods on their parent class
child.speak(); //cym

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