When I first started working with the Vue.js framework three years ago, I was intrigued by its lightweight, componentized, and friendly API. At the same time, I also open source the iView project. Three years of grinding (C ÇŽ I) grind (K Ä“ng), precipitation of a lot of vue. js components experience, so, the most essence of vue. js content, compiled a gold nuggets booklet “Vue.js components In Detail”. The contents of this little book may not make your skills improve overnight, but it will definitely enlighten you.

There are enough vue.js articles on the whole network, so let’s take a look at this different volume.

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The following is excerpted from my gold-digging brochure down ↓↓↓↓

Small volume is introduced

Vue.js is undoubtedly one of the hottest front-end frameworks, and vue.js is the essence of its components. To write a Vue project, you are writing components. In other words, if you learn the components of vue.js well, you will be able to control the vue.js framework and the ever-changing complex business scenarios.

Nowadays, the tutorials about vue. js have been very rich, most developers can quickly start the development of vue. js after reading the document, and write each component, has become a problem for many developers at present.

There are a lot of skills and best practices in the use of vue. js components and componentization. This volume is for the most core part of Vue.js – components, to explain in depth, with complete examples to solve the problems and knowledge points related to components.

At the same time, as the author of vue. js well-known component library iView, I have deeply developed more than 50 extremely complex general components, including various scenarios of vue. js components, and have unique insights and experience in vue. js component development.

The authors introduce

Aresn is the author of vue.js-based open source UI component library iView (over 18,000 stars on GitHub). Currently, he is a front-end architect of TalkingData, a big data company. The author of the best-selling book “Vue.js Combat” (Vue. Js author You Yuxi with a preface, sales of more than 30,000 copies). Published many technical articles about vue. js in Nuggets, got 7000+ likes and 240,000 + views. For more information, you can read my Journey in 2016: From Vue to Webpack to iView.

What will you learn?

  • Understand the essence of vue.js component development
  • Vue.js component knowledge is fully covered
  • Master various Vue. Js component development modes
  • Cross-level communication means (provide/Inject, Broadcast/Dispatch, findComponents series) when independent components do not depend on Vuex and Bus
  • Seven complete examples of vue.js components
  • How to do an Open source project well
  • Vue.js easy to ignore API details
  • Vue.js interview, FAQ

The contents of the pamphlet

Since this volume is focused on vue.js components, section 2 will cover the three apis of vue.js components: Prop, Event, and Slot. Of course, you can skip this section if you have already developed some standalone components.

Section 3-7 will introduce some methods and techniques for communication between components, some of which are built into vue.js and some of which are self-implemented, which will be very useful in practical development. At the same time, two practical cases are completed by using these methods:

  1. Form component with data verification function — Form;
  2. Combine Checkbox components — CheckboxGroup & Checkbox.

This small volume will be launched in the form of this core technology + corresponding actual combat.

Sections 8-10 describe the use and examples of the Vue constructor extend and the manual mount component $mount. In addition to new Vue(), vue.js can also be manually mounted. These three sections will introduce the application scenario of manually mounting a Vue component. There are two cases involved:

  1. Dynamic rendering. Vue file components — Display;
  2. Global notification component — $Alert.

The Display component is used to render.vue files. The example on the line is iView Run, which renders a standard vue.js component without requiring you to recompile the project.

$Alert is a global notification component that calls in a different way than regular components. The general usage of components is as follows:

    <Alert content="Contents of notice" :duration="3"></Alert>
    import Alert from '.. /components/alert.vue';
    export default {
        components: { Alert }
Copy the code

The $Alert call is closer to JS syntax:

export default {
    methods: {
        showMessage () {
                content: 'Notice Content'.duration: 3}); }}}Copy the code

The underlying layer is still made up and maintained by Vue components, although it is different from regular Vue component invocation.

Section 11-12 introduces the Render function and Functional Render, and completes a Table component that can Render custom columns. The Render function is also an important part of the vue.js component, though it is not often used in most businesses. This section describes its usage scenarios.

Section 13 describes scoped Slot (slot-scope) and implements the Table component in this way as well. Slot is widely used, but slot-scope is not commonly used in business, but can be useful in certain scenarios, such as when a component has a loop body inside it.

Section 14-15 introduces the recursive component and completes the Tree control — Tree.

Sections 16-19 are a comprehensive extension that will focus on important but overlooked VUe.js apis, as well as a detailed analysis of vue.js interview questions. In addition, the author’s experience in the two years of iView open source experience will be summarized. In addition to technical details, it also includes the sustainable development and promotion of open source projects.

Ready to go

So get a computer and a cup of coffee ready to explore the essence of vue.js.

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