“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

“2021 — The Most Memorable Year”


Let me introduce myself first. I am a front-end intern who has just graduated. I don’t have any technology to share with you. I just want to talk about the pits I have entered since I graduated in June and the plans for the future. I hope I can help you in the same confused period.

The fledgling

Background: My city is a third-tier city and the university I went to is not a very good one.

Back in May of this year, my university had already held a job fair on campus. There were only a few of us left, some of my classmates wanted to improve their college, some of my family had already arranged jobs for them. It was impossible to say we weren’t in a hurry, so we started aimlessly attending job fairs. He sweats and clutches job listings every day, and the right job has never been found.

It went on like this until late May, when my deskmate and I realized we couldn’t go on like this any longer and started applying for jobs on major job boards. At that time, it was the hardest. Our school was so remote that it took us two hours by bus from our school. We basically took the 7 o ‘clock bus to downtown every day and arrived around 9 o ‘clock for our first interview. After the first interview, we usually go to the company dinner, so we go to eat. The afternoon interviews are the toughest, usually three or four under the sun. Although very hard, but that time is also very happy, after all, with his good friends, we so part of the mouth fragrance, while rushing to the next interview.


Let’s talk about what happened to me during the interview.

First of all, LET’s talk about an educational institution that I’m interviewing for. The job is to teach children programming languages, mainly Python. The person who interviewed us at that time said that normally your intern would not pay you salary, but we would give you 1,000 yuan a month for living expenses and help you rent a house, but you would have to pay the rent by yourself. At that time we directly don’t want to listen to it, thinking, we college students are so worthless? (ㄒ o ㄒ) ~ ~

Let’s take another interview scam. At that time, a company contacted us and said that we were invited to do data analysis. The internship period would be offered at 4K, and after becoming a regular employee, the salary would be adjusted every six months. My friend and I were hooked and foolishly went for the interview. After arriving at the company, he told us that if he wanted to work in the company, he had to go to an institution in Qingdao for training for three months. At that time, my classmates and I didn’t think there was anything wrong.

After the first round of interviews, the interviewers from that company kept pressing us for an answer and hinted several times that there would be no vacancies until we were sure. Therefore, my classmates and I were so anxious that we hurried to the second round of interview. After we went there, we told us that the training fee itself was borne by the company. However, some people did not return to work after the training, but went to other places, so now the company’s training system has been changed. You need to go to the Training institution in Qingdao to apply for a loan to pay the tuition fee (the tuition fee is about 15K). After you are employed, the company will transfer more money to repay the loan every month. My classmate and I still didn’t realize anything was wrong, living idiots! Later, I talked to my family and realized something was wrong. It turned out to be a big data scam

Fortunately, we contacted a company that did data for ZF. However, it was a long distance from the city we were in, so there was nothing we could do. We still went there. It was noon when we got there, and we first arrived at the dormitory of the company (the entry procedures had been completed in advance). The dormitory, how to say, was full of dust on everything. It was a three-bedroom house, and my deskmate and I each had a room. Let’s take a look at this picture

Still pretty good huh? Ha ha ha, off topic, let’s move on. It was almost evening after the cleaning, but since they were still working overtime, we went to the company to report. (Parentheses: I have some tattoos on my body because I didn’t know what to do when I was a kid. They are small designs, but they are in obvious places.) When we went to the company, we configured the environment, software and so on. One of my bosses came into our office that night and saw my tattoo, and I wasn’t bashing him or anything, but when he saw that I had a tattoo, he went crazy, and he wanted to get my record, and he said I was a delinquent with dyed hair. “Eldest brother… you said I was” fine “with tattoos, but was it wrong for me to keep my hair dark brown

And then… look at the picture.

I was still sitting in my office, and I thought it was very rude of me. You could have told me to pack my bags and leave, but why just remove me from the group chat without notice to fire me after you belittling me? It’s really disrespectful. After I came out from the company, I really couldn’t help it, tears burst the dike ah ~ really feel special grievance. But now that I think about it, I’m grateful to him for the lesson that made me decide to get my tattoos removed.

The next day I packed up and left the city, returned to my university city, found a hotel room for 30 yuan a night, and continued interviewing. God pays off, on the third day, I passed a company, managed to eat and live, the internship was 1.6K, became 3k, but also managed to smoke (this is really rare). I went there without thinking, and as you can imagine, I ended up in a pit.

The first is the working time, because there is a big man to take me remotely, but he is free in the evening, so the off work time is generally two in the morning, the dormitory is opposite the company, so the sun basically can not see after a day. I was doing JS automatic scripts there, and I was thinking about code when I lay in bed after work, because I enjoyed that feeling very much. When I saw the software I wrote put into use, I felt a sense of achievement. I did this for two months until the second month when I was about to get paid. I originally told my boss that the internship would last for one month, but when I looked at my salary in the second month, IT was still 1.6K, and I was so excited about it. The loss is that there is no contract, the boss does not recognize. I’m leaving and half a month’s pay has been docked. That’s 12 hours of work a day for two months and only 2.4K. Being squeezed alive makes capitalists cry

After I quit, I went back to my hometown, where my family found a job maintaining hospital data. Mainly is the operation database, but the salary is low of pitiful, turn positive also only 2.4K. When I first went to the hospital, I enjoyed it. I had to deal with nurses around my age. After working there for about a week, I felt that this was not the life I wanted. I was just fooling around, so I quit again.

Confusion began again, and began to send resumes without destination. The pressure was really great, and the state of mind was also very confused. I basically sat by the river and thought about life in the afternoon of those days. I had an interview with an Internet company asking me to present a website I had built. So that afternoon, I sat in front of my computer and started typing code, from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., for eight hours, and the moment I packed up and sent it, I was over it, I had tried, and it didn’t matter. Finally, I received the offer.

Progress forward

It has been two months since I came to my present company, and today is the first day of my permanent employment. Thinking about how far I’ve come since May, it’s hard to believe I can do it. Or to continue to climb, there is no end to learning, education is the first to improve, technology should also continue to study. Life, is constantly beat strange brush. Well, without further ado, I hope this article is helpful to other interns who are as confused as I am.

Work hard, young man, living between heaven and earth, how can you brood long under people?

Finally, I want to speak for programmers, programmers! = jeans + plaid shirt! (Post a photo of yourself thinking you are handsome to prove it hahaha)