“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


Back to the front

Before I went to school, I did front-end development work for a period of time, but I didn’t have a lot of ideas for the future because I had to continue studying. In the summer vacation before graduation, I still worked as a product intern for a period of time. Although I could officially stay, I still wanted to continue to work hard and try.

For the sake of stability, FE and PM were chosen during the school recruitment. PM still depends very much on education background and experience. Either you have a good education background or you have a good experience, otherwise it is difficult to enter an ideal position to be PM. Generally speaking, the interview process is also inclined to metaphysics. PM unless the experience is very suitable, otherwise, as a school recruitment, in the interview process, more depends on the communication between the interviewer and you, whether the interviewer agrees with what you say, the content tends to be subjective.

Technology is different, as long as you can, then you can, others can not find fault with you. Compared with PM interviews, FE interviews tend to be peaceful. During the school recruitment process, it was kind of amazing. Because I was still doing product work at that time, I went to the company to review THE JS tomes and front-end knowledge 1 hour in advance every day. It may also be because of the front-end development experience before school, although I forgot a lot of knowledge, but the foundation is still there, so I did not review very hard.

The algorithm basically lay in the past, byte to three sides, the interviewer told me that I still need to learn the algorithm, after all, there are too many people, this is the screening process. Listen to this sentence, the heart cool half, but think about it. The interview is a two-way process, and there is no algorithm, since the other side so focused on the algorithm, that we do not match, do not have to force.

Maybe it was because I was satisfied with the result, or I had no expectations and went into the interview with peace of mind. In the process, he even chatted with the interviewer and asked him about his work. Maybe it was because I was calm about the interview and felt that my performance in the interview was ok. The two companies I wanted to work for passed in the end, and I got the ideal result in my mind.

In so far

Since graduation, I have taken over large and small needs. I would like to thank my mentor and colleagues in the group for taking care of me. The atmosphere in the group is very good. I would like to consult them about work and technical content. After all, nearly 3 years did not write the front-end demand, is a little bit of their previous memory. Before joining the company, I was afraid that I had not written the front-end requirements for a long time and was out of practice. I was afraid of being laughed at by colleagues and looked down upon by others, so I didn’t dare to do the internship after taking the offer. In fact, none of this happens after you actually join the company. Instead, people will think you are recruiting students and have no expectations of you.

After putting down the burden, go ahead boldly. Ask questions if you don’t understand. Those with bare feet are not afraid to wear shoes. Document more, ask more, learn more, read more. I found that the gap between myself and other colleagues in the group lies in such years of work experience, and I can gradually get familiar with it. Everyone will also see your progress and efforts, we are very equal dialogue, thanks again to colleagues in the group. Some time ago, GM asked us to give full play to the strength of the platform when we came to such a platform. Instead of focusing on the group, we should communicate with other departments and other BG groups. Although it is so, I think she said very reasonable, but I still hinder face, in a large group of thousands of people ask some small white questions…

Slowly also familiar with the business above the content, although still do not understand the overall system, but first to their own content plate up again. To the node is just the front and back end of the node reconstruction separation, a lot of reconstruction needs. None of the old materials were left behind.

In this case, give full play to the handicraft ability of the product, spend the prototype diagram by yourself, get started by yourself, figure out some function contents of the original system, and perfect reproduction of the original function can really be regarded as regression reconstruction. Force yourself to be familiar with the system at the same time, don’t lose their future dinner guy.

Sometimes, I gave myself some improvement functions, and drew the prototype diagram by myself, and was joked by the product that I realized the closed-loop research and development. Although it is a joke, but I still hope that they can work towards this direction, do a π shape of the person.

Self-motivated forward

When you get back to the front end, why did you end up doing the front end?

One, the team did not do the front end of the people, to do the front end;

Second, it’s exciting to discover the positive feedback that what you see is what you get.

Third, you may have the same experience as making a product. It gives you a sense of personal achievement to really see others use what you have made.

Recalling my original intention of being a front-end engineer, I suddenly remembered the excitement I felt when I was in my junior year and kept reading the front-end books. I felt that I was making progress a little bit every day. During the interview, when chatting with the interviewer, HE always told me that the foundation of technology is the most important, and the most basic HTML, CSS and JS are really important.

Looking at the trend of the front end in the past two years, I feel a bit like copying the way of the background, single test, micro front end and so on. There are too many things, frameworks emerge in endlessly, but js is always changing. It is very important to learn JS thoroughly.

Secondly, when I see the CSS written by others, I find that everyone has strong JS, but they ignore the other two swordsmen at the front, HTML and CSS, and the basic layout is in a mess. But this can not blame others, after all, the whole front-end environment is such, we pay attention to what front-end framework, Node, Webpack all kinds of engineering magic things, often not very attention to CSS, even CSS style writing order is disorderly. The front end or the most basic three-piece set of foundation, solid foundation, not afraid of everything.

Balance of WLB

“Inrolls don’t create new value.” Frankly speaking, I can be regarded as a non-roll person, 10 in the morning to go to work, 7 in the evening to leave. This may be because during my internship, LEADER Diss once said that overtime work was inefficient. Although this sentence is unfair, after all, it may be true that people need to rush and be busy, BUT I have written this sentence down deeply, and I will never stay for long once I get it done.

In fact, every time, some of my colleagues in the group were still sitting neatly, AND I was still a little timid when I picked up my backpack and left, because the school just admitted students. This got me thinking, why care what other people think? What I mean by this, of course, is that it’s not my business to worry about what others think of your behavior when you finish your work.

The biggest gain this year was the Stoic rule of control:

  1. For the things I have complete control over, try to keep them within my control
  2. For the things I can’t control completely, I try my best to do the part I can control. For the rest, I just try my best. It’s not up to me to win or lose. All I can do is work hard and improve myself.
  3. Why do I think so much about things I have no control over? It’s out of control. It’s no use thinking about it. No sun tomorrow. I can control that, okay?

Really often see often new, always review, will be able to make themselves in an “invincible”, looking for inner peace.

The other thing about balance is to be aware of the balance between high value and low value of what you’re doing, and that value is about how you perceive the value that comes out of it. Family comes first, so companionship is a high-value thing for me; Learning is also a high-value thing, and so on. How you view each event in your life depends on how you value it. Strike a balance between high value and low value.

The last

2021 passed quickly. Looking back on 2020-2021:2020, I once firmly believed that I would not do the front end anymore. In 2021, I went back to the front end of a company I wanted to work for.

For 2022, I can only hope that I might strive to be at peace with myself, to improve my skills and expand my horizons. Nothing else is required for upup.

Life is a very strange encounter, do not know where the next stop, where the road ahead. But looking back on the past, every step I have taken is a help to my future life. If I did not go to the front of the internship before I went to school, if I did not go to the product internship before I graduated, if I did not participate in the autumn recruitment, now my fortune will be different. I am very grateful to the past is myself, willing to be bold, willing to do a little more. I hope my present self can do more, so that my future self can also thank my present self.

Goodbye, 2021; Hello, 2022.